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Avant-Garde Poetry from the People's Republic of China:
By Maghiel van Crevel, Leiden University Copyright MCLC Resource Center (September 2008)
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I am deeply grateful to the Chinese poets, scholars, critics and booksellers who helped me find the publications recorded here. They are too numerous to list, but may rest assured that progress has been made toward our shared goal of accessibility of this material to readers elsewhere.
I thank the Leiden University Faculty of Arts and Research School for Asian, African & Amerindian Studies (CNWS), the Sydney University Faculty of Arts, the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for supporting research trips to China; Zhang Xiaohong (Jeanne Hong Zhang), for helping with the input of the raw data; and the staff of the Leiden University Sinological Library, especially Hanno Lecher, for superb assistance.
The documented history of avant-garde poetry from the People's Republic of China is roughly a hundred times shorter than that of Chinese poetry as a whole. Still, the material that has become available since the late 1970s can feel overwhelming to the individual researcher - and yet it isn't always easy to find, especially if one is not based in China. This is one of three research bibliographies offered in conjunction with my Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Leiden: Brill, 2008), in the hope of facilitating research, teaching and translation. The other two are "Unofficial Poetry Journals from the People's Republic of China: A Research Note and an Annotated Bibliography" (2007) and "Avant-Garde Poetry from the People's Republic of China: A Bibliography of Scholarly and Critical Books in Chinese" (2008).
This bibliography lists collections of avant-garde (先锋) poetry from the People's Republic of China, as distinct from the orthodox or official (官方) poetry that reflects state-sanctioned views of literature and art. For aesthetic and institutional meanings of the notion of avant-garde poetry and related categories such as underground (地下) and unofficial (非官方) poetry, the reader is referred to the research note in the bibliography of unofficial journals, and to chapter One of Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money. The distinction of avant-garde and orthodoxy remains meaningful, even though the boundaries between them have grown fuzzy over the years.
The bibliography has three sections: (1) single-author collections by author, (2) multiple-author collections by editor (or first author, if no editor is identified and excluding the technical editorship of publishers' employees), and (3) multiple-author collections by date. The latter two contain the same data, presented in different ways. Section 2 gives pride of place to the editors; and grateful reliance on electronic search functions, certainly for resources such as this bibliography and its two siblings, has not dispelled my love of the alphabet or images of people leafing through print-outs of the material. Section 3 tells the story of the avant-garde's more or less collective manifestations in book form through time, listing publishing information chronologically by year and month. This shows how trends succeed one another (e.g. from Obscure Poetry to the Newborn Generation, Post-Obscure Poetry, Poetry of the Nineties, the Middle Generation, the Post-70 Generation and so on), how terminology develops (e.g. from Experimental to Avant-Garde) and how critical categories emerge (e.g. Women's Poetry); and, of course, when and how often circumstances such as the government's cultural policy, trends and events, funding and readership have enabled the production of yet another multiple-author anthology during the past decades, with a dramatic rise from the 1990s onward. Last but not least, the bibliography's attention to multiple-author collections - including so-called critical anthologies (see below) - reflects their remarkable importance as canonizing institutions in Chinese literary history, today as in the distant past. Of the approximately 560 poetry books listed in the record below, as many as 160 are multiple-author collections.
In addition to books (near-)exclusively dedicated to avant-garde poetry from the PRC - or, to be more exact, from mainland China, for Hong Kong has its own, distinct literary climate and history - the multiple-author sections include collections of wider coverage if they contain substantial amounts of avant-garde material as well as other texts (e.g. orthodox poetry from the PRC, poetry from the Republican era [1911-1949] and poetry from Taiwan and Hong Kong). The same criterion has informed the inclusion of a small number of comprehensive best-of (最佳) poetry anthologies and yearbooks (年鉴). Critical anthologies, in which poems are followed by commentaries (typically with terms such as 鉴赏 '[examine and] appreciate,' 赏析 'appreciate [and analyze]' and 选评 'select and review' in their titles), are included even if only a small proportion of their material counts as avant-garde. This is in view of their commentarial function and the insight they provide into the avant-garde's status and position within broader, nationwide or language-wide, canonizing frameworks. Similar considerations hold for texts like the poetry volume in Xie Mian and Meng Fanhua's Literary Treasure House of Canonical Works from a Hundred Years of Chinese Literature (谢冕、孟繁华主编, 《中国百年文学经典文库》, 深圳:海天, 1996).
In addition to poetry collections, I have listed explicit-poetical essays, memoirs and more or less expository short prose (随笔、散文) by poets, interviews and the odd collection of portrait photographs accompanied by the portrayees' representative works (代表作), poetical statements and so on. Since the latter categories are somehow in between the "primary" (i.e. poetry) and the unambiguously "secondary" (i.e. studies of poetry by commentators other than the poets themselves), they are included in the present bibliography as well as in that of scholarly and critical books. This duplication also applies to critical anthologies, to those among the regular multiple-author poetry collections that anthologize not just poetry but also criticism, and to some of the short prose volumes, many of which are advertised as "by poets." The category of short prose is tricky in that the connections with poetry, by the authors or by fellow poets, are closer for some (e.g. Yu Jian) than for others (e.g. Wang Xiaoni), and one or two prose-writing poets have no single-author poetry books to their name. Still, potentially including a few books too many in this quarter is preferable to excluding those the interested reader might want to peruse.
The distinction between single-author and multiple-author collections is less simple than it seems. There is a small number of books with more than one author (e.g. Shu Ting & Gu Cheng; Shizhi & Hei Dachun; Yan Li, Yi Sha & Ma Fei) whose primary organizing principles still appear to be individual authorship and things like personal relations, rather than collective position-takings in the literary field. While such distinctions are relative and collective action doesn't neutralize individual authorship or personal relations, this has led me to list these texts in the single-author section, under each of the authors involved. The record below sets the maximum number of authors for such projects at three, and lists books with four authors and up in the multiple-author sections, whether or not they identify an editor (a famous anthology containing work of Bei Dao, Shu Ting, Gu Cheng, Jiang He and Yang Lian does not, for instance). Hence, readers interested in particular authors should not just look under their names as they are listed in the single-author section, but search the full document, all the more so because in the section of multiple-author collections by editor, editor-less entries are listed under first author only.
Many single-author collections are part of multiple-volume book series. This is noted for individual entries. While I have been unable to trace all series in their entirety, the information is complete or close to complete for a number of important series, such as Poetry by the Young (青年诗丛), the Blue Star Poetry Treasure House (蓝星诗库), the Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry (中国女性诗歌文库), the Midnight Subway Poetry Series (零点地铁诗丛), the Epoch Poetry Series (年代诗丛) and the Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference (《诗参考》15年金库). The section on single-author collections also includes unofficial journal issues dedicated to individual poets.
By far most of the entries in the record below are mainland-Chinese publications, although it includes books published in Taiwan and Hong Kong; and in Australia and the USA, but containing only Chinese texts. For Bei Dao, Yang Lian, Duoduo and Huang Xiang, it also lists a number of bilingual collections published outside Greater China from 1990 onward (English-Chinese, Italian-Chinese, German-Chinese, Dutch-Chinese). These books enabled publication of the Chinese originals of their poetry at a time when publication opportunities in mainland China were demonstrably limited by "dissident" connotations of their status as poets in exile, regardless of the justification of this label or their self-perception in this respect. The notions of exile and exile literature are contested and bring to mind many more avant-garde poets from the PRC, and one could argue that even non-politicized exile reduces domestic publication opportunities, but the above considerations especially apply to the said four authors.
The inclusion of some bilingual books published on foreign soil and not others exemplifies a larger issue, which holds for the bibliography as a whole. Editing raw data accumulated over the years - as inclusively as possible - to produce the record below has made me realize anew how an exercise like this inevitably entails the act of canonization. Canonization, of course, is rarely objective or systematic, whether by design or with hindsight. It is at best intersubjective, and usually subjective on individual and collective levels; and it can indeed be coincidental and arbitrary. The latter point holds especially for material whose very availability to the researcher is anything but self-evident. In this case, the crucial question is who counts as avant-garde and who doesn't. For this, I have gone by individual authors' visibility in multiple-author collections and unofficial journals - as noted, both carry particular weight in China - as well as literary histories and other scholarship and criticism, in addition to textual-aesthetic considerations that inform the research presented in Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money. As such, the record extends to precursors of the avant-garde such as Huang Xiang and Guo Lusheng / Shizhi, but not to authors such as Tang Xiaodu and Chen Chao, whose association with the avant-garde is primarily in their capacity as critics, even if they are published poets in their own right. Also, I have tried not to lose sight of a not-so-distant past in which book-publishing opportunities were few and far between, and listed several poets who were obviously prominent at one time - especially the 1980s - but subsequently faded away for one reason or another. The aforesaid Poetry by the Young series (1988) is a case in point. Although the avant-garde status of some of the contributors is open to debate, I have listed all volumes in the series, because the collective publication of a full set of single-author collections by young poets who were not part of the orthodox literary establishment was a major event at the time.
Poetry doesn't just appear in books, so this bibliography presents only part of the picture. For one thing, many poems (first) appear in print in official and unofficial journals. Much of this material is reprinted in book form one way or another; but we should bear in mind that not all those recognized as avant-garde poets have (official) single-author collections to their name, even though publishing opportunities have increased rapidly from the 1990s onward, with new types of funding becoming available as the cultural economy (文化经济) takes off, and fewer political constraints than before. There are poets for whom any assessment of their publication history should factor in such constraints, up to the present day (e.g. Liao Yiwu); and there are politically uncontroversial poets whose absence from the single-author section should not be taken as evidence for insignificance either. Many of them are searchable in the bibliography of unofficial journals, and in the annual full-year tables of contents published by official literary journals. Multiple-author collections are another place to look for their work. While the multiple-author sections below do not list the contributors to each entry, as this would make the document unreadable, individual poets' coordinates should help to find their work: literary age, geography, personal ties of allegiance (关系), aesthetic and institutional affiliations and so on.
Secondly, astonishing amounts of poetry old and new appear on the Internet, as shown by the work of Michael Day (DACHS poetry chapter, and "Online Avant-Garde Poetry in China Today," in New Perspectives on Contemporary Chinese Poetry, edited by Christopher Lupke, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007) and Heather Inwood (On the Scene of Contemporary Chinese Poetry, PhD thesis, London: SOAS, 2008). Although print culture clearly retains its powers of consecration, it is now anything but the measure of all things, especially for younger poets. Many of them primarily operate online, if not exclusively so.
Another disclaimer is in order even within this project's focus on printed collections of avant-garde poetry. The number of books is huge and continues to grow, and although the mobility of texts and readers has tremendously increased during the period covered in this project, this material is not automatically accessible to scholars based outside China - in the sense of knowing that it's there to begin with, and then actually getting to see it. These things make completeness a tall order, and the record below certainly lays no claim to it, least of all for the last few years.
As I was finishing this project, I had the opportunity to consult Liu Fuchun's awe-inspiring Comprehensive Catalog of Books and Periodicals on China's New Poetry (刘福春, 《中国新诗书刊总目》, 北京:作家, 2006). Liu's book is an extremely useful resource. It exemplifies the painstaking fact-finding that scholarship cannot do without, and that makes long-term, fundamental contributions to the field. Close to 800 pages long, it lists single-author and multiple-author poetry collections and essay collections in book form; a new edition including periodicals is planned for the near future. Covering the years 1916-2006, the Catalog is not limited to mainland China but includes entries from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, even though coverage of the latter areas is less thorough. In addition to innumerable officially published books, it lists many unofficial, "self-printed" (自印) publications, in recognition of their significance on the Chinese poetry scene. This bibliography has benefited from Liu's work by copying some 40 entries that I have not seen to date, mostly for books that I know exist but have been unable to find. These borrowings can hardly remedy the incompleteness of my work, and those looking for authors and books not listed below are advised to consult the Catalog directly - and, of course, the various book-finding websites that have become available since the turn of the century.
Finally, I hope the number of inaccuracies is less than proportionate to the richness of the material, and they won't get in the way of readers wanting to get to the poetry.
• The names of women authors and editors are followed by the character ♀, in light of the male dominance of avant-garde poetry from China - the more remarkable if we consider the significance of Women's Poetry. This information is not intended to essentialize their literary or scholarly identities. It has been added inasmuch as it is available from the material I have consulted.
• Series editors - and, for the Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry, volume editors - are listed only if their names appear prominently (meaning, again, the exclusion of technical editorship of publishers' employees).
• Multiple-author collections are dated by year and month (e.g. 1999-12 for December 1999, and 1984-13 for 1984, month unspecified). Questions marks following date or place of publication mean that they are guesstimates.
• Reprints are listed only if they differ from previous editions, as regards contents or publication status (e.g. inclusion in a series).
• Simplified and full-form characters follow the original publications. Notably, Hong Kong publications of texts by mainland authors do not invariably use full-form characters.
• Alphabetization is after aggregation: e.g. Jiang He comes before Jianning.
• Aggregation follows previous transcription in Western-language publications where it exists, even if this flouts the rules for Chinese (family) names (e.g. Xi Chuan rather than Xichuan), and otherwise goes by those rules (e.g. Zhongdao rather than Zhong Dao). For Beiling, Duoduo and Haizi, whose names have also been transcribed as Bei Ling, Duo Duo and Hai Zi, I have opted for the aggregated versions. To increase the findability of personal names, the document ends with a list of alternative transcriptions that redirect the reader.
• Annotations are occasional, not systematic.
A Hai 阿海
1987:《人与世界:诗》[A Human Being and the World: Poems], 北京:unofficial
A Qu Qiangba 阿曲强巴
1988:《涸鲋》[Fish Out of Water], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江 | A Qu Qiangba is the same person as Zhou Guoqiang 周国强.
A Wu 阿吾
2007:《足以安慰曾经的沧桑》[This Can Offer Consolation for the Past Vicissitudes of Life], 长沙:湖南文艺 | Author also identified as Dai Dawei 戴大魏.
An Qi ♀ 安琪
1997:《奔跑的栅栏》[The Running Fence], 北京:作家 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
2004:《向杜拉斯一样生活》[Living Like Duras], 北京:作家 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
Bai Hua 柏桦
1988:《表达》[Expression], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
1990:《象罔》[Image Puzzle], 成都:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Bai Hua.
1999 (柏樺):《望氣的人》[Watcher of the Skies], in《大陸先鋒詩》[Avant-Garde Poetry from Mainland China] series, edited by Huang Liang 黃粱, 台北:唐山
2001 (柏樺):《左邊:毛澤東時代的抒情詩人》[On the Left: Lyric Poets in the Mao Era], 香港:牛津大學 | Memoirs.
2002:《往事》[The Past], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Bei Dao 北岛
1978:《陌生的海滩》[Strange Shores], 北京:unofficial | Reprinted as Bei Dao 1980.
1980:《陌生的海滩》[Strange Shores], in《今天丛书》[Today Series], 北京:unofficial | Reprint of Bei Dao 1978.
1986:《北岛诗选》[Selected Poems by Bei Dao], 广州:新世纪
1987:《北岛诗选》[Selected Poems by Bei Dao], 广州:新世纪, 1987 | Second, expanded edition.
1988 (北島):《北島詩集》[Poems by Bei Dao], in《當代中國大陸作家叢刊》[Contemporary Mainland-Chinese Writers Series], 台北:新地 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1991: Old Snow, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by Bonnie S McDougall & Chen Maiping, New York: New Directions | See remark on exile in scope, above.
1993 (北島):《在天涯:北島詩選》[At the End of the World: Selected Poems by Bei Dao], 香港:牛津大學
1993: Forms of Distance, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by David Hinton, New York: New Directions | See remark on exile in scope, above.
1995 (北島):《午夜歌手:北島詩選1972-1994》[Midnight Singer: Selected Poems by Bei Dao (1972-1994)], 台北:九歌
1995: Landscape over Zero, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by David Hinton with Yanbing Chen, New York: New Directions | See remark on exile in scope, above.
1996 (北島):《零度以上的風景:北島1993-1996》[Landscape over Zero: Bei Dao, 1993-1996], 台北:九歌
1998 (北島):《藍房子》[The Blue House], 台北:九歌 | Short prose.
1999 (北島):《開鎖》[Unlock], 台北:九歌
2000 (北島):《當代中國文庫精讀:北島》[The Finest Readings from the Mainland-Chinese Literary Treasure House: Bei Dao], 香港:明報
2000: Unlock, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by Eliot Weinberger & Iona Man-Cheong, New York: New Directions | See remark on exile in scope, above.
2001: At the Sky's Edge: Poems 1991-1996, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by David Hinton, New York: New Directions | See remark on exile in scope, above.
2002 (北島):《午夜之門》[Midnight's Door], 台北:九歌 | Short prose.
2003:《北岛诗歌集》[Poems by Bei Dao], 海南:南海 | Cover and colophon have 北岛诗歌 and 北岛诗歌集, respectively.
2003:《北岛的诗》[The Poetry of Bei Dao], 长春:时代文艺
2004:《失败之书》[The Book of Failure], 汕头:汕头大学 | Short prose.
2005:《时间的玫瑰》[The Rose of Time], 北京:中国文史 | Short prose.
Beiling 贝岭
1988:《今天和明天》[Today and Tomorrow], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
1994 (貝嶺):《主題與變奏》[Theme and Variations], 台北:黎明文化事業
Beita 北塔
2002:《正在锈蚀的时针》[The Rusty Hands of the Clock], 北京:中国文联
Cai Tianxin 蔡天新
1993:《梦想活在世上:蔡天新诗集》[Dreaming of Living in the World: New Poems by Cai Tianxin], 北京:中国大百科全书
2003:《数字和玫瑰》[Numbers and Roses], 北京:三联 | Short prose.
2005:《漫游:一個旅行者的詩集》[Roaming: Poems by a Traveler], 台北:博誌文化
2005:《飛行:一個詩人的旅行記》[Flying: Travel Notes by A Poet], 台北:博誌文化 | Short prose.
Chang Yao 昌耀
1986:《昌耀抒情诗集》[Lyric Poems by Chang Yao], 西宁:青海人民 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above). Reprinted as Chang Yao 1988.
1988:《昌耀抒情诗集》[Lyric Poems by Chang Yao], 西宁:青海人民 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above). Appears to be an expanded reprint of Chang Yao 1986.
1994:《命运之书:昌耀四十年诗作精品》[The Book of Fate: The Finest Works from Forty Years of Poetry by Chang Yao], 西宁:青海人民
1998:《昌耀的诗》[The Poetry of Chang Yao], in《蓝星诗库》[Blue Star Poetry Treasure House] series, 北京:人民文学
2000:《昌耀诗文总集》[Chang Yao's Collected Poetry and Prose], 西宁:青海人民
2006:《昌耀》[Chang Yao], in《中国当代名诗人选集》[Selected Poems by Famous Contemporary Chinese Poets] series, 北京:人民文学
Che Qianzi 车前子
1989:《纸梯》[Paper Stairs], 上海:上海人民 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
2003:《云头花朵》[Cloud Flowers], 北京:中国工人 | Short prose.
2006:《独角兽与香料》[The One-Horned Beast and Perfume], 北京:Subjam, unofficial
Chen Dongdong 陈东东
1990:《反对》[Against], 成都:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Chen Dongdong.
1997:《明净的部分》[The Transparent Part], in《二十世纪末中国诗人自选集》[Chinese Poets at the End of the Twentieth Century: Their Own Anthologies] series, 长沙:湖南文艺
1997:《海神的一夜:陈东东诗选》[One Night of the Sea God: Selected Poems by Chen Dongdong], in Men Ma 门马 (ed)《中国当代诗人精品大系:坚守现在诗系》[The Best Works by Contemporary Chinese Poets, a Compendium: A Series to Safeguard Poetry Now], 北京:改革
1997:《词的变奏》[Variations on Words], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose. Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.
2000:《即景与杂说》[Ramblings Inspired by These Surroundings], 北京:中国工人 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
Chen Wei 陈蔚
1999:《俘虏:节日书》[Captives: A Festival Letter], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Chen Xiaofan ♀ 陈小蘩
1993:《夏天, 葡萄的浓荫里》[Summer, in Thick Grapevine Shade], 成都:四川文艺
Chen Zihong 陈子弘
1991?:《陈子弘诗选》[Selected Poems by Chen Zihong], 成都?, unofficial
Cheng Bin ♀ 程彬
2005:《纵横:无限的分裂》[Every Which Way: Unlimited Divisions], 北京:中国文联
Chu Ke 楚客
1994:《楔型海岸》[Wedge-Shaped Coast], 北京:中国文联
Cong Feng 丛峰
2002:《那里有一列我看不见的火车:丛峰诗集》[Over There Is a Train I Cannot See: Cong Feng's Poetry:Selected Poems, 1996-2002], 北京?:devo pub / www.sickbaby.org, unofficial
2003?:《一部雅俗共赏的文学作品谢谢我也这么认为 masmediacspoeSH!Try》[A Work of Literature Appreciated by High and Low Alike Thank You I Am of the Same Opinion masmediacspoeSH!Try], 北京:Subjam, unofficial | The preface explains that the last word of the title is composed of mass media & maniacs or massacre, media & maniacs, and of poetry and shit.
Daozi 岛子
1985:《北极村梦歌》[Dreamsong of North Pole Village], in《中国当代青年诗人丛书》[Young Contemporary Chinese Poets Series], 西安?:长安诗家编委会 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1988:《实验诗选》[Selected Experimental Poems], 北京:中国和平
Dawa Zhaxi 达瓦扎西
1999:《天湖》[Heavenly Lakes], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Deng Xiang 邓翔
1991?, with Zhao Ye 赵野:《风景与美学》[Scenery and The Study of Beauty], 成都:unofficial
Ding Dang 丁当
2002:《房子》[The House], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Ding Dewen 丁德文
1999:《简单的诗》[Simple Poetry], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Du Malan 杜马兰
2003:《合唱团》[The Choir], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (second set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Du Ya ♀ 杜涯
1998:《风用它明亮的翅膀》[The Wind Uses Its Transparent Wings], edited by Geng Zhanchun 耿占春, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
Duoduo 多多
1988:《行礼:诗38首》[Salute: Thirty-Eight Poems], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
1989:《里程:多多诗选(1972-1988)— 首届今天诗歌奖获奖者作品集》[The Road Traveled: Selected Poems by Duoduo (1972-1988) – Works by the Winner of the First Today Poetry Award], 北京:《今天》编辑部, unofficial
1994: Wegstrecken [The Road Raveled], bilingual German-Chinese edition with translations by Jo Fleischle, Peter Hoffmann, Jürgen Ritter, Vera Schick & Sigrid Wallerich, Sydney: Wild Peony | See remark on exile in scope, above.
1998: Canto [Song], bilingual Italian-Chinese edition with translations by Giusi Tamburello, Milan: Lbri Scheiwiller | See remark on exile in scope, above.
2000:《阿姆斯特丹的河流》[The Rivers of Amsterdam], in《黑皮诗丛》[Dark Skin Poetry Series], 太原:北岳文艺
2001: Het oog van de stilte [The Eye of Silence], bilingual Dutch-Chinese edition with translations by Silvia Marijnissen & Jan A M De Meyer, Rotterdam: Bèta Imaginations | See remark on exile in scope, above.
2005:《多多诗选》[Selected Poems by Duoduo], 广州:花城
Fang Xingdong 方兴东
1999:《你让我顺流漂去》[You Make Me Float Downstream], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Fu Tianlin ♀ 傅天琳
1992:《另外的预言》[Another Prediction], in《中国当代女诗人抒情诗丛》[A Book Series of Lyric Poetry by Contemporary Chinese Women Poets], edited by Wei Fan 未凡, 沈阳:沈阳
1997:《结束与诞生》[End and Birth], edited by Sasaki Hisashi 佐佐木久, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry], edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
Gao Xiaotao 高晓涛
2004:《未来》[The Future], 北京:unofficial
Ge Mai 戈麦
1993:《彗星:戈麦诗集》[Comet: Poems by Ge Mai], edited by Xi Du 西渡, 桂林:漓江
1999:《戈麦诗全编》[The Complete Poems of Ge Mai], edited by Xi Du 西渡, 上海:上海三联
Gu Cheng 顾城
1982, with Shu Ting舒婷:《舒婷、顾城抒情诗选》[Selected Lyric Poems by Shu Ting and Gu Cheng], 福州:福建人民
1986:《黑眼睛》[Dark Eyes], 北京:人民文学
1988:《顧城詩集》[Poems by Gu Cheng], in《當代中國大陸作家叢刊》[Contemporary Mainland-Chinese Writers Series], 台北:新地
1993:《顾城新诗自选集:海蓝》[New Poems by Gu Cheng, His Own Anthology: Sea Blue], 天津:百花文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1993, with Xie Ye 谢烨:《墓床:顾城谢烨海外代表作品集》[Graveyard Bed: Representative Works by Gu Cheng and Xie Ye from Their Time Abroad], edited by Hong Ying虹影 & Zhao Yiheng 赵毅衡, 北京:作家
1995:《顾城诗全编》[The Complete Poems of Gu Cheng], edited by Gu Gong 顾工, 上海:上海三联
1998:《顾城的诗》[The Poetry of Gu Cheng], in《蓝星诗库》[Blue Star Poetry Treasure House] series, 北京:人民文学
2005:《走了一万一千里路:顾城首席面世的诗手稿》[Gone a Thousand Miles and More: Manuscripts of Gu Cheng's Best-Known Poems], 北京:北京十月文艺
2006:《顾城》[Gu Cheng], in《中国当代名诗人选集》[Selected Poems by Famous Contemporary Chinese Poets] series, 北京:人民文学 | Differs substantially from Gu Cheng 1998.
Gu Gang 古冈
1990:《朝圣者》[The Pilgrim], 上海:unofficial
Guo Lusheng 郭路生: see Shizhi
Hai Lei 海雷
1993:《贼的形而上》[The Thief's Metaphysics], in《东方诗群》[Eastern Poetry Group] series, 北京:北京师范大学
Hai Nan ♀ 海男
1992:《风琴与女人》[Harmonium and Woman], in《中国当代女诗人抒情诗丛》[A Book Series of Lyric Poetry by Contemporary Chinese Women Poets], edited by Wei Fan 未凡, 沈阳:沈阳
1997:《是什么在背后》[What Lies Behind It All], edited by Cheng Guangwei 程光炜, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
1997:《屏风中的声音》[Sounds inside the Screen], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose. Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.
2001:《唇色1995-2000:我的诗人生活》[The Color of Lips, 1995-2002: My Life as a Poet], 安高诗集出版奖, unofficial | Puns on non-retroflex pronunication of 诗人 as 私人, which would make the subtitle mean My Private Life.
Haishang 海上
1998:《还魂鸟》[A Bird Come Back to Life], 西安:太白文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1999:《死, 遺棄以及空舟》[Death, Abandonment and the Empty Vessel], in《大陸先鋒詩》[Avant-Garde Poetry from Mainland China] series, edited by Huang Liang 黃粱, 台北:唐山
Haixiao 海啸
2006:《海啸三部曲》[Hai Xiao Trilogy], 重庆:环球文化
Haizi 海子
1983:《小站》[Small Station], 北京:unofficial
1985:《但是水, 水》[But the Water, the Water], 北京:unofficial
1986:《太阳 (选):断头篇》[The Sun (excerpt): Beheading], 北京:unofficial
1986, with Xi Chuan 西川:《麦地之翁》[Lord of the Wheatfields], 北京:unofficial
1988:《太阳:诗剧》[The Sun: A Poetry Play] [选自其中的一幕 'one selected act'], 北京:unofficial
1990:《土地》[The Land], in《世纪末诗丛》[End of the Century Poetry Series], 沈阳:春风文艺
1991, with Luo Yihe 骆一禾:《海子、骆一禾作品集》[Works by Haizi and Luo Yihe], edited by Zhou Jun 周俊 & Zhang Wei 张维, 南京:南京
1995:《海子的诗》[The Poetry of Haizi], edited by Xi Chuan 西川, 北京:人民文学 | Reprinted numerous times. The cover of the 2000 edition no longer names Xi Chuan as the editor.
1997:《海子诗全编》[The Complete Poems of Haizi], edited by Xi Chuan 西川, 上海:上海文联
2006:《海子》[Haizi], in《中国当代名诗人选集》[Selected Poems by Famous Contemporary Chinese Poets] series, 北京:人民文学 | Near-identical to Haizi 1995, but without original afterword.
Han Bo 韩博
2003:《结绳宴会:韩博诗选1990-2001》[The Knot-Tying Banquet: Selected Poems by Han Bo, 1999-2001], 北京:Subjam, unofficial
Han Dong 韩东
1992:《白色的石头》[White Stones], 上海:上海文艺, 1992
2002:《爸爸在天上看我》[Daddy's Watching Me in Heaven], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Han Wende 韩文德
1999:《撒玛尔汗的鹰》[The Samarkand Eagle], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
He Bailun 何拜伦
2000:《何拜伦诗集:1987年至1995年作品集, 后现代主义作品》[Poems by He Bailun: Post-Modern Works from 1987-1995], 香港:世界華人藝術
He Xiaozhu 何小竹
1989:《梦见苹果和鱼的安》[Dreaming of the Calmness of Apples and Fish], 成都:四川民族 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1991:《回头的羊》[Sheep Turning Its Head], 成都:四川民族
1996, with Yang Li 杨黎:《新作品》[New Works], 成都:unofficial | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
2002:《6个动词, 或苹果》[6 Verbs, or Apples], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Hei Dachun 黑大春
1988:《圆明园酒鬼》[The Drunkard of the Old Summer Palace], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
1993, with Shizhi 食指:《现代抒情诗合集》[A Joint Collection of Modern Lyric Poetry], 成都:成都科技大学
2006?:《白马谣:黑大春21世纪诗歌选》[White Horse Cradle: Selected Poems by Hei Dachun from the 21st Century], in《中国新诗名家代表作文库》[A Literary Treasure House of Representative Works by Famous Authors of China's New Poetry] series, New York: 诗歌报 / 惠特曼出版社-Walt Whitman Literature Fund | Not seen; listed on various websites.
Hong Ying ♀ 虹影
1988:《天堂鸟》[Paradise Bird], in《嘉陵诗丛》[Jialing Poetry Series], 重庆:中国文化报社重庆
1992:《魔菌:虹影近作选》[Magic Mushrooms: New Poems by Hong Ying], London: unofficial
1998:《白色海岸》[White Coast], edited by Wang Hongtu 王宏图, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
1999:《快跑, 月食》[Run, Lunar Eclipse], in《大陸先鋒詩》[Avant-Garde Poetry from Mainland China] series, edited by Huang Liang 黃粱, 台北:唐山
Hou Ma 侯马
1994, with Xu Jiang 徐江:《哀歌• 金别针》[Elegy — Golden Brooch], 北京:中国华侨
1999:《顺便吻一下》[Can I Just Kiss], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民 | Puns on near-homophonous 顺便问一下 'Can I just ask.'
2003:《精神病院的花园》[The Mental Hospital's Garden], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (second set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Hu Jiujiu 胡赳赳
2004:《百感交 • 集》[Hundreds of Feelings Come Together • A Collection], in《〈诗参考〉15年金库》[The Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference] series, edited by Zhongdao 中岛, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Nan Ren 南人, Kingsbury, Australia: 原乡
Hu Kuan 胡宽
1988:《开山鼻祖》[The Earliest Ancestor Cutting into the Mountain], 中国新诗文库 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1996:《胡宽诗集》[Poems by Hu Kuan], edited by Niu Han 牛汉, Xu Fang 徐放 & Hu Zheng 胡征, 桂林:漓江
Hu Xudong 胡续冬
2002,《风之乳》[Juice of the Wind], 北京:unofficial
Huang Canran 黄灿然
1998:《世界的隐喻》[A Metaphor for the World], in《九十年代中国诗歌》[Chinese Poetry of the Nineties] series, 北京:文化艺术
2000:《游泳池畔的冥想》[Poolside Meditations], 北京:中国工人 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
Huang Fan 黄凡
1990:《黄凡诗选》[Selected Poems by Huang Fan], 南京:unofficial
Huang Hai 黄海 & Yi Sha 伊沙
2000-11 (eds),《唐》[Tang], 呼和浩特:远方
Huang Qiongliu ♀ 黄琼柳
1985:《望月》[Watching the Moon], in 《广西青年诗丛》[Guangxi Young Poets Series], 南宁:广西民族 | Huang Qiongliu is the same person as Qiongliu 琼柳.
Huang Xiang 黄翔
1986:《狂饮不醉的兽形1968-1986》[Beast Drinking Yet Not Drunk, 1968-1986], 共三册, unofficial | No place of publication identified.
1993:《大骚动》[Tumult], 北京:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Ya Mo & Huang Xiang.
1998:《狂飲不醉的獸形》[Beast Drinking Yet Not Drunk], New York: 天下華人
2002:《总是寂寞:太陽屋手記之一》[Always Lonely: Notes from the Sun Room, part 1], 台北:桂冠 | Not seen; listed on various websites. Presumably an essay collection (see next two items).
2002:《沉思的雷暴:太陽屋手記之二》[A Thunderstorm of Contemplation: Notes from the Sun Room, part 2], 台北:桂冠 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006, under essay collections.
2002:《鋒芒畢露的傷口:太陽屋手記之三》[Wounds Showing Off: Notes from the Sun Room, part 3], 台北:桂冠 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006, under essay collections.
2003:《喧囂與寂寞:黃翔自傳•東方敍事》[Clamor and Loneliness: Huang Xiang's Autobiography, a Tale from the East], New York: 柯捷 / Cozy House | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
2004: A Bilingual Edition of Poetry out of Communist China, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by Andrew G Emerson, Lewiston etc: Edwin Mellen | See remark on exile in scope, above.
2007:《黄翔诗歌总集1959-2006》[Collected Poems of Huang Xiang, 1959-2006], New York: 柯捷出版社 / Cozy House
Jiang Hao 蒋浩
2005:《修辞》[Rhetoric], 上海:上海三联
Jiang He 江河
1980:《从这里开始》[Start from Here], in《今天丛书》[Today Series], 北京:unofficial
1980:《太阳和他的反光》[The Sun and Its Reflection], in《今天丛书》[Today Series], 北京:unofficial | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1986:《从这里开始》[Start from Here], in《诗人丛书》[Poets' Book Series], 广州:花城
1987:《太阳和他的反光》[The Sun and Its Reflection], 北京:人民文学
Jiang Tao 姜涛
2003:《鸟经:近作二十九首》[The Book of Birds: Twenty-Nine Recent Poems], 北京:unofficial
2005:《鸟经》[The Book of Birds], 上海:上海三联
Jiang Xue 江雪
1996:《世纪的晚祷或晨号》[The Century's Evening Prayer or Morning Call], 广州:花城
Jianning 简宁
1997:《简宁的诗》[The Poetry of Jianning], in《蓝星诗库》[Blue Star Poetry Treasure House] series, 北京:人民文学
Jimulangge 吉木狼格
2002:《静悄悄的左轮》[The Quiet Left Wheel], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Jingbute 京不特
1994:《同驻光阴》[Together in the Same Time], 上海:学林
Kaiyu 开愚: see Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚
Lanlan ♀ 蓝蓝
1990:《含笑终生》[A Smile for the Rest of This Life], 天津:百花文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1993:《情歌》[Love Song], 南宁:接力 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1997:《内心生活》[Inner Life], edited by Geng Zhanchun 耿占春, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
2003:《睡梦, 睡梦》[Slumber, Slumber], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (second set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Lao Dao 老刀
2002:《打滑的泥土》[Slip in the Mud], 北京:中国文联
Li Qi ♀ 李琦
1992:《守在你梦的边缘》[Kept at the Edge of Your Dreams], in《中国当代女诗人抒情诗丛》[A Book Series of Lyric Poetry by Contemporary Chinese Women Poets], edited by Wei Fan 未凡, 沈阳:沈阳
1998:《最初的天空》[The First Sky], edited by Lin Mang 林莽, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
Li Wei 李伟
2004:《牛仔上衣》[Jeans Jacket], in《〈诗参考〉15年金库》[The Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference] series, edited by Zhongdao 中岛, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Nan Ren 南人, Kingsbury, Australia: 原乡
Li Xiaoyu ♀ 李小雨
1992:《玫瑰谷》[Rose Valley], in《中国当代女诗人抒情诗丛》[A Book Series of Lyric Poetry by Contemporary Chinese Women Poets], edited by Wei Fan 未凡, 沈阳:沈阳
1998:《声音的雕像》[Sculptures of Sound], edited by Ma Xiangwu 马相武, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
Li Yawei 李亚伟
1985:《莽汉:一九八四- 一九八五诗选》[Selected Poems by a Macho Man, 1984-1985], 成都:unofficial
2006:《豪猪的诗篇》[Porcupine Poems], 广州:花城
Liang Xiaobin 梁小斌
1988:《少女军鼓队》[The Army's Little Drummer Girls], 北京:中国文联
Liang Xiaoming 梁晓明
1990:《暗示》[Hints], 杭州:unofficial
1991:《批发赤足而行》[Hair Disheveled and Barefoot, on the Road], 杭州:unofficial
2006?:《个人:梁晓明诗歌精选》[The Individual: Liang Xiaoming's Finest Poems], in《中国新诗名家代表作文库》[A Literary Treasure House of Representative Works by Famous Authors of China's New Poetry] series, New York: 诗歌报 / 惠特曼出版社-Walt Whitman Literature Fund | Not seen; listed on various websites.
Lianzi ♀ 莲子
1993:《单人牢房:莲子抒情诗88首》[Prison for A Single Person: 88 Lyric Poems by Lianzi], 香港:新世纪
Liao Weitang 廖伟棠 | From Hong Kong, but part of early 2000s Beijing poetry scenes.
2001:《手風琴裏的浪游》[Wandering through the Accordion], 香港:素葉
2003:《夜骑:2002-2003年诗20首》[Night Rider: 20 Poems from 2000-2003], 北京:unofficial
Liao Yiwu 廖亦武
1985:《大循环》[The Great Cycle], 成都:unofficial | Not seen; taken from Michael Day, China's Second World of Poetry: The Sichuan Avant-Garde, 1982-1992.
1995:《死城》[City of Death] , 成都:unofficial
1999:《古拉格情歌》[Love Songs from the Gulag], 成都:unofficial | Not seen; taken from Michael Day, China's Second World of Poetry: The Sichuan Avant-Garde, 1982-1992.
Lin Hesheng 林和生
1998:《林和生诗集》[Poems by Lin Hesheng], 北京:作家
Lin Ke ♀ 林珂
1992:《K型感觉》[K-shaped Feelings], in《中国当代女诗人抒情诗丛》[A Book Series of Lyric Poetry by Contemporary Chinese Women Poets], edited by Wei Fan 未凡, 沈阳:沈阳
1998:《在夜的眼皮上独舞》[Solo Dance on Night's Eyelids], edited by Zhu Xianshu 朱先树, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, 沈阳:春风文艺
Lin Mang 林莽
1990:《林莽的诗》[The Poetry of Lin Mang], 北京:中国妇女
1994:《我流过这片土地》[I Flow across This Land], in《诗探索丛书》[Poetry Exploration Series], 北京:新华
1994:《永恒的瞬间》[Eternal Moment], in《诗探索之友丛书》[Friends of Poetry Exploration Series], 北京:新华
2001:《穿透岁月的光芒》[Light Penetrating the Years], 天津:百花文艺
2005:《林莽诗选》[Selected Poems by Lin Mang], 长春:时代文艺
Lin Xue ♀ 林雪
1992:《蓝色的钟情》[Blue Love], in《中国当代女诗人抒情诗丛》[A Book Series of Lyric Poetry by Contemporary Chinese Women Poets], edited by Wei Fan 未凡, 沈阳:沈阳
1997:《在诗歌那边》[On the Poetry Side of Things], edited by Li Zhen 李震, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
Linzi ♀ 林子
1992:《诗心不了情》[The Poetic Heart Has Never-Ending Feelings], in:《中国当代女诗人抒情诗丛》[A Book Series of Lyric Poetry by Contemporary Chinese Women Poets], edited by Wei Fan 未凡, 沈阳:沈阳
Liu Ligan 刘立杆
2003:《低飞》[Fly Low], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (second set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Liu Su 刘苏
1993:《刀锋• 蓝玫瑰:刘苏抒情诗选》[Blade • Blue Roses: Selected Lyric Poems by Liu Su], 成都:电子科技大学
Liu Xia ♀ 刘霞
1996:《舞动红裙》[Dance in a Red Dress], 北京:国际文化
2005:《忘怀》[Forget], 北京:光明日报
Lü De'an 吕德安
1986:《南方以北》[North of the South], 福州?:unofficial
1988:《南方以北》[North of the South], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
Lu Xixi ♀ 鲁西西
2000?:《国度》[The Kingdom], 武昌?:unofficial
2001?:《再也不会消失(1989-1999)》[This Will Never Disappear (1989-1999)], 武昌?:unofficial
Lu Yang 鲁羊
2002:《我仍然无法深知》[I Still Have No Way of Truly Knowing], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Lu Yimin ♀ 陆忆敏
1990:《象罔》[Image Puzzle], 成都:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Lu Yimin.
Lulu 潞潞
2000:《一行墨水》[A Line of Ink], in《黑皮诗丛》[Dark Skin Poetry Series], 太原:北岳文艺
Luo Yihe 骆一禾
1990:《世界的血》[Blood of the World], in《世纪末诗丛》[End of the Century Poetry Series], 沈阳:春风文艺
1991, with Haizi 海子:《海子、骆一禾作品集》[Works by Haizi and Luo Yihe], edited by Zhou Jun 周俊 & Zhang Wei 张维, 南京:南京
1997:《骆一禾诗全编》[The Complete Poems of Luo Yihe], edited by Zhang Fu ♀ 张玞, 上海:上海三联
Ma Fei 马非
1995, with Yan Li 严力 & Yi Sha 伊沙:《一行乘三》[Journey of Three], 西宁:青海人民
1999:《致全世界的失恋书》[To the Entire World: A Letter of Love Lost], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Ma Gaoming 马高明
1986:《失约》[Failing to Keep an Appointment], 北京:unofficial
1988:《危险的夏季》[Dangerous Summer], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
Ma Yongbo 马永波
1999 (馬永波):《以兩種速度播放的夏天》[Summer, Sowing at Two Different Speeds], in《大陸先鋒詩》[Avant-Garde Poetry from Mainland China] series, edited by Huang Liang 黃粱, 台北:唐山
Mai Mang 麦芒
2005:《接近盲目》[Approaching Blindness], 北京:作家, 2005
Mang Ke 芒克
1978:《心事》[Matters of the Heart], 北京:unofficial | Reprinted as Mang Ke 1980.
1980:《心事》[Matters of the Heart], in《今天丛书》[Today Series], 北京:unofficial | Reprint of Mang Ke 1978.
1983:《阳光中的向日葵》[Sunflower in the Sun], 北京:unofficial | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1987:《没有时间的时间》, 北京:unofficial
1988:《阳光中的向日葵》[Sunflower in the Sun], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
1989:《芒克诗选》[Selected Poems by Mang Ke], 北京:中国文联
2001:《今天是哪一天》[Which Day is Today], 北京:作家
2003:《瞧! 这些人》[Look at Them All!], 长春:时代文艺 | Memoirs.
Meng Lang 孟浪
1988:《本世纪的一个生者》[One Alive in This Century], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
1988:《私人笔记》[Private Notes: The Destruction of an Era], 上海:unofficial
1999:《連朝霞也是陳腐的》[Even the Rosy Clouds of Dawn are Stale], in《大陸先鋒詩》[Avant-Garde Poetry from Mainland China] series, edited by Huang Liang 黃粱, 台北:唐山
Mo Fei 莫非
1997:《词与物》[Words and Things], 北京:华夏
Mosa 摩萨
1988:《第三纪牧歌》[The Third Pastoral Song], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
Nan Ren 南人
2004:《最后:炮》[Finally: The Cannon], in《〈诗参考〉15年金库》[The Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference] series, edited by Zhongdao 中岛, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Nan Ren 南人, Kingsbury, Australia: 原乡
Niu Bo 牛波
1988:《河:献给一个人》[The River: Dedicated to Someone], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
Ouyang Jianghe 欧阳江河
1990:《反对》[Against], 成都:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Ouyang Jianghe.
1997:《透过词语的玻璃:欧阳江河诗选》[Glass That Goes Through Words: Selected Poems by Ouyang Jianghe], in《中国当代诗人精品大系坚守现在诗系》[The Best Works by Contemporary Chinese Poets, a Compendium: A Series to Safeguard Poetry Now], 北京:改革
1997:《谁去谁留》[Who Leaves and Who Stays], in《二十世纪末中国诗人自选集》[Chinese Poets at the End of the Twentieth Century: Their Own Anthologies] series, 长沙:湖南文艺, 1997
Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱
2004:《限度》[Limits], in《〈诗参考〉15年金库》[The Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference] series, edited by Zhongdao 中岛, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Nan Ren 南人, Kingsbury, Australia: 原乡
Pu Min 普珉
2003:《光阴的梯子》[Ladder of Time], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (second set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Qi Guo 祁国
2003:《天空是个秃子》[The Sky is Bald], 北京:unofficial
Qin Bazi 秦巴子
1999:《立体交叉》[Fly-Over], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Qiongliu ♀ 琼柳
1986:《蝴蝶蝴蝶》[Butterfly Butterfly], 北京, unofficial | Qiongliu is the same person as Huang Qiongliu 黄琼柳.
Sanda 森达
2003:《世紀魔咒:森達詩選》[Curse of the Century: Selected Poems by Sanda], 北京:文化艺术 | Transcription of poet's name follows his preference; Hanyu pinyin would have Senda. Title in full-form characters.
Senzi 森子
2002:《菜花盗》[Cauliflower Thief], 北京:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal 《新诗》[New Poetry].
Shang Zhongmin 尚仲敏
1988:《歌唱:二十首》[Singing: Twenty Poems], 成都:unofficial
Shen Haobo 沈浩波
2001:《一把好乳》[A Handful of Tit], 北京:unofficial
2004:《心藏大惡》[Great Evil Hidden in the Heart], 大连:大连
Shizhi 食指
1988:《相信未来》[Believe in the Future], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
1993, with Hei Dachun 黑大春:《现代抒情诗合集》[A Joint Collection of Modern Lyric Poetry], 成都:成都科技大学
1998:《诗探索金库• 食指卷》[Poetry Exploration Gold Treasure House • Shizhi Volume], edited by Lin Mang 林莽 & Liu Fuchun 刘福春, 北京:作家
2000:《食指的诗》[The Poetry of Shizhi], 北京:人民文学 | Reprinted as Shizhi 2006.
2006:《食指》[Shizhi], in《中国当代名诗人选集》[Selected Poems by Famous Contemporary Chinese Poets] series, 北京:人民文学 | Expanded reprint of Shizhi 2000, without the detailed biographical note included in same.
Shu Cai 树才
1997:《单独者》[The Solitary], 北京:华夏 | Shu Cai is the same person as Chen Shucai (the orthography of the former name follows convention to date rather than the rules for Chinese surnames and given names).
Shu Ting ♀ 舒婷
1982:《双桅船》[Two-Master], 上海:上海文艺
1982, with Gu Cheng 顾城:《舒婷、顾城抒情诗选》[Selected Lyric Poems by Shu Ting and Gu Cheng], 福州:福建人民
1986:《会唱歌的鸢尾花》[The Singing Iris], 成都:四川文艺, 1986
1992?:《始祖鸟》[The Archaeopteryx], 福州:海峡文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1994:《舒婷的诗》[The Poetry of Shu Ting], 北京:人民文学 | Reprinted many times, including Shu Ting 2000, 2001 and 2006 (expanded).
1997:《舒婷诗文自选集》[Shu Ting's Poetry and Prose: Her Own Anthology], 桂林:漓江
1997:《舒婷文集:最后的挽歌》[Collected Works by Shu Ting: The Last Elegy], 南京:江苏文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1998:《舒婷的诗》[The Poetry of Shu Ting], in《蓝星诗库》[Blue Star Poetry Treasure House] series, 北京:人民文学 | Reprint of Shu Ting 1994.
2000:《舒婷的诗》[The Poetry of Shu Ting], in《百年百种优秀中国文学图书》[In a Hundred Years: A Hundred Excellent Chinese Literary Books] series, 北京:人民文学 | Reprint of Shu Ting 1994.
2000:《當代中國文庫精讀:舒婷》[The Finest Readings from the Mainland-Chinese Literary Treasure House: Shu Ting], 香港:明報 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
2003:《致橡树》[To the Oak Tree], 南京:江苏文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
2006:《舒婷》[Shu Ting], in《中国当代名诗人选集》[Selected Poems by Famous Contemporary Chinese Poets] series, 北京:人民文学 | Reprint of Shu Ting 1994 and later, substantially expanded.
Shuimu Jinghua ♀ 水木菁华
2004:《流动的形象》[Flowing Images], in《〈诗参考〉15年金库》[The Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference] series, edited by Zhongdao 中岛, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Nan Ren 南人, Kingsbury, Australia: 原乡
Si Tong ♀ 司童
2003:《黑夜的流放》[Night's Banishment], 北京:中国文联
Song Lin 宋琳
1988?:《宋琳诗选》[Selected Poems by Song Lin], 上海:unofficial
1991:《敬畏着》[In Awe], 上海:unofficial
1991:《死亡与赞美》[Death and Eulogy], 上海:unofficial
2000:《门厅》[Vestibule], in《黑皮诗丛》[Dark Skin Poetry Series], 太原:北岳文艺
Song Xiaoxian 宋晓贤
1999:《梦见歌声》[Dreaming of the Sound of Song], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
2003:《马兰开花二十一》[The Field Aster Blooms at Twenty-One], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (second set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Sun Lei 孙磊
2005:《演奏:孙磊诗集》[Instrumental Performance: Poems by Sun Lei], 上海:上海三联
Sun Wenbo 孙文波
1990:《反对》[Against], 成都:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Sun Wenbo.
1997?: 《给小蓓的俪歌》 [Love Songs for Xiao Pei], 北京? : unofficial | Transcription of 小蓓 follows the author's pronunciation (péi). Title in full-form characters.
1997:《我們的狂歡》[Our Carnival], 北京?:unofficial | Title in full-form characters.
1997:《地图上的旅行:孙文波诗选》[Journey on the Map: Selected Poems by Sun Wenbo], in《中国当代诗人精品大系坚守现在诗系》[The Best Works by Contemporary Chinese Poets, a Compendium: A Series to Safeguard Poetry Now], 北京:改革
1998:《给小蓓的俪歌》[Love Songs For Xiao Pei], in《九十年代中国诗歌》[Chinese Poetry of the Nineties] series, 北京:文化艺术| | Transcription of 小蓓 follows the author's pronunciation (péi).
2001:《孙文波的诗》[The Poetry of Sun Wenbo], in《蓝星诗库》[Blue Star Poetry Treasure House] series, 北京:人民文学
2002:《六十年代的自行车》[A Bicycle from the Sixties], 北京:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal 《新诗》[New Poetry].
Tang Xin 唐欣
1999:《在雨中奔跑》[Running in the Rain], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Tang Yaping ♀ 唐亚平
1992:《月亮的表情》[The Moon's Expression], in《中国当代女诗人抒情诗丛》[A Book Series of Lyric Poetry by Contemporary Chinese Women Poets], edited by Wei Fan 未凡, 沈阳:沈阳
1997:《黑色沙漠》[Black Desert], edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
Tian Xiaoqing 田晓青
1998:《失去的地平线》[Lost Horizon], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
Tong Wei ♀ 童蔚
1988:《马回转头来》[Horse Turning Its Head], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
Walan 瓦兰
2002:《瓦兰诗集》[Poems by Walan], 广州:花城
2003:《瓦兰诗选》[Selected Poems by Walan], edited by Du Hong ♀ 杜鸿, 西宁:青海人民
2003:《瓦兰诗集》[Poems by Walan], edited by Du Hong ♀ 杜鸿 & Zhang Tao ♀ 张涛, 西宁:青海人民
2003:《夜巡 》[Night Patrol], edited by Du Hong ♀ 杜鸿 & Zhang Tao ♀ 张涛, 西宁:青海人民
2005:《瓦兰短诗集》[Short Poems by Walan], 北京:中国传媒大学 | Includes CD-rom with recordings of recitation.
Wang Ao 王敖
2002?: 《黄风怪诗选》[Selected Poems by the Yellow Wind Monster], 北京:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal Writing (書).
Wang Jiaxin 王家新
1985:《告别》[Farewell], in《中国当代青年诗人丛书》[Young Contemporary Chinese Poets Series], 西安?:长安诗家编委会 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1985:《纪念》[Commemoration], 武汉:长江文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1997:《游动悬崖》[Moving Cliffs], in《二十世纪末中国诗人自选集》[Chinese Poets at the End of the Twentieth Century: Their Own Anthologies] series, 长沙:湖南文艺
1997:《夜莺在它自己的时代》[The Nightingale in Its Own Time], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose.
2001:《王家新的诗》[The Poetry of Wang Jiaxin], in《蓝星诗库》[Blue Star Poetry Treasure House] series, 北京:人民文学
2002:《没有英雄的诗:王家新诗学论文随笔集》[Poetry without Heroes: Wang Jiaxin's Essays and Short Prose on Poetry], 北京:中国社会科学
2003:《座矮板凳的天使》[Angel Sitting on a Low Stool], 北京:中国工人 | Short prose.
2007:《取道斯德哥尔摩》[Via Stockholm], in《诗与思:当代诗人随笔文丛》[Poetry and Thought: Short Prose by Contemporary Poets] series, 济南:山东文艺
2008:《为凤凰找寻栖所:现代诗歌论集》[In Search of a Place for the Phoenix to Perch: Essays in Modern Poetry], 北京:北京大学
Wang Qiang 王强
1990?:《一路流浪 (1985-1990)》[Wandering All the Way (1985-1990)], 北京?:unofficial
Wang Xiaoni ♀ 王小妮
1989:《我的诗选》[A Selection of My Poetry], 长春:时代文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1997:《我的纸里包着我的火》[Fire Wrapped inside my Paper], edited by Xu Jingya 徐敬亚, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
1997:《手执一枝黄花》[With a Yellow Flower in Our Hand], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose.
2005:《王小妮的诗:半个我正在疼痛》[The Poetry of Wang Xiaoni: Half of Me Hurts], poetry volume in《"华语文学传媒大奖" 获奖作者作品集》[Works by the Laureates of the "Communications Award for Literature in Chinese"], edited by Xie Youshun 谢有顺, 北京:华艺
2007:《安放》[Put Things in Place], in《诗与思:当代诗人随笔文丛》[Poetry and Thought: Short Prose by Contemporary Poets] series, 济南:山东文艺 | Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.
Wang Yin 王寅
1992:《象罔》[Image Puzzle], 成都:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Wang Yin.
2005:《王寅诗选》[Selected Poems by Wang Yin], 广州:花城
Wei Se ♀ 唯色
1999:《西藏在上》[Tibet Above], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Weiwei 维维
1988:《念珠• 击壤》[Mantra Beads • Hammering the Soil], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
Wu Ang ♀ 巫昂
2002:《什么把我弄醒》[What Is It Woke Me Up], 北京:unofficial | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
Wu Chenjun 吴晨骏
2003:《棉花小球》[Cotton Balls], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (second set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Xi Chuan 西川
1986, with Haizi 海子:《麦地之翁》[Lord of the Wheatfields], 北京:unofficial
1990:《反对》[Against], 成都:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Xi Chuan.
1991:《中国的玫瑰》[China's Rose], 北京:中国文联
1997:《西川诗选》[Selected Poems by Xi Chuan], 北京:人民文学
1997:《让蒙面人说话》[Let the Masked Speak], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose.
1997:《虚构的家谱》[A Fictitious Genealogy], in《爱文文库》[The Aiwen Literary Treasure House] series, 北京:中国和平
1997:《大意如此》[This Is the Idea], in《二十世纪末中国诗人自选集》[Chinese Poets at the End of the Twentieth Century: Their Own Anthologies] series, 长沙:湖南文艺
1997:《隐秘的汇合:西川诗选》[Secret Convergence: Selected Poems by Xi Chuan], in《中国当代诗人精品大系坚守现在诗系》[The Best Works by Contemporary Chinese Poets, a Compendium: A Series to Safeguard Poetry Now], 北京:改革
1999:《西川的诗》[The Poetry of Xi Chuan], in《蓝星诗库》[Blue Star Poetry Treasure House] series, 北京:人民文学
2001:《水渍》[Water Stains], 天津:百花文艺
2004:《游荡与闲谈:一个中国人的印度之行》[A Stroll and a Chat: A Chinese Traveling in India], 上海:上海书店 | Short prose.
2006:《深浅:西川诗文录》[Profound and Shallow: A Record of Xi Chuan's Poetry and Prose], 北京:和平出版社 | Contains poetry and essays.
Xi Du 西渡
1998:《雪景中的柏拉图》[Plato in a Snowscape], in《九十年代中国诗歌》[Chinese Poetry of the Nineties] series, 北京:文化艺术
2002:《草之家》[Home of Grass], 北京:新世界
Xiao An ♀ 小安
2002:《种烟叶的女人》[Woman Sowing Tobacco], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Xiao Chan ♀ 小蝉
1999:《快乐的昆虫》[The Happy Insect], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Xiao Changchun 肖长春
1999:《垃圾芬芳》[Trash Smelling Sweet], 北京:中国国际广播
Xiao Hai 小海
2003:《必须弯腰拔草到午后》[Must Bend Your Back and Pull Weeds into the Afternoon], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (second set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
2006?:《村庄与田园:小海和他的诗歌》[The Village and the Fields: Xiao Hai and His Poetry], in《中国新诗名家代表作文库》[A Literary Treasure House of Representative Works by Famous Authors of China's New Poetry] series, New York: 诗歌报 / 惠特曼出版社-Walt Whitman Literature Fund | Not seen; listed on various websites.
Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚
1990:《前往河返回》[Forward and Backward], 成都?:unofficial
1990:《反对》[Against], 成都:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Xiao Kaiyu.
1997:《动物园里的狂喜:肖开愚诗选》[Ecstasy in the Zoo: Selected Poems by Xiao Kaiyu], in《中国当代诗人精品大系坚守现在诗系》[The Best Works by Contemporary Chinese Poets, a Compendium: A Series to Safeguard Poetry Now], 北京:改革
2000:《学习之甜》[Sweetness of Learning], 北京:中国工人
2002:《收拾集》[Tidied Up], 北京:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal 《新诗》[New Poetry].
2004:《肖开愚的诗》[The Poetry of Xiao Kaiyu], 北京:人民文学
Xicun 西村
1999:《不存在的诗篇》[Non-Existent Poems], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Xie Ye 谢烨
1993, with Gu Cheng 顾城:《墓床:顾城谢烨海外代表作品集》[Graveyard Bed: Representative Works by Gu Cheng and Xie Ye from Their Time Abroad], edited by Hong Ying虹影 & Zhao Yiheng 赵毅衡, 北京:作家
Xindi Huangliang 心地荒凉
2004?:《悲伤的抽搐的细菌》[Sorrowful Twitching Germ], 北京:unofficial
Xu Jiang 徐江
1994, with Hou Ma 侯马:《哀歌 • 金别针》[Elegy — Golden Brooch], 北京:中国华侨
1999:《我斜视》[I'm Cross-Eyed], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
2004:《杂事与花火》[Small Matters and Flower Fire], in《〈诗参考〉15年金库》[The Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference] series, edited by Zhongdao 中岛, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Nan Ren 南人, Kingsbury, Australia: 原乡
Xu Jingya 徐敬亚
1997:《不原谅历史》[History Unforgiven], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose. Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.
Xue Di 雪迪
1988:《梦呓》[Somniloquy], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
1989:《颤栗》[Tremble], 北京:工人
Ya Mo 哑默
1986?《飘散的土地》[The Wafting Land], 贵阳?:unofficial
1990:《乡野的礼物》[A Gift from the Wild Country], 贵阳:贵州民族 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1993:《大骚动》[Tumult], 北京:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Ya Mo & Huang Xiang.
1999:《墙里化石》[Fossil in the Wall], 北京:中国致公 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
Yan Jun 颜峻
2001:《次声波》[Infrasonic Sound], 北京:Subjam, unofficial
2006:《不可能》[Impossible], 北京:unofficial
Yan Li 严力
1987:《酒故事》[Drinking Story], 北京?:unofficial | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1990:《严力诗选(1976-1985)》[Selected Poems by Yan Li (1976-1985)], New York: 纽约一行诗社, unofficial
1991:《严力诗选1990》[Selected Poems by Yan Li, 1990], New York: 纽约一行诗社, unofficial
1991 (嚴力),《這首詩可能還不錯》[This Poem May Not Be So Bad], in《書林詩集》[Book Forest Poetry] series, 台北:書林
1993:《黄昏制造者》[Maker of Dusk], 南京:南京大学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1993:《纽约不是天堂》[New York Isn't Paradise], 北京:华艺 | Short prose.
1995:《严力诗选》[Selected Poems by Yan Li], 上海:上海文艺
1995, with Yi Sha 伊沙 & Ma Fei 马非:《一行乘三》[Journey of Three], 西宁:青海人民
1999:《多面镜旋转体》[Rotating Polyhedral Mirror], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
2004:《还给我:严力诗歌1974-2004》[Give It Back to Me: Yan Li's poetry 1974-2004], in《〈诗参考〉15年金库》[The Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference] series, edited by Zhongdao 中岛, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Nan Ren 南人, Kingsbury, Australia: 原乡
2007:《历史的扑克牌》[History's Poker Cards], in《诗与思:当代诗人随笔文丛》[Poetry and Thought: Short Prose by Contemporary Poets] series, 济南:山东文艺 | Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.
Yan Song 颜菘
2002:《作业》[Homework], 北京:unofficial
Yan Yuejun ♀ 阎月君
1997:《忧伤与造句》[Melancholy and Making Sentences], edited by Shen Qi 沈奇, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
Yang Jian 杨键
2003:《幕晚》[Nightfall], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (second set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Yang Ke 杨克
1994:《陌生的十字路口》[Unfamiliar Crossroads], 北京:人民文学
2000:《笨拙的手指》[Clumsy Fingers], in《黑皮诗丛》[Dark Skin Poetry Series], 太原:北岳文艺
2004:《杨克卷》[Yang Ke Volume], in《广西当代作家丛书》[A Book Series of Contemporary Writers from Guangxi], 桂林:漓江
2006:《杨克诗歌集》[Poems by Yang Ke], 重庆:重庆
2008:《天羊28克》[28 Grams of Heavenly Yang], 北京:作家 | Short prose. An explanation of the title (which plays on the homophony of 羊 and 杨) is found in the preface.
Yang Li 杨黎
1996, with He Xiaozhu 何小竹:《新作品》[New Works], 成都:unofficial | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1998:《小杨与马丽》[Little Yang and Ma Li], 成都?:unofficial | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
2002:《小杨与马丽》[Little Yang and Ma Li], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
2004:《灿烂:第三代的写作和生活》[Splendor: The Writing and the Lives of the Third Generation], 西宁:青海人民 | Memoirs.
Yang Lian 杨炼
1980?:《土地》[The Land], 北京:unofficial
1981-1982?《海边的孩子:散文诗集》[Child by the Sea: Prose Poems], 北京:unofficial
1981-1982?《太原, 每天都是新的》[There Is a New Sun Every Day], 北京:unofficial
1984:《礼魂》[Ritualization of the Soul], 北京:unofficial
1985:《礼魂》[Ritualization of the Soul], in《中国当代青年诗人丛书》[Young Contemporary Chinese Poets Series], 西安?:长安诗家编委会
1986:《荒魂》[Barren Soul], 上海:上海文学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
》[Yī], 北京:unofficial
1989:《黄》[Yellow], 北京:人民文学
1990: Masks and Crocodile: A Contemporary Chinese Poet and his Poetry, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by Mabel Lee, Sydney: Wild Peony | See remark on exile in scope, above.
1990: The Dead in Exile, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by Mabel Lee, Kingston, Australia: Tiananmen | See remark on exile in scope, above.
1991:《无人称:杨炼短诗选集 (1981-1991)》[Non-Person Singular: Selected Short Poems by Yang Lian (1981-1991)], Berlin?: unofficial
1991:《太阳与人》[The Sun and the Human Being], 长沙:湖南文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1994 (楊煉):《
:中文长诗》[Yī: A Long Poem in Chinese], 台北:現代詩季刊社 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1994: Non-Person Singular, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by Brian Holton, London: Wellsweep | See remark on exile in scope, above.
1998:《大海停止之处:杨炼作品1982-1997 – 诗歌卷》[Where the Sea Stands Still: Works by Yang Lian, 1982-1997 – Poetry Volume], 上海:上海文艺
1998:《鬼话•智力的空间:杨炼作品1982-1997 – 散文•文论卷》[Ghostspeak – Intellectual Space: Works by Yang Lian, 1982-1997 – Short Prose and Essays Volume], 上海:上海文艺
1999: Where the Sea Stands Still: New Poems, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by Brian Holton, Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe | See remark on exile in scope, above.
2002: Yi, bilingual English-Chinese edition with a translation by Mabel Lee, Los Angeles: Green Integer | See remark on exile in scope, above.
2003:《幸福鬼魂手记:杨炼作品1998-2002 – 诗歌、散文、文论》[Notes of a Blissful Ghost: Works by Yang Lian, 1998-2002 – Poetry, Short Prose, Essays], 上海:上海文艺
2008: Riding Pisces: Poems from Five Collections, bilingual English-Chinese edition with translations by Brian Holton, Exeter: Shearsman | See remark on exile in scope, above.
Yang Tao 洋滔
1988:《驭马手》[Horse Rider], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江 | Colophon has 《驯马手》[Horse Tamer].
Yang Xie 杨邪
2004:《非法分子》[Illegal Elements], in《〈诗参考〉15年金库》[The Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference] series, edited by Zhongdao 中岛, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Nan Ren 南人, Kingsbury, Australia: 原乡
Yangzi 扬子
2004:《悠悠流水》[Calmly Flowing Water], Alhambra CA: 新大陆丛书
Yi Lei 伊蕾
1987:《爱的火焰》[Sparks of Love], 石家庄:花山文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1987:《爱的方式》[The Way of Love], 北京:中国文联 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1990:《女性年龄》[The Age of Womanhood], 北京:人民文学
1990:《叛逆的手》[Rebel Hands], 黑龙江:北方文艺
1990:《伊蕾爱情诗》[Yi Lei's Love Poetry], 北京:作家
Yi Sha 伊沙
1994:《饿死诗人》[Starve the Poets], 北京:中国华侨
1995, with Yan Li 严力 & Ma Fei 马非:《一行乘三》[Journey of Three], 西宁:青海人民
1998:《伊沙这个鬼:伊沙的诗及相关评论集》[That Devil of an Yi Sha: The Poetry of Yi Sha and Collected Reviews], edited by Zhongdao 中岛, 北京:《 诗参考》编辑部, unofficial
1999:《野种之歌》[Song of the Bastard], 西宁:青海人民
1999:《一个都不放过》[Not a Single One Will Get Away], 西宁:青海人民 | Short prose.
1999:《俗人理解解不了的幸福》[Happiness That the Philistines Will Never Understand], 西宁:青海人民 | Short prose.
1999:《我终于理解你的拒绝》[I Finally Understand Why You Reject Me], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
2003:《伊沙诗选》[Selected Poems by Yi Sha], 西宁:青海人民
2003:《我的英雄》[My Heroes], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (second set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
2003:《伊沙短詩選》[Selected Short Poems by Yi Sha], bilingual Chinese-English edition with translations by Denis Mair & Ouyang Yu, 香港:銀河
2004:《唐》[Tang], in《〈诗参考〉15年金库》[The Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference] series, edited by Zhongdao 中岛, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Nan Ren 南人, Kingsbury, Australia: 原乡
2005:《无知者无耻》[Those without Knowledge Are without Shame], 北京:朝华 | Short prose.
2006:《车过黄河》[As the Train Crossed the Yellow River], in《中国新诗名家代表作文库》[A Literary Treasure House of Representative Works by Famous Authors of China's New Poetry] series, New York: 诗歌报 / 惠特曼出版社-Walt Whitman Literature Fund
2007:《晨钟暮鼓》[Morning Bells and Evening Drums], in《诗与思:当代诗人随笔文丛》[Poetry and Thought: Short Prose by Contemporary Poets] series, 济南:山东文艺
Yin Lichuan 尹丽川
2001:《再舒服一些》[Make It Feel Even Better], 北京:中国青年 | Contains fiction, poetry and essays.
2003:《37°8》[37°8], 北京:作家 | Short prose.
2006:《因果》[Cause and Effect], 福州:海风
Yin Longlong 殷龙龙
1986:《小调钢琴协奏曲 (诗集)》[Piano Concerto in Minor (A Poetry Collection)], 北京:unofficial
2002:《和我交谈》[Talk to Me], 汉语诗歌资料室 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
Yu Gang 余刚
1988:《越过苦难的条例》[Beyond the Rules of Suffering], 杭州:unofficial
1993:《热爱》[Passionate Love], 北京:知识
Yu Jian 于坚
1989:《作品, 1988-1989》[Works, 1988-1989], 昆明:unofficial
1989:《阳光下的棕榈树》[Palm Trees in the Sun], 昆明:unofficial
1989:《于坚诗六十首》[Sixty Poems by Yu Jian], 昆明:云南人民
1990:《诗集, 1989-1990》[Poems, 1989-1990], 昆明:unofficial
1993:《对一只乌鸦的命名》[The Naming of a Crow], 昆明:国际文化
1995:《戏剧车间〈零档案〉》[Theater Workshop: «File Zero»], 北京:unofficial
1997:《棕皮手记》[Brown Notebook], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose.
1998:《王中文化奖首届获奖者诗人于坚》[Poet Yu Jian, Laureate of the First Wang Zhong Culture Award], 昆明:unofficial
1999 (于堅)《一枚穿過天空的釘子》[A Nail through the Sky], in《大陸先鋒詩》[Avant-Garde Poetry from Mainland China] series, edited by Huang Liang 黃粱, 台北:唐山
1999:《人间笔记》[Notes from the Human World], 北京:解放军文艺 | Short prose.
2000:《于坚的诗》[The Poetry of Yu Jian], in《蓝星诗库》[Blue Star Poetry Treasure House] series, 北京:人民文学
2001:《诗歌• 便条集:1-216》[Poetry: Collected Notes, 1996-1999: 1-216], 昆明:云南人民
2003:《诗集与图像, 2000-2002》[Poems and Images, 2000-2002], 西宁:青海人民
2004:《一枚穿过天空的钉子:诗集1975-2000》[A Nail through the Sky: Poems, 1975-2000],《于坚集:卷1》[Collected Works of Yu Jian: Volume 1], 昆明:云南人民
2004:《0档案:长诗七部与便条集》[File 0: Seven Long Poems and {Poetic} Notes],《于坚集:卷2》[Collected Works of Yu Jian: Volume 2], 昆明:云南人民
2004:《人间笔记:散文》[Notes from the Human World: Short Prose],《于坚集:卷3》[Collected Works of Yu Jian: Volume 3], 昆明:云南人民
2004:《正在眼前的事物:散文》[Objects Right in Front of Your Eyes: Short Prose],《于坚集:卷4》[Collected Works of Yu Jian: Volume 4], 昆明:云南人民
2004:《拒绝隐喻:棕皮手记、评论、访谈》[Reject Metaphor: Brown Notebook—Criticism—Interviews],《于坚集:卷5》[Collected Works of Yu Jian: Volume 5], 昆明:云南人民
2006:《只有大海苍茫如幕》[Only the Sea, Vast Like a Canopy], 北京:长征
2006:《八十八张便条:便条集1996-2005》 [Eighty-Eight Notes: Selected Notes 1996-2005], in《中国新诗名家代表作文库》[A Literary Treasure House of Representative Works by Famous Authors of China's New Poetry], New York: 诗歌报 / 惠特曼出版社-Walt Whitman Literature Fund
Yu Nu 余怒
1999:《守夜人》[Night Watch], in《大陸先鋒詩》[Avant-Garde Poetry from Mainland China] series, edited by Huang Liang 黃粱, 台北:唐山
2004:《余怒诗选集》[Selected Poems by Yu Nu], 北京:华文
2006?:《枝叶:余怒的一组短诗》[Trivial Matters: A Series of Short Poems by Yu Nu], in《中国新诗名家代表作文库》[A Literary Treasure House of Representative Works by Famous Authors of China's New Poetry] series, New York: 诗歌报 / 惠特曼出版社-Walt Whitman Literature Fund | Not seen; listed on various websites.
Yu Xiaowei 于小韦
2002:《火车》[Train], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Yu Xinjiao 俞心焦
1991:《召晚》[Summon the Evening], 北京:unofficial
1991:《灵魂大面积降临》[The Soul Alighting on a Vast Area], 北京:unofficial
Yutian 雨田
1993:《最后的花朵与纯洁的诗》[The Last Flower and Pure Poetry], 南宁:广西民族
1993:《秋天里的独白》[Autumn Soliloquy], 香港:香港新世纪
1994:《雪地中的回忆》[Memories on Snowy Ground], 成都:四川大学
1998:《雨田长诗选集》[Selected Long Poems by Yu Tian], 北京:作家
Yuyu 郁郁
1985:《在路上》[On the Road], 上海:unofficial
2000:《亲爱的虚无 • 亲爱的意义》[Dear Nothing, Dear Meaning], in《黑皮诗丛》[Dark Skin Poetry Series], 太原:北岳文艺
Zang Di 臧棣
1997:《燕园纪事》[A Yanyuan Memoir], 北京:unofficial
1998:《燕园纪事》[A Yanyuan Memoir], in《九十年代中国诗歌》[Chinese Poetry of the Nineties] series, 北京:文化艺术
1999:《王子》[The Prince], 昆明:云南人民 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
2000:《风吹草动》[The Wind Blows and the Grass Rustles], 北京:中国工人
2002:《新鲜的荆棘》[Fresh Thorns], 北京:新世界
2002:《未名湖》[Lake with No Name], 北京:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal 《新诗》[New Poetry].
2005:《沸腾协会》[The Seething Association], 剃须刀丛书 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
Zhai Yongming ♀ 翟永明
1984:《女人》[Woman], 成都:unofficial
1988:《女人》[Woman], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
1992:《在一切玫瑰之上》[Above All Roses], in《中国当代女诗人抒情诗丛》[A Book Series of Lyric Poetry by Contemporary Chinese Women Poets], edited by Wei Fan 未凡, 沈阳:沈阳
1994:《翟永明诗集》[Poems by Zhai Yongming], 成都:成都
1997:《称之为一切》[Call It Everything], edited by Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
1997:《纸上建筑》[Building on Paper], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose.
1997:《黑夜的素歌》[Simple Songs of Night], in《中国当代诗人精品大系坚守现在诗系》[The Best Works by Contemporary Chinese Poets, a Compendium: A Series to Safeguard Poetry Now], 北京:改革
2002:《终于使我周转不灵》[Finally More Than I Can Handle], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Zhang Er ♀ 张耳
1999:《没人看见你看见的景致》[Nobody Sees What You Have Seen], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
2002:《水字》[Water Words], in《新大陆丛书》[New World Book Series], Alhambra CA: 新大陆诗刊
2005 (張耳):《山緣》[On Account of the Mountain], 台北:唐山
Zhang Liang 张亮
1988:《异处:》[Elsewhere: ], 上海:unofficial | The colon is in fact part of the title, at the top of an otherwise empty page with the author's name at the very bottom.
Zhang Ping 章平
2004:《章平诗选》[Selected Poems by Zhang Ping], in《〈诗参考〉15年金库》[The Gold Treasure House of 15 Years of Poetry Reference] series, edited by Zhongdao 中岛, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Nan Ren 南人, Kingsbury, Australia: 原乡
Zhang Shuguang 张曙光
1998:《小丑的花格外衣》[The Clown's Checkered Facade], in《九十年代中国诗歌》[Chinese Poetry of the Nineties] series, 北京:文化艺术
Zhang Ye ♀ 张烨
1989:《彩色世界》[World in Color], 北京:华夏
1992:《绿色皇冠》[Green Crown], in《中国当代女诗人抒情诗丛》[A Book Series of Lyric Poetry by Contemporary Chinese Women Poets], edited by Wei Fan 未凡, 沈阳:沈阳
1998:《生命路上的歌》[Songs on the Road of Life], edited by Liu Na 刘纳, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
Zhang Zao 张枣
1998:《春秋来信》[Spring and Autumn Letters], in《九十年代中国诗歌》[Chinese Poetry of the Nineties] series, 北京:文化艺术
Zhang Zhen ♀ 张真
1986?:《张真的诗集—圆梦书 • 自白书(1983-1986)》[Poems by Zhang Zhen: Book of Dreams Come True • Book of Confessions (1983-1986], 北京?上海?:unofficial
1998:《梦中楼阁》[Attic in a Dream], edited by Shen Rui 沈睿, in《中国女性诗歌文库》[A Treasure House of Chinese Women's Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕, 沈阳:春风文艺
Zhao Ye 赵野
1991?, with Deng Xiang 邓翔:《风景与美学》[Scenery and The Study of Beauty], 成都:unofficial
1992:《象罔》[Image Puzzle], 成都:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Zhao Ye.
Zheng Danyi 郑单衣
2003:《夏天的翅膀:郑单衣诗集》[Wings of Summer: Poems by Zheng Danyi, 1984-1997], bilingual Chinese-English edition with translations by Luo Hui, 香港:Sixth Finger
2005:《夏天的翅膀:郑单衣诗集》[Wings of Summer: Poems by Zheng Danyi], 上海:上海三联
Zhong Ming 钟鸣
1990?:《象罔》[Image Puzzle], 成都:unofficial | Short prose. Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Zhong Ming.
1991?:《象罔》[Image Puzzle], 成都:unofficial | Special issue of this unofficial journal, dedicated to Zhong Ming.
1997:《徒步者随录》[Random Jottings by One on Foot], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose. Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.
1998:《旁观者》[Spectator], 共三册, 海口:海南 | Collected essays, short prose and memoirs.
2002:《秋天的戏剧》[Autumn Comedy], 上海:学术 | Collected essays and short prose.
Zhongdao 中岛
1999:《一路货色》[Birds of a Feather], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Zhou Lunyou 周伦佑
1999 (周倫佑):《在刀鋒上完成的句法轉換》[Syntactic Transformation Completed on a the Edge of a Knife], in《大陸先鋒詩》[Avant-Garde Poetry from Mainland China] series, edited by Huang Liang 黃粱, 台北:唐山
Zhou Yaping 周亚平
1990:《周亚平作品与作品讨论》[Works by Zhou Yaping and Discussions of His Work], 南京:南京市作家协会 | Presented as "internal material" (内部资料).
Zhou Zan 周瓒
1999:《周瓒诗集:梦想, 或自我观察》[Poems by Zhou Zan: Dream or Self-Observation], 北京:unofficial | Zhou Zan is the same person as Zhou Yaqin.
Zhu Guangtian 朱光天
1988:《爱的化石》[Fossil of Love], in《青年诗丛》[Poetry by the Young] series, 桂林:漓江
Zhu Wen 朱文
1999:《他們不得不從河堤上回去》[They Cannot But Go Back from the River Dyke], in《大陸先鋒詩》[Avant-Garde Poetry from Mainland China] series, edited by Huang Liang 黃粱, 台北:唐山
2002:《他们不得不从河堤上回去》[They Cannot But Go Back from the River Dyke], in《年代诗丛》[Epoch Poetry Series] (first set), edited by Han Dong 韩东, 石家庄:河北教育
Zhu Yekuang 朱也旷
1990:《没有穹窿的教堂》[Church without a Spire], in《世纪末诗丛》[A Poetry Series of the End of the Century], 沈阳:春风文艺
Zhuzhu 朱朱
2000:《枯草上的盐》[Salt on Dried Grass], 北京:人民文学
2005:《皮箱》[The Trunk], 桂林:广西师范大学
Zou Fuxiao 邹赴晓
1999:《歌唱, 或者沉默》[To Sing, or to Be Silent], in《零点地铁诗丛》[Midnight Subway Poetry Series], edited by Yi Sha 伊沙, 西宁:青海人民
Zou Jingzhi 邹静之
1989:《幡》[Streamers], in《驼队诗丛》[The Camel Caravan Poetry Series], 北京:文化艺术
1990:《诗二十一首》[Twenty-one Poems], 北京:unofficial
A Xi 阿西
2002-02 (ed):《流放地》[Place of Banishment], 北京:中国文联 | Title provides no literary-historical or aesthetic focus. Contains work by some twenty poets of different generations and varying aesthetic persuasions from the late 1970s until the early 2000s, often with the poetry followed by the author's short prose.
An Qi ♀ 安琪, Yuancun 远村 & Huang Lihai 黄礼孩
2004-06 (eds):《中间代诗全集》[Collected Poems of the Middle Generation], 共二册, 福州:海峡文艺
Bei Dao 北岛, Shu Ting ♀ 舒婷, Gu Cheng 顾城, Jiang He 江河 & Yang Lian 杨炼
1986-12:《五人诗选》[Selected Poems by Five Poets], 北京:作家 | No editor identified.
Beiling 贝岭
1984-13 (ed):《当代中国诗三十八首》[Thirty-Eight Contemporary Chinese Poems], 北京:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
Beiling 贝岭 & Meng Lang 孟浪
1985-13 (eds):《当代中国诗歌75首》[75 Contemporary Chinese Poems], 北京 / 上海:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
Canxing 残星, Yihai 义海 et al 等
1991-01 (eds):《先锋派诗》[Avant-Garde Poetry], 广州:花城 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Cao Wenxuan 曹文轩
2001-01 (ed):《20世纪末中国文学作品选:诗歌卷》[Selected Chinese Literary Works from the End of the 20th Century: Poetry Volume], 北京:北京大学
Chen Chao 陈超
1989-08 (ed):《中国探索诗鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of Chinese Explorative Poetry], 石家庄:河北人民 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Reprinted and expanded as Chen Chao 1999.
1993-10 (ed):《以梦为马:新生代诗卷》[With a Dream for a Horse: Newborn Generation Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学
1999-01 (ed):《中国当代诗选》[Selected Contemporary Chinese Poems], 共二册, 石家庄:河北教育
1999-12 (ed):《20世纪中国探索诗鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of 20th-Century Chinese Explorative Poetry], 共二册, 石家庄:河北人民 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Expanded reprint of Chen Chao 1989.
Chen Cun 陈村
2002-01 (ed):《网络诗三百:中国网络原创诗歌精选》[Three Hundred Internet Poems: The Finest Original Chinese Internet Poetry], 郑州:大家 | Not seen; listed on various websites.
Chen Dongdong 陈东东
1990-13 (ed):《长诗与组诗》[Long Poems and Poem Series], 北京 / 上海:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
Chen Shucai 陈树才
2000-04 (ed):《1999中国最佳诗歌》[The Best Chinese Poetry of 1999], 沈阳:辽宁人民 | Included in light of the space dedicated to the avant-garde. Chen Shucai is the same person as poet Shu Cai (the orthography of the latter follows convention to date rather than the rules for Chinese surnames and given names).
Chen Xuguang 陈旭光
1994-02 (ed):《快餐馆里的冷风景:诗歌诗论选》[Cold Landscape in a Fast Food Restaurant: Selected Poetry and Poetry Criticism], 北京:北京大学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
Chen Zihong 陈子弘
2002-07 (ed):《在成都》[In Chengdu], 成都:unofficial
Cheng Guangwei 程光炜
1998-02 (ed):《岁月的遗照:九十年代文学书系, 诗歌卷》[A Portrait of Years Deceased: Literature of the Nineties, Poetry Volume], 北京:社会科学文献
Cheng Guangwei 程光炜 & Xiao Ming 肖茗
2000-08 (eds):《时间的钻石之歌:中国新锐诗人诗选》[Song of the Jewel of Time: Selected Poems by New Talent on China's Poetry Scene], 武汉:长江文艺 | Xiao Ming is the same person as Yang Xiaomin.
Cui Weiping ♀ 崔卫平
1993-10 (ed):《苹果上的豹:女性诗卷》[Leopard on the Apple: Women's Poetry Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学
Feng Yan ♀ 冯晏, Gangke 钢克, Li Dewu 李德武, Liu Yu 刘禹, Sang Ke 桑克, Wang Yuzhi 王雨之, Wen Qianyi 文乾义, Zhang Shuguang 张曙光 & Zhu Yongliang 朱永良
2000-12:《九人诗选》[Selected Poems by Nine Poets], 哈尔滨:黑龙江人民 | No editor identified.
Fu Mahuo 符马活
2002-05 (ed):《诗江湖:2001网络诗歌年选:先锋诗歌档案》[Poetry Vagabonds: Selected Internet Poetry from 2001: The Avant-Garde Poetry Files], 西宁:青海人民
Fu Mahuo 符马活 & Duoyu 朵渔
2001-05 (eds):《诗江湖2000》[Poetry Vagabonds, 2000], 香港:香港银河
Gong Jingran 龚静染 & Nie Zuoping 聂作平
2000-08 (eds):《中国第4代诗人诗选》[Selected Poems by China's 4th Generation Poets], 成都:四川文艺
Gong Mu 公木
1991-11 (ed):《新诗鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of New Poetry], 上海:上海辞书 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Gou Chengyi 勾承益
1993-12 (ed):《温柔地死在本城:中国新时期文学精品大系•诗歌》 [Gently Die in this City: Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era – Poetry], in《中国新时期文学精品大系》[Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era], 共十七册, edited by Li Shuang 李双 & Zhang Yi 张忆, 天津:中国文学 | The Compendium has three poetry volumes: see also Gu Shengying 1993 and Li Shuang 1993.
Gu He 谷禾
2005-03 (ed):《东北1963:李占刚、苏历铭、杨川庆、杨锦、潘洗尘、许宝健、朱凌波诗选》[The Northeast, 1963: Selected Poems by Li Zhangang, Su Liming, Yang Chuanqing, Yang Jin, Pan Xichen, Xu Baojian and Zhu Lingbo], 北京:中国文史
Gu Ma 古马, Zhang Yansong 张岩松 & Xiao Rong ♀ 萧融
2003-04 (eds):《十年灯:当代青年实力诗人32家》[A Ten-Year Lamp: 32 Contemporary Young Poets of Ability], 兰州:敦煌文艺
Gu Shengying 谷声应
1993-12 (ed):《我不知道怎么爱你:中国新时期文学精品大系•诗歌》 [I Don't Know How to Love You: Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era – Poetry], in《中国新时期文学精品大系》[Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era], 共十七册, edited by Li Shuang 李双 & Zhang Yi 张忆, 天津:中国文学 | The Compendium has three poetry volumes: see also Gou Chengyi 1993 and Li Shuang 1993.
Haishu 海曙, Lü De'an 吕德安 et al 等
1986-13?:《星期五》[Friday], 福州?:unofficial | No editor identified. Haishu may well be the same person as Jin Haishu 金海曙. See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
Haixiao 海啸
2004-12 (ed):《2004 新诗代年度诗选》[Selected Poems by the New Poetry Generation, 2004], 北京:学苑音像
Hao Haiyan 郝海彦, Teng Wei 滕为 & Zhu Jiyu 朱吉余
1998-02 (eds):《中国知青诗抄》[Hand-Copied Poems by Chinese Intellectual Youths], 北京:中国文学 | Included in view of the role played by Intellectual Youths during the Cultural Revolution in setting the stage for the avant-garde.
He Xiaozhu 何小竹
1999-12 (ed):《1999中国诗年选》[Selected Chinese Poems from 1999], 西安:陕西师范大学
He Xiaozhu 何小竹 & Zhai Yongming ♀ 翟永明
2005-06? (eds):《诗歌在今天》[Poetry Today], 成都:世纪城•首届成都国际诗歌节 / 成都世纪城•新国际会展中心, unofficial | Produced on the occasion of the First Chengdu International Poetry Festival, scheduled for summer 2005. The festival was cancelled by the authorities, publicity was censored and the anthology's circulation withheld. Some two hundred copies were smuggled out of the printing plant.
Hei Dachun 黑大春
1995-12 (ed):《蔚蓝色天空的黄金:当代中国60年代出生代表性作家展示:诗歌卷》[The Gold of a Bright Blue Sky: Exposition of Representative Contemporary Chinese Authors Born in the 60s: Poetry Volume], 北京:中国对外翻译
Hong Zicheng 洪子诚 & Cheng Guangwei 程光炜
2004-06 (eds):《朦胧诗新编》[A New Anthology of Obscure Poetry], 武汉:长沙文艺
Hu Xudong 胡续冬, Jiang Tao 江涛, Mu Qing ♀ 穆青 & Zhou Yaqin ♀ 周亚琴
1997-13:《四人诗选》[Selected Poems by Four Poets], 北京:unofficial | No editor identified. See the bibliography of unofficial journals. Zhou Yaqin is the same person as Zhou Zan.
Huang Lihai 黄礼孩
2001-06 (ed):《'70后诗人诗选》[Selected Poems by Post-70 Poets], 福州:海风
2002-08 (ed):《狂想的旅程:新女性新诗歌》[Fantasy Journey: The New Woman and a New Poetry], 福州:海风
2006-12 (ed):《出生地:广东本土青年诗选》 [Place of Birth: Selected Poems by Native Cantonese Young Poets], 广州:花城
Huang Lihai黄礼孩 & Jiang Tao ♀ 江涛
2002-13 (eds):《2002年中国女性诗歌大扫描》[A Broad Overview of Chinese Women's Poetry in 2002], 广州:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal《诗歌与人》.
2004-13 (eds):《最受读者喜欢的10位女诗人》[The 10 Women Poets That Readers Like Best], 广州:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal《诗歌与人》.
Huang Zumin 黄祖民
1992-12 (ed):《超越世纪:当代先锋派诗人四十家》[Transcending the Age: Forty Contemporary Avant-Garde Poets], in《阳光地带的朦胧丛书》[A Series of Obscure Books in the Sunny Zone], 太原:山西高校联合
Iwasa Masaaki 岩佐昌暲 & Liu Fuchun 刘福春
2001-03 (eds):《紅衛兵詩選》[Selected Poems by Red Guards], 日本福岡:中國書店 | Included in view of the role played by Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution in setting the stage for the avant-garde. Published in Japan, but containing only the Chinese texts.
Jiang Hongwei 姜红伟
2008-04 (ed):《寻找诗歌史上的失踪者:二十世纪八十年代校园诗歌运动备忘录》[In Search of Those Who Have Gone Missing from Poetry's History: A Memorandum of the Campus Poetry Movement of the Eighties], 济南:黄河 | Included in view of the importance of Campus Poetry for the development of the avant-garde and its readership; contains much poetry, in addition to literary-historical and critical material.
Jiang Shui 江水
2000-05 (ed):《二十世纪九十年代诗选》[Selected Poems from the Nineties of the Twentieth Century], 上海:上海文艺
Jin Geng 金耕 & Yu Gang 余刚
1987-02 (eds):《萨克城》[Hot City], 杭州:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
Kang Cheng 康城, Huang Lihai 黄礼孩, Zhu Jiafa 朱佳发 & Lao Pi 老皮
2004-05 (eds):《70后诗集》[A Collection of Post-70 Poems], 共二册, 福州:海风
Lan Dizhi 蓝棣之
1992-07 (ed):《我常常享受一种孤独:获奖诗人诗歌选萃》[I Often Enjoy a Kind of Loneliness: The Finest Poems by Award-Winning Poets], in 《八十年代文学新潮丛书》 [Book Series on New Literary Tides from the Eighties], edited by Lan Dizhi 蓝棣之 & Li Fuwei 李复威, 北京:北京师范大学
Lao Mu 老木
1985-01 (ed):《新诗潮诗集》[A Collection of New Tide Poetry], 共二册, 北京:北京大学五四文学社 | Semi-official, presented as "for internal exchange" (内部交流).
1985-01 (ed):《青年诗人谈诗》[Young Poets on Poetry], 北京:北京大学五四文学社 | Explicit-poetical statements.
Li Daisong 李岱松
2004-06 (ed):《光芒涌入:首届 "新诗界国际诗歌奖" 获奖诗人特辑》[Light Gushes In: A Special Edition on the "First New Poetry Circle International Poetry Award" Laureates], 北京:新世界 | Laureates include Xi Chuan 西川, Wang Xiaoni 王小妮 and Yu Jian 于坚.
Li Lizhong ♀ 李丽中
1988-02 (ed):《朦胧诗•新生代诗百首点评》[Obscure Poetry and Newborn Poetry: A Hundred Poems, with Commentaries], 天津:南开大学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above). Appears to be a critical anthology (ibid).
1988-09 (ed):《骚动的诗神:新潮诗歌选评》[A Restless God of Poetry: Selected New Tide Poetry, with Commentaries], 石家庄:花山文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Li Lizhong ♀ 李丽中, Zhang Lei 张雷 & Zhang Xu 张旭
1990-01 (eds):《朦胧诗后:中国先锋诗选》[After Obscure Poetry: Selected Chinese Avant-Garde Poems], 天津:南开大学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Li Runxia ♀ 李润霞
2006-01 (ed):《被放逐的诗神》[A Banished God of Poetry], in《潜在写作文丛》[Invisible Writing Series], edited by Chen Sihe 陈思和, 武汉:武汉 | Underground poetry written during the Cultural Revolution.
Li Shuang 李双
1993-12 (ed):《回答:中国新时期文学精品大系•诗歌》 [Answer: Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era – Poetry], in《中国新时期文学精品大系》[Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era], 共十七册, edited by Li Shuang 李双 & Zhang Yi 张忆, 天津:中国文学 | The Compendium has three poetry volumes: see also Gou Chengyi 1993 and Gu Shengying 1993.
Li Yijian 李毅坚, Chen Zihong 陈子弘, Chen Heshan 陈鹤山, Huang Zhan'a 黄占啊 & Mao Gang 毛刚
1988-06 (eds):《五人集》[Works by Five Poets], 昆明:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals. No editor identified, although a preface by Chen Zihong and an afterword by Chen Heshan suggest that they did the editorial work.
Li Yukun 李玉昆 & Li Bin 李滨
1991-01 (ed):《中国新诗百首赏析》 [Appreciations of One Hundred Works of China's New Poetry], 北京:北京语言学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Liang Xiaoming 梁晓明, Nan Ye 南野 & Liu Xiang 刘翔
2004-07 (eds):《中国先锋诗歌档案》[Chinese Avant-Garde Poetry Files], 杭州:浙江文艺
Liao Yiwu 廖亦武
1999-04 (ed):《沉沦的圣殿:中国二十世纪70年代地下诗歌遗照》[Sunken Temple: China's Underground Poetry in the 70s of the Twentieth Century], 乌鲁木齐:新疆青少年 | Memoirs. Contributors include several poets.
Lin Xianzhi 林贤治
2002-01 (ed):《自由诗篇1967-2001》[Free Poetry, 1967-2001], 北京:中国工人 | Editor notes that 自由 'free' in the phrase 自由诗篇 refers to poetry's spiritual essence (精神实质) rather than the absence of rhyme and other objectifiable formal features in what is called free verse in English; hence, its rendition as free poetry.
Liu Feimao 刘飞茂 & Wang Rongqi 王荣起
1989-02 (eds),《爱情朦胧诗选》[Selected Obscure Love Poems], 北京:农村读物出版社
Liu Huai 柳槐
1988-06 (ed):《朦胧诗赏析》[Appreciations of Obscure Poetry], 西安:华岳文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Liu Shijie 刘士杰
1996-10 (ed):《诗化心史》[A Poetic History of the Heart], 北京:中国社会科学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Liu Shuyuan 刘树元
2005-07 (ed):《中国现当代诗歌赏析》[Appreciations of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poems], 杭州:浙江大学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Liu Xia ♀ 刘霞, Bai He ♀ 白荷, A B ♀ 啊B, Fang Zi ♀ 方子, Du Dongyan ♀ 杜东彦, Liu Bo ♀ 刘博, Xiaoxiao ♀ 潇潇, Feng Dandan ♀ 冯丹丹, Liu Xiaohong ♀刘晓红
2005-02:《干草部落》[The Hay Tribe], 北京:光明日报 | No editor identified.
Long Quanming 龙泉明 & Zhao Xiaoqi 赵小琪
2003-10 (eds)《中国新诗名作导读》[Reading Guide to Famous Works of Chinese New Poetry], 武汉:长江文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Long Yu 龙郁
1993-05 (ed):《青年诗人十人集》[Poems by Ten Young Poets], 香港:文光
Luo Fu 洛夫
2003-02 (ed):《百年华语诗坛十二家》[Twelve Authors from a Hundred-Year-Old Chinese-Language Poetry Scene], 北京:台海
Ma Chaoyang 马朝阳
1990-11 (ed):《中国当代校园诗歌选萃》[The Finest Contemporary Chinese Campus Poetry], 北京:作家
Malingshu xiongdi 马铃薯兄弟
2002-09 (ed):《中国网络诗典》[A Dictionary of Chinese Internet Poetry], 南京:江苏文艺
Min Zhengdao 闵正道
1994-07 (ed):《中国诗选》[Selected Chinese Poetry], 成都:成都科技大学 | Presented as first (book-length) issue of serial publication.
Mo Fei 莫非, Che Qianzi 车前子, Jianning 简宁, Xi Junqiu 席君秋, Shu Cai 树才, Yin Longlong 殷龙龙, Xiao Hai 小海, Yin Lichuan 尹丽川 & Qiao Damo 谯达摩
1999-12:《九人诗选 / 一九九9人诗选》[Selected Poems by Nine Poets / Selected Poems by Nineteen Hundred Ninety 9 Poets], 北京:中国文联 | No editor identified.
Momo 默默
2004-01 (ed):《撒娇》[Coquetry], 香港:时尚周刊 | Published in Hong Kong, but in simplified characters. See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
2004-09 (ed):《撒娇》[Coquetry], 北京:中国文联 | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
Nai Sheng 乃生 & A Hai 阿海
1986-04 (eds):《四月:诗选集》[April: Selected Poems], 浙江 / 北京:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
Niu Han 牛汉
2000-05 (ed):《风中站立:中国当代文化书系•诗歌卷》[Stand Firm in the Wind: A Book Series on Contemporary Chinese Culture: Poetry Volume], edited by Ji Xianlin 季羡林, 共七卷 (十三册), 合肥:安徽文艺
Niu Han 牛汉 & Cai Qijiao 蔡其矫
1991-02 (eds):《东方金字塔:中国青年诗人13家》[Pyramid in the East: 13 Young Chinese Poets], 合肥:安徽文艺
Niu Han 牛汉 & Xie Mian 谢冕
2000-01 (eds):《新诗三百首》[Three Hundred New Poems], 共三册, 北京:中国青年
Pu Min 普珉, Xuesong 雪松, Yu Xiang ♀ 宇向, Changzheng 长征, Geshi 格式, Bai Mingwen ♀ 柏明文 & Sun Lei 孙磊
2001-06:《七人诗选》[Selected Poems by Seven Poets], 北京:中国戏剧 | No editor identified.
Qi Feng 齐峰, Jie'er 阶耳 & Ren Wu 任悟
1988-12 (eds):《朦胧诗名篇鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of Famous Obscure Poems], 西安:陕西师范大学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Qi Guo 祁国 & Zhang Xiaoyun 张小云
2002-07 (eds):《中国新诗选》[Selected New Chinese Poems], 西宁:青海人民
Shanghai Wenyi chubanshe 上海文艺出版社
1986-08 (ed):《探索诗集》[A Collection of Explorative Poems], 上海:上海文艺
1990-01 (ed):《八十年代诗选》[Selected Poems from the Eighties], 上海:上海文艺
1993-12 (ed):《当代青年诗人十家》[Ten Contemporary Young Poets], 上海:上海文艺
Shi Jile 释极乐
1982-04 (ed):《次生林》[Born-Again Forest], 成都:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals. Shi Jile is the same person as Zhong Ming 钟鸣.
Shikanshe tushu bianji zhongxin 诗刊社图书编辑中心
2002-12 (ed):《中国诗选》[Selected Chinese Poetry], 北京:中国文联 | Produced by an institution that counted as the flagship of orthodox poetry for many years, but including work by many avant-garde poets. As such, exemplifies the blurring of the boundaries between orthodox and avant-garde publications.
Sun Qinan 孙琴安
2002-06 (ed):《沉思:朦胧诗二十五年》[Contemplation: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
2002-06 (ed):《追求:朦胧诗二十五年》[Pursuit: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
2002-06 (ed):《恋情:朦胧诗二十五年》[Love Affair: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
2002-06 (ed):《漂泊:朦胧诗二十五年》[Drifting: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
Tan Kexiu 谭克修
2003-11 (ed):《明天:21世纪汉语诗歌前沿读本:第壹卷》[Tomorrow: A Reader in 21st-Century Cutting-Edge Poetry in Chinese: Volume One], 长沙:湖南文艺
2005-06 (ed):《明天:21世纪汉语诗歌前沿读本:第贰卷》[Tomorrow: A Reader in 21st-Century Cutting-Edge Poetry in Chinese: Volume Two], 长沙:湖南文艺
Tan Wuchang 谭五昌
1999-09 (ed):《中国新诗300首》[300 New Chinese Poems], 北京:北京
2004-01 (ed):《中国新诗白皮书•1999-2002》[White Book of New Chinese Poetry, 1999-2002], 北京:昆仑
Tan Wuchang 谭五昌 & Qiao Damo 谯达摩
2001-08 (eds):《词语的盛宴:中国二十世纪六七十年代出生的诗人作品精选》[A Feast of Words: The Finest Works by Chinese Poets Born in the Sixties and Seventies of the Twentieth Century], 北京:经济日报
Tang Qi 唐祈
1990-12 (ed):《中国新诗名篇鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of Famous Works of China's New Poetry], 成都:四川辞书 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡
1992-07 (ed):《灯芯绒幸福的舞蹈:后朦胧诗萃》[The Happy Dance of Corduroy: Selected Post-Obscure Poems], in《八十年代文学新潮丛书》[A Book Series on New Literary Tides in the Eighties], edited by Lan Dizhi蓝棣之 & Li Fuwei李复威, 北京:北京师范大学
1993-10 (ed):《对程与死亡:长诗、组诗卷》[In Symmetry with Death: Long Poems and Poem Series Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学
1993-10 (ed):《在黎明的铜镜中:朦胧诗卷》[In the Bronze Mirror of Dawn: Obscure Poetry Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学
1999-04 (ed):《现代汉诗年鉴1998》[1998 Yearbook of Modern Han Poetry], 北京:中国文联 | Han refers to the Chinese language rather than ethnicity.
1999-09 (ed):《先锋诗歌》[Avant-Garde Poetry], in《九十年代文学潮流大系》[Compendium of Trends in Literature of the Nineties], edited by Li Fuwei 李复威, 北京:北京师范大学 | Apparently, some additional avant-garde poetry ended up in the "mainstream" volume. See Wu Sijing 1999-09.
Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡 & Wang Jiaxin 王家新
1987-06 (eds):《中国当代实验诗选》[Selected Contemporary Experimental Chinese Poems], 沈阳:春风文艺
Walan 瓦兰 & Wen Hai 文海
1990-11 (eds):《一行诗人作品选》[Selected Poems by First Line Poets], 合肥:安徽文艺
Wan Xia 万夏 & Xiaoxiao ♀ 潇潇
1993-08 (eds):《后朦胧诗全集:中国现代诗编年史》[The Complete Post-Obscure Poetry: Annals of Modern Chinese Poetry], 共二册, 成都:四川教育
Wang Bin 王彬
1991-10 (ed):《二十世纪中国新诗鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of China's New Poetry of the Twentieth Century], 北京:中国文联 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. The book's irculation was withheld by the authorities because it contains a small number of poems by Bei Dao, whose work was banned in China from 1989 until 2003; all had been previously anthologized any number of times. Apparently, all but a handful of the fifty complimentary copies that had already been distributed were handed back in. See Wang Bin & Gu Zhicheng 1998.
Wang Bin 王彬 & Gu Zhicheng 顾志成
1998-09 (eds):《二十世纪中国新诗选》[A Selection of China's New Poetry of the Twentieth Century], 北京:大众文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Revised edition of Wang Bin 1991-10. Contains no poetry by Bei Dao.
Wang Guangming 王光明
2004-03 (ed):《2002-2003中国诗歌年选》[Selected Chinese Poetry from 2002-2003], 广州:花城
Wang Jianzhao 汪剑钊
1998-05 (ed):《中国当代先锋诗人随笔选》[Selected Short Prose by Contemporary Chinese Avant-Garde Poets], 北京:中国社会科学
Wang Jiaxin 王家新
2003-01 (ed):《中国当代诗歌经典》[Canonical Works of Contemporary Chinese Poetry], 沈阳:春风文艺
Wei Fan 未凡
1992-12 (ed):《开放的天空:最新中国校园诗歌选萃》[Wide Open Skies: The Finest Recent Chinese Campus Poetry], 北京:北京师范大学
Wen Peng 文鹏 & Jiang Ling 姜凌
2000-01 (eds):《中国现代名诗三百首》[Three Hundred Famous Modern Chinese Poems], 北京:北京 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Wu Hao 吴昊
2001-09 (ed):《中国九十年代诗歌精选》[The Finest Chinese Poetry of the Nineties], 乌鲁木齐:新疆人民
Wu Kaijin 吴开晋 & Wang Chuanbin 王传斌
1986-11 (eds):《当代诗歌名篇赏析》[Appreciations of Famous Contemporary Poems], 福州:海峡文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Wu Sijing 吴思敬
1993-10 (ed):《磁场与魔方:新潮诗论卷》[Magnetic Field and Magic Square: New Tide Poetry Criticism Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学 | Contains criticism only. Included to maintain the integrity of a well-organized set of books.
1999-09 (ed):《主潮诗歌》[Mainstream Poetry], in《九十年代文学潮流大系》[Compendium of Trends in Literature of the Nineties], edited by Li Fuwei 李复威, 北京:北京师范大学 | This "mainstream" volume in fact includes avant-garde poetry, apparently since there was too little of the former and too much of the former. See Tang Xiaodu 1999-09.
Xi Du 西渡 & Guo Hua 郭骅
2004-01 (eds):《先锋诗歌档案》[The Avant-Garde Poetry Files], 重庆:重庆 | Includes CD-rom with recordings of recitation, some of it to music.
Xianmeng 闲梦
1990-13?: (ed):《思无邪:89年现代诗歌运动》[No Depraved Thoughts: The 89 Modern Poetry Movement], 南京:现代诗歌语言学研究会 / 现代诗歌运动信息研究室, unofficial
Xianmeng 闲梦 & Ke Jiang 柯江
1987-13? (eds):《87年现代诗歌运动》[The 87 Modern Poetry Movement], 南京:现代诗歌语言学研究会 / 现代诗歌运动信息研究室, unofficial
Xiao Hai 小海 & Yang Ke 杨克
1998-05 (eds):《他们:〈他们〉十年诗歌选 1986-1996》[Them: Selected Poems from Ten Years of Them, 1986-1996], 桂林:漓江
Xiao Ye 肖野
1989-06 (ed):《朦胧诗300首》[300 Obscure Poems], 广州:花城
Xie Mian 谢冕
1993-10 (ed):《鱼化石或悬崖边的树:归来者卷》[Fish Fossils or Trees on the Cliff's Edge: Returnees Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学 | In Post-Cultural-Revolution usage, the Returnees or Returned Poets (归来诗人) are authors whose literary careers had begun (long) before the Cultural Revolution. They do not belong to the contemporary avant-garde. Included to maintain the integrity of a well-organized set of books.
2002-01 (ed):《相信未来:百年百篇文学精选读本•诗歌卷》[Believe in the Future: A Reader of the Finest One Hundred Pieces of One Hundred Years of Literature – Poetry Volume], 天津:天津教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Xie Mian 谢冕 & Meng Fanhua 孟繁华
1996-10 (eds):《中国百年文学经典文库:诗歌卷》[A Literary Treasure House of Canonical Works from a Hundred Years of Chinese Literature: Poetry Volume], 深圳:海天
Xie Mian 谢冕 & Qian Liqun 钱理群
1996-12 (eds):《百年中国文学经典•第七卷:一九七九 – 一九八九》[Canonical Works from a Hundred Years of Chinese Literature – Volume Seven: 1979-1989], 北京:北京大学
Xima 西马 & Lao Yu 老愚
1992-12 (eds):《开放的天空:最新中国校园诗歌选萃》[Wide Open Skies: The Finest Recent Chinese Campus Poetry], 北京:北京师范大学
Xiping ♀ 溪萍
1988-12 (ed):《第三代诗人探索诗选》[Selected Explorative Poems by Third Generation Poets], 北京:中国文联
Xu Jingya 徐敬亚, Meng Lang 孟浪, Lü Guipin 吕贵品 & Cao Changqing 曹长青
1988-09 (eds):《中国现代主义诗群大观1986-1988》[Overview of Chinese Modernist Poetry Groups, 1986-1988], 上海:同济大学
Yan Yuejun ♀ 阎月君, Gao Yan 高岩, Liang Yun ♀ 梁云, Gu Fang ♀ 顾芳
1982-13 (eds):《朦胧诗选》[Selected Obscure Poems], 沈阳:辽宁大学中文系 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above). Appears to be a semi-official precursor to 1985 and 2002.
1985-11 (eds):《朦胧诗选》[Selected Obscure Poems], 沈阳:春风文艺
2002-01 (eds):《朦胧诗选》[Selected Obscure Poems], 沈阳:春风文艺 | With minor revisions, noted in afterword.
Yan Yuejun ♀ 阎月君 & Zhang Hongkun 张宏坤
1994-09 (eds):《后朦胧诗选》[Selected Post-Obscure Poems], 沈阳:春风文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
Yang Ke 杨克
1999-02 (ed):《1998中国新诗年鉴》[1998 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 广州:花城
1999-05 (ed):《九十年代实力诗人诗选》[Selected Poems by Poets of Ability in the Nineties], 桂林:漓江
2000-06 (ed):《1999中国新诗年鉴》[1999 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 广州:广州
2001-06 (ed):《开始》[Beginnings], 福州:海风 | Title provides no literary-historical or aesthetic focus. Contains work by Wang Shunjian 王顺健, Song Xiaoxian 宋晓贤, Lü Yue 吕约, Li Mingpeng 黎明鹏, Wang Xiaoni 王小妮, Haishang 海上, Fan Si 凡斯 & Yang Ke 杨克.
2001-07 (ed):《2000中国新诗年鉴》[2000 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 广州:广州
2002-11 (ed):《2001中国新诗年鉴》[2001 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 福州:海风
2004-06 (ed):《2002-2003中国新诗年鉴》[2002-2003 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 天津:天津社会科学学院
2006-04 (ed):《2004-2005中国新诗年鉴》[2004-2005 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 福州:海风
2007-10 (ed):《2006中国新诗年鉴》[2006 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 广州:花城
Yang Siping 杨四平
2008-01 (ed):《中国当代诗歌》[Contemporary Chinese Poetry], bilingual Chinese-English edition with translations by Denis Mair, Michael Day, Zhang Er & Leonard Schwartz & Xu Zhipei, Wang Ping, Maghiel van Crevel, and Wang Ping & Alex Lemon, 上海:上海文艺
Yang Xiaomin 杨晓民
2003-08 (ed):《百年百首经典诗歌 (1901-2000)》[A Hundred Poems from a Hundred Years: Canonical Poetry (1901-2000)], 武汉:长江文艺 | Yang Xiaomin is the same person as Xiao Ming.
2004-10 (ed):《中国当代青年诗人诗选》[Selected Poems by Contemporary Young Chinese Poets], 石家庄:河北教育 | Yang Xiaomin is the same person as Xiao Ming.
Yi Sha 伊沙
2004-05 (ed):《现代诗经》[The Modern Book of Songs], 桂林:漓江
Yitu 一土, Zuiquan 醉权 & Yang Gong 羊工
1988-13? (eds):《中国上海诗歌前浪》[Front Wave of Poetry from Shanghai, China], 上海:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
Yu Daxiang 喻大翔 & Liu Qiuling ♀ 刘秋玲
1986-04 (eds):《朦胧诗精选》[The Finest Obscure Poetry], 武昌:华中师范大学
Yu Gang 余刚 & Liang Xiaoming 梁晓明
1985-13 (eds):《十种感觉或语言库展览》[Ten Kinds of Feelings or an Exhibition of the Language Storehouse], 杭州:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
Zang Di 臧棣
1999-07 (ed):《1998中国最佳诗歌》[The Best Chinese Poetry of 1998], 沈阳:辽宁人民 | Included in light of the space dedicated to the avant-garde.
Zang Di 臧棣 & Xi Du 西渡
1998-05 (eds):《北大诗选 1978-1998》[Selected Poems from Peking University, 1978-2008], 北京:中国文学 | Included in light of the sheer number of PKU graduates who are poets of nationwide renown.
Zhang Qinghua 张清华
2002-01 (ed):《2001中国最佳诗歌》[The Best Chinese Poetry of 1998], 沈阳:春风文艺 | Included in light of the space dedicated to the avant-garde.
Zhang Shuguang 张曙光, Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚, Sun Wenbo 孙文波, Huang Canran 黄灿然 & Zang Di 臧棣
2004-13?:《诗合集》[A Joint Collection of Poetry], 北京:unofficial | No editor identified.
Zhang Tao ♀ 张涛 & Du Hong ♀ 杜鸿
2003-10 (eds):《中国先锋诗选》[Selected Chinese Avant-Garde Poetry], 共三册, 西宁:青海人民
Zhang Taozhou 张桃洲 & Wu Qingshui 吴情水
2003-05 (eds):《南京评论年度诗选(2001-2002)》[Nanjing Review Selected Poems from the Year 2001-2002], 南京 / Sydney: 国际华文
Zhang Xinying 张新颖
2001-07 (ed):《中国新诗1916-2000》[China's New Poetry, 1916-2000], 上海:复旦大学
Zhang Yaxin ♀ 张亚昕 & Geng Jianhua 耿建华
1988-04 (eds):《中国现代朦胧诗赏析》[Appreciations of Modern Chinese Obscure Poetry], 广州:花城 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Zhang Yongjian 张永健
1990-11 (ed):《新时期诗翠精评》[The Finest Poetry of the New Era, with Commentaries], 北京:作家 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Zhang Zao 张枣 & Song Lin 宋琳
2002-13 (eds):《空白練習曲:《今天》十年詩選》[Blank Études: Selected Poems from Ten Years of Today], 香港:牛津大學
Zhang Ziqing 张子清
1993-07 (ed):《中国语言诗选》[Selected Chinese Language Poetry], bilingual Chinese-English edition with translations by Liu Feng南京:南京大学 | Appears to be a semi-official publication. Title rendered as Chinese Language Poetry rather than Chinese-Language Poetry because of the contributors' self-declared literary kinship with the American Language Poets.
Zhou Guoqiang 周国强
1986-10 (ed):《北京青年现代诗十六家》[Sixteen Young Modern Poets from Beijing], 桂林:漓江 | Zhou Guoqiang is the same person as A Qu Qiangba 阿曲强巴.
Zhou Jun 周俊
1989-08 (ed):《当代青年诗人自荐代表作选》[Selected Representative Works by Contemporary Young Poets: Their Own Recommendations], 南京:河海大学
1991-06 (ed):《最新诗歌对话》[Dialogues in the Newest Poetry], 南京:南京文化编辑部
Zhou Lunyou 周伦佑
1994-11 (ed):《打开肉体之门:非非注意:从理论到作品》[Open the Door to the Flesh: Not-Not-ism: From Theory to Works], 兰州:敦煌文艺
1994-11 (ed):《亵渎中的第三朵语言花:后现代主义诗歌》[The Third Flower of Language, Inside Profanity: Post-Modernist Poetry], 兰州:敦煌文艺
Zhou Zhengbao 周政保
1992-09 (ed):《诗的声音:80年代新诗鉴赏》[The Sound of Poetry: A Critical Anthology of New Poetry from the 80s], 西安:陕西人民教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Zhu Ziqing 朱子庆
1991-04 (ed):《中国新生代诗赏析》 [Appreciations of Poetry by China's Newborn Generation], 北京:宝文堂 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Zou Jianjun 邹建军
1991-09 (ed):《中国当代青年诗人诗翠精评》[The Finest Poetry by Contemporary Young Chinese Poets, with Commentaries], 武汉:长江文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
Zou Jianjun 邹建军 & Zhao Lingzhen 赵令珍
1993-07 (eds):《中国朦胧诗、纯情诗多解辞典》[A Dictionary of Multiple Interpretations of Chinese Obscure Poetry and Pure Love Poetry], 武汉:长江文艺 | Not seen; listed on various websites. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1982-04: Shi Jile 释极乐 (ed),《次生林》[Born-Again Forest], 成都:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals. Shi Jile is the same person as Zhong Ming 钟鸣.
1982-13: Yan Yuejun ♀ 阎月君, Gao Yan 高岩, Liang Yun ♀ 梁云, Gu Fang ♀ 顾芳 (eds),《朦胧诗选》[Selected Obscure Poems], 沈阳:辽宁大学中文系 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above). Appears to be a semi-official precursor to 1985 and 2002.
1984-13: Beiling 贝岭 (ed),《当代中国诗三十八首》[Thirty-Eight Contemporary Chinese Poems], 北京:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
1985-01: Lao Mu 老木 (ed),《新诗潮诗集》[A Collection of New Tide Poetry], 共二册, 北京:北京大学五四文学社 | Semi-official, presented as "for internal exchange" (内部交流).
1985-01: Lao Mu 老木 (ed),《青年诗人谈诗》[Young Poets on Poetry], 北京:北京大学五四文学社 | Explicit-poetical statements.
1985-11: Yan Yuejun ♀ 阎月君, Gao Yan 高岩, Liang Yun ♀ 梁云, Gu Fang ♀ 顾芳 (eds),《朦胧诗选》[Selected Obscure Poems], 沈阳:春风文艺
1985-13: Beiling 贝岭 & Meng Lang 孟浪 (eds),《当代中国诗歌75首》[75 Contemporary Chinese Poems], 北京 / 上海:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
1985-13: Yu Gang 余刚 & Liang Xiaoming 梁晓明 (eds),《十种感觉或语言库展览》[Ten Kinds of Feelings or an Exhibition of the Language Storehouse], 杭州:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
1986-04: Nai Sheng 乃生 & A Hai 阿海 (eds),《四月:诗选集》[April: Selected Poems], 浙江 / 北京:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
1986-04: Yu Daxiang 喻大翔 & Liu Qiuling ♀ 刘秋玲 (eds),《朦胧诗精选》[The Finest Obscure Poetry], 武昌:华中师范大学
1986-08: Shanghai Wenyi chubanshe 上海文艺出版社 (ed),《探索诗集》[A Collection of Explorative Poems], 上海:上海文艺
1986-10: Zhou Guoqiang 周国强 (ed),《北京青年现代诗十六家》[Sixteen Young Modern Poets from Beijing], 桂林:漓江 | Zhou Guoqiang is the same person as A Qu Qiangba 阿曲强巴.
1986-11: Wu Kaijin 吴开晋 & Wang Chuanbin 王传斌 (eds),《当代诗歌名篇赏析》[Appreciations of Famous Contemporary Poems], 福州:海峡文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1986-12: Bei Dao 北岛, Shu Ting ♀ 舒婷, Gu Cheng 顾城, Jiang He 江河 & Yang Lian 杨炼,《五人诗选》[Selected Poems by Five Poets], 北京:作家 | No editor identified.
1986-13?: Haishu 海曙, Lü De'an 吕德安 et al 等,《星期五》[Friday], 福州?:unofficial | No editor identified. Haishu may well be the same person as Jin Haishu 金海曙. See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
1987-02: Jin Geng 金耕 & Yu Gang 余刚 (eds),《萨克城》[Hot City], 杭州:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
1987-06: Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡 & Wang Jiaxin 王家新 (eds),《中国当代实验诗选》[Selected Contemporary Experimental Chinese Poems], 沈阳:春风文艺
1987-13?: Xianmeng 闲梦 & Ke Jiang 柯江 (eds),《87年现代诗歌运动》[The 87 Modern Poetry Movement], 南京:现代诗歌语言学研究会 / 现代诗歌运动信息研究室, unofficial
1988-02: Li Lizhong ♀ 李丽中 (ed),《朦胧诗•新生代诗百首点评》[Obscure Poetry and Newborn Poetry: A Hundred Poems, with Commentaries], 天津:南开大学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above). Appears to be a critical anthology (ibid).
1988-04: Zhang Yaxin ♀ 张亚昕 & Geng Jianhua 耿建华 (eds),《中国现代朦胧诗赏析》[Appreciations of Modern Chinese Obscure Poetry], 广州:花城 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1988-06: Li Yijian 李毅坚, Chen Zihong 陈子弘, Chen Heshan 陈鹤山, Huang Zhan'a 黄占啊 & Mao Gang 毛刚 (eds),《五人集》[Works by Five Poets], 昆明:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals. No editor identified, although a preface by Chen Zihong and an afterword by Chen Heshan suggest that they did the editorial work.
1988-06: Liu Huai 柳槐 (ed),《朦胧诗赏析》[Appreciations of Obscure Poetry], 西安:华岳文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1988-09: Li Lizhong ♀ 李丽中 (ed),《骚动的诗神:新潮诗歌选评》[A Restless God of Poetry: Selected New Tide Poetry, with Commentaries], 石家庄:花山文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1988-09: Xu Jingya 徐敬亚, Meng Lang 孟浪, Lü Guipin 吕贵品 & Cao Changqing 曹长青 (eds),《中国现代主义诗群大观1986-1988》[Overview of Chinese Modernist Poetry Groups, 1986-1988], 上海:同济大学
1988-12: Qi Feng 齐峰, Jie'er 阶耳 & Ren Wu 任悟 (eds),《朦胧诗名篇鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of Famous Obscure Poems], 西安:陕西师范大学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1988-12: Xiping ♀ 溪萍 (ed),《第三代诗人探索诗选》[Selected Explorative Poems by Third Generation Poets], 北京:中国文联
1988-13?: Yitu 一土, Zuiquan 醉权 & Yang Gong 羊工 (eds),《中国上海诗歌前浪》[Front Wave of Poetry from Shanghai, China], 上海:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
1989-02: Liu Feimao 刘飞茂 & Wang Rongqi 王荣起 (eds),《爱情朦胧诗选》[Selected Obscure Love Poems], 北京:农村读物出版社
1989-06: Xiao Ye 肖野 (ed),《朦胧诗300首》[300 Obscure Poems], 广州:花城
1989-08: Chen Chao 陈超 (ed),《中国探索诗鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of Chinese Explorative Poetry], 石家庄:河北人民 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Reprinted and expanded as Chen Chao 1999.
1989-08: Zhou Jun 周俊 (ed),《当代青年诗人自荐代表作选》[Selected Representative Works by Contemporary Young Poets: Their Own Recommendations], 南京:河海大学
1990-01: Li Lizhong ♀ 李丽中, Zhang Lei 张雷 & Zhang Xu 张旭 (eds),《朦胧诗后:中国先锋诗选》[After Obscure Poetry: Selected Chinese Avant-Garde Poems], 天津:南开大学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1990-01: Shanghai Wenyi chubanshe 上海文艺出版社 (ed),《八十年代诗选》[Selected Poems from the Eighties], 上海:上海文艺
1990-11: Ma Chaoyang 马朝阳 (ed),《中国当代校园诗歌选萃》[The Finest Contemporary Chinese Campus Poetry], 北京:作家
1990-11: Walan 瓦兰 & Wen Hai 文海 (eds),《一行诗人作品选》[Selected Poems by First Line Poets], 合肥:安徽文艺
1990-11: Zhang Yongjian 张永健 (ed),《新时期诗翠精评》[The Finest Poetry of the New Era, with Commentaries], 北京:作家 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1990-12: Tang Qi 唐祈 (ed),《中国新诗名篇鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of Famous Works of China's New Poetry], 成都:四川辞书 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1990-13: Chen Dongdong 陈东东 (ed),《长诗与组诗》[Long Poems and Poem Series], 北京 / 上海:unofficial | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
1990-13?: Xianmeng 闲梦 (ed),《思无邪:89年现代诗歌运动》[No Depraved Thoughts: The 89 Modern Poetry Movement], 南京:现代诗歌语言学研究会 / 现代诗歌运动信息研究室, unofficial
1991-01: Canxing 残星, Yihai 义海 et al 等 (eds),《先锋派诗》[Avant-Garde Poetry], 广州:花城 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1991-01: Li Yukun 李玉昆 & Li Bin 李滨 (ed),《中国新诗百首赏析》 [Appreciations of One Hundred Works of China's New Poetry], 北京:北京语言学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1991-02: Niu Han 牛汉 & Cai Qijiao 蔡其矫 (eds),《东方金字塔:中国青年诗人13家》[Pyramid in the East: 13 Young Chinese Poets], 合肥:安徽文艺
1991-04: Zhu Ziqing 朱子庆 (ed),《中国新生代诗赏析》 [Appreciations of Poetry by China's Newborn Generation], 北京:宝文堂 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1991-06: Zhou Jun 周俊 (ed),《最新诗歌对话》[Dialogues in the Newest Poetry], 南京:南京文化编辑部
1991-09: Zou Jianjun 邹建军 (ed),《中国当代青年诗人诗翠精评》[The Finest Poetry by Contemporary Young Chinese Poets, with Commentaries], 武汉:长江文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1991-10: Wang Bin 王彬 (ed),《二十世纪中国新诗鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of China's New Poetry of the Twentieth Century], 北京:中国文联 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. The book's irculation was withheld by the authorities because it contains a small number of poems by Bei Dao, whose work was banned in China from 1989 until 2003; all had been previously anthologized any number of times. Apparently, all but a handful of complimentary copies that had already been distributed were handed back in. See Wang Bin & Gu Zhicheng 1998.
1991-11: Gong Mu 公木 (ed),《新诗鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of New Poetry], 上海:上海辞书 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1992-07: Lan Dizhi 蓝棣之 (ed),《我常常享受一种孤独:获奖诗人诗歌选萃》[I Often Enjoy a Kind of Loneliness: The Finest Poems by Award-Winning Poets], in《八十年代文学新潮丛书》[Book Series on New Literary Tides from the Eighties], edited by Lan Dizhi蓝棣之 & Li Fuwei李复威, 北京:北京师范大学
1992-07: Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡 (ed),《灯芯绒幸福的舞蹈:后朦胧诗萃》[The Happy Dance of Corduroy: Selected Post-Obscure Poems], in《八十年代文学新潮丛书》[A Book Series on New Literary Tides in the Eighties], edited by Lan Dizhi蓝棣之 & Li Fuwei李复威, 北京:北京师范大学
1992-09: Zhou Zhengbao 周政保 (ed),《诗的声音:80年代新诗鉴赏》[The Sound of Poetry: A Critical Anthology of New Poetry from the 80s], 西安:陕西人民教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1992-12: Huang Zumin 黄祖民 (ed),《超越世纪:当代先锋派诗人四十家》[Transcending the Age: Forty Contemporary Avant-Garde Poets], in《阳光地带的朦胧丛书》[A Series of Obscure Books in the Sunny Zone], 太原:山西高校联合
1992-12: Wei Fan 未凡 (ed),《开放的天空:最新中国校园诗歌选萃》[Wide Open Skies: The Finest Recent Chinese Campus Poetry], 北京:北京师范大学
1992-12: Xima 西马 & Lao Yu 老愚 (eds),《开放的天空:最新中国校园诗歌选萃》[Wide Open Skies: The Finest Recent Chinese Campus Poetry], 北京:北京师范大学
1993-05: Long Yu 龙郁 (ed),《青年诗人十人集》[Poems by Ten Young Poets], 香港:文光
1993-07: Zhang Ziqing 张子清 (ed),《中国语言诗选》[Selected Chinese Language Poetry], bilingual Chinese-English edition with translations by Liu Feng南京:南京大学 | Appears to be a semi-official publication. Title rendered as Chinese Language Poetry rather than Chinese-Language Poetry because of the contributors' self-declared literary kinship with the American Language Poets.
1993-07: Zou Jianjun 邹建军 & Zhao Lingzhen 赵令珍 (eds),《中国朦胧诗、纯情诗多解辞典》[A Dictionary of Multiple Interpretations of Chinese Obscure Poetry and Pure Love Poetry], 武汉:长江文艺 | Not seen; listed on various websites. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1993-08: Wan Xia 万夏 & Xiaoxiao ♀ 潇潇 (eds),《后朦胧诗全集:中国现代诗编年史》[The Complete Post-Obscure Poetry: Annals of Modern Chinese Poetry], 共二册, 成都:四川教育
1993-10: Chen Chao 陈超 (ed),《以梦为马:新生代诗卷》[With a Dream for a Horse: Newborn Generation Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学
1993-10: Cui Weiping ♀ 崔卫平 (ed),《苹果上的豹:女性诗卷》[Leopard on the Apple: Women's Poetry Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学
1993-10: Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡 (ed),《在黎明的铜镜中:朦胧诗卷》[In the Bronze Mirror of Dawn: Obscure Poetry Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学
1993-10: Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡 (ed),《对程与死亡:长诗、组诗卷》[In Symmetry with Death: Long Poems and Poem Series Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学
1993-10: Wu Sijing 吴思敬 (ed),《磁场与魔方:新潮诗论卷》[Magnetic Field and Magic Square: New Tide Poetry Criticism Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学 | Contains criticism only. Included to maintain the integrity of a well-organized set of books.
1993-10: Xie Mian 谢冕 (ed),《鱼化石或悬崖边的树:归来者卷》[Fish Fossils or Trees on the Cliff's Edge: Returnees Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry], 共六册, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学 | In Post-Cultural-Revolution usage, the Returnees or Returned Poets (归来诗人) are authors whose literary careers had begun (long) before the Cultural Revolution. They do not belong to the contemporary avant-garde. Included to maintain the integrity of a well-organized set of books.
1993-12: Gou Chengyi 勾承益 (ed),《温柔地死在本城:中国新时期文学精品大系•诗歌》 [Gently Die in this City: Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era – Poetry], in《中国新时期文学精品大系》[Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era], 共十七册, edited by Li Shuang 李双 & Zhang Yi 张忆, 天津:中国文学 | The Compendium has three poetry volumes: see also Gu Shengying 1993 and Li Shuang 1993.
1993-12: Gu Shengying 谷声应 (ed),《我不知道怎么爱你:中国新时期文学精品大系•诗歌》 [I Don't Know How to Love You: Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era – Poetry], in《中国新时期文学精品大系》[Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era], 共十七册, edited by Li Shuang 李双 & Zhang Yi 张忆, 天津:中国文学 | The Compendium has three poetry volumes: see also Gou Chengyi 1993 and Li Shuang 1993.
1993-12: Li Shuang 李双 (ed),《回答:中国新时期文学精品大系•诗歌》 [Answer: Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era – Poetry], in《中国新时期文学精品大系》[Compendium of the Finest Chinese Literary Works from the New Era], 共十七册, edited by Li Shuang 李双 & Zhang Yi 张忆, 天津:中国文学 | The Compendium has three poetry volumes: see also Gou Chengyi 1993 and Gu Shengying 1993.
1993-12: Shanghai Wenyi chubanshe 上海文艺出版社 (ed),《当代青年诗人十家》[Ten Contemporary Young Poets], 上海:上海文艺
1994-02: Chen Xuguang 陈旭光 (ed),《快餐馆里的冷风景:诗歌诗论选》[Cold Landscape in a Fast Food Restaurant: Selected Poetry and Poetry Criticism], 北京:北京大学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1994-07: Min Zhengdao 闵正道 (ed),《中国诗选》[Selected Chinese Poetry], 成都:成都科技大学 | Presented as first (book-length) issue of serial publication.
1994-09: Yan Yuejun ♀ 阎月君 & Zhang Hongkun 张宏坤 (eds),《后朦胧诗选》[Selected Post-Obscure Poems], 沈阳:春风文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006 (see scope, above).
1994-11: Zhou Lunyou 周伦佑 (ed),《亵渎中的第三朵语言花:后现代主义诗歌》[The Third Flower of Language, Inside Profanity: Post-Modernist Poetry], 兰州:敦煌文艺
1994-11: Zhou Lunyou 周伦佑 (ed),《打开肉体之门:非非注意:从理论到作品》[Open the Door to the Flesh: Not-Not-ism: From Theory to Works], 兰州:敦煌文艺
1995-12: Hei Dachun 黑大春 (ed),《蔚蓝色天空的黄金:当代中国60年代出生代表性作家展示:诗歌卷》[The Gold of a Bright Blue Sky: Exposition of Representative Contemporary Chinese Authors Born in the 60s: Poetry Volume], 北京:中国对外翻译
1996-10: Liu Shijie 刘士杰 (ed),《诗化心史》[A Poetic History of the Heart], 北京:中国社会科学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1996-10: Xie Mian 谢冕 & Meng Fanhua 孟繁华 (eds),《中国百年文学经典文库:诗歌卷》[A Literary Treasure House of Canonical Works from a Hundred Years of Chinese Literature: Poetry Volume], 深圳:海天
1996-12: Xie Mian 谢冕 & Qian Liqun 钱理群 (eds),《百年中国文学经典•第七卷:一九七九 – 一九八九》[Canonical Works from a Hundred Years of Chinese Literature – Volume Seven: 1979-1989], 北京:北京大学
1997-13: Hu Xudong 胡续冬, Jiang Tao 江涛, Mu Qing ♀ 穆青 & Zhou Yaqin ♀ 周亚琴,《四人诗选》[Selected Poems by Four Poets], 北京:unofficial | No editor identified. See the bibliography of unofficial journals. Zhou Yaqin is the same person as Zhou Zan.
1998-02: Cheng Guangwei 程光炜 (ed),《岁月的遗照:九十年代文学书系, 诗歌卷》[A Portrait of Years Deceased: Literature of the Nineties, Poetry Volume], 北京:社会科学文献
1998-02: Hao Haiyan 郝海彦, Teng Wei 滕为 & Zhu Jiyu 朱吉余 (eds),《中国知青诗抄》[Hand-Copied Poems by Chinese Intellectual Youths], 北京:中国文学 | Included in view of the role played by Intellectual Youths during the Cultural Revolution in setting the stage for the avant-garde.
1998-05: Wang Jianzhao 汪剑钊 (ed),《中国当代先锋诗人随笔选》[Selected Short Prose by Contemporary Chinese Avant-Garde Poets], 北京:中国社会科学
1998-05: Xiao Hai 小海 & Yang Ke 杨克 (eds),《他们:〈他们〉十年诗歌选 1986-1996》[Them: Selected Poems from Ten Years of Them, 1986-1996], 桂林:漓江
1998-05: Zang Di 臧棣 & Xi Du 西渡 (eds),《北大诗选 1978-1998》[Selected Poems from Peking University, 1978-2008], 北京:中国文学 | Included in light of the sheer number of PKU graduates who are poets of nationwide renown.
1998-09: Wang Bin 王彬 & Gu Zhicheng 顾志成 (eds),《二十世纪中国新诗选》[A Selection of China's New Poetry of the Twentieth Century], 北京:大众文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Revised edition of Wang Bin 1991-10. Contains no poetry by Bei Dao.
1999-01: Chen Chao 陈超 (ed),《中国当代诗选》[Selected Contemporary Chinese Poems], 共二册, 石家庄:河北教育
1999-02: Yang Ke 杨克 (ed),《1998中国新诗年鉴》[1998 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 广州:花城
1999-04: Liao Yiwu 廖亦武 (ed),《沉沦的圣殿:中国二十世纪70年代地下诗歌遗照》[Sunken Temple: China's Underground Poetry in the 70s of the Twentieth Century], 乌鲁木齐:新疆青少年 | Memoirs. Contributors include several poets.
1999-04: Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡 (ed),《现代汉诗年鉴1998》[1998 Yearbook of Modern Han Poetry], 北京:中国文联 | Han refers to the Chinese language rather than ethnicity.
1999-05: Yang Ke 杨克 (ed),《九十年代实力诗人诗选》[Selected Poems by Poets of Ability in the Nineties], 桂林:漓江
1999-07: Zang Di 臧棣 (ed),《1998中国最佳诗歌》[The Best Chinese Poetry of 1998], 沈阳:辽宁人民 | Included in light of the space dedicated to the avant-garde.
1999-09: Tan Wuchang 谭五昌 (ed),《中国新诗300首》[300 New Chinese Poems], 北京:北京
1999-09: Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡 (ed),《先锋诗歌》[Avant-Garde Poetry], in《九十年代文学潮流大系》[Compendium of Trends in Literature of the Nineties], edited by Li Fuwei 李复威, 北京:北京师范大学 | Apparently, some additional avant-garde poetry ended up in the "mainstream" volume. See Wu Sijing 1999-09.
1999-09: Wu Sijing 吴思敬 (ed),《主潮诗歌》[Mainstream Poetry], in《九十年代文学潮流大系》[Compendium of Trends in Literature of the Nineties], edited by Li Fuwei 李复威, 北京:北京师范大学 | This "mainstream" volume in fact includes avant-garde poetry, apparently since there was too little of the former and too much of the former. See Tang Xiaodu 1999-09.
1999-12: Chen Chao 陈超 (ed),《20世纪中国探索诗鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of 20th-Century Chinese Explorative Poetry], 共二册, 石家庄:河北人民 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Expanded reprint of Chen Chao 1989.
1999-12: He Xiaozhu 何小竹 (ed),《1999中国诗年选》[Selected Chinese Poems from 1999], 西安:陕西师范大学
1999-12: Mo Fei 莫非, Che Qianzi 车前子, Jianning 简宁, Xi Junqiu 席君秋, Shu Cai 树才, Yin Longlong 殷龙龙, Xiao Hai 小海, Yin Lichuan 尹丽川 & Qiao Damo 谯达摩,《九人诗选 / 一九九9人诗选》[Selected Poems by Nine Poets / Selected Poems by Nineteen Hundred Ninety 9 Poets], 北京:中国文联 | No editor identified.
2000-01: Niu Han 牛汉 & Xie Mian 谢冕 (eds),《新诗三百首》[Three Hundred New Poems], 共三册, 北京:中国青年
2000-01: Wen Peng 文鹏 & Jiang Ling 姜凌 (eds), 《中国现代名诗三百首》[Three Hundred Famous Modern Chinese Poems], 北京:北京 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
2000-04: Chen Shucai 陈树才 (ed),《1999中国最佳诗歌》[The Best Chinese Poetry of 1999], 沈阳:辽宁人民 | Included in light of the space dedicated to the avant-garde. Chen Shucai is the same person as poet Shu Cai (the orthography of the latter follows convention to date rather than the rules for Chinese surnames and given names).
2000-05: Jiang Shui 江水 (ed),《二十世纪九十年代诗选》[Selected Poems from the Nineties of the Twentieth Century], 上海:上海文艺
2000-05: Niu Han 牛汉 (ed),《风中站立:中国当代文化书系•诗歌卷》[Stand Firm in the Wind: A Book Series on Contemporary Chinese Culture: Poetry Volume], edited by Ji Xianlin 季羡林, 共七卷 (十三册), 合肥:安徽文艺
2000-06: Yang Ke 杨克 (ed),《1999中国新诗年鉴》[1999 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 广州:广州
2000-08: Cheng Guangwei 程光炜 & Xiao Ming 肖茗 (eds),《时间的钻石之歌:中国新锐诗人诗选》[Song of the Jewel of Time: Selected Poems by New Talent on China's Poetry Scene], 武汉:长江文艺 | Xiao Ming is the same person as Yang Xiaomin.
2000-08: Gong Jingran 龚静染 & Nie Zuoping 聂作平 (eds),《中国第4代诗人诗选》[Selected Poems by China's 4th Generation Poets], 成都:四川文艺
2000-12: Feng Yan ♀ 冯晏, Gangke 钢克, Li Dewu 李德武, Liu Yu 刘禹, Sang Ke 桑克, Wang Yuzhi 王雨之, Wen Qianyi 文乾义, Zhang Shuguang 张曙光 & Zhu Yongliang 朱永良,《九人诗选》[Selected Poems by Nine Poets], 哈尔滨:黑龙江人民 | No editor identified.
2001-01: Cao Wenxuan 曹文轩 (ed),《20世纪末中国文学作品选:诗歌卷》[Selected Chinese Literary Works from the End of the 20th Century: Poetry Volume], 北京:北京大学
2001-03: Iwasa Masaaki 岩佐昌暲 & Liu Fuchun 刘福春 (eds),《紅衛兵詩選》[Selected Poems by Red Guards], 日本福岡:中國書店 | Included in view of the role played by Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution in setting the stage for the avant-garde. Published in Japan, but containing only the Chinese texts.
2001-05: Fu Mahuo 符马活 & Duoyu 朵渔 (eds),《诗江湖2000》[Poetry Vagabonds, 2000], 香港:香港银河
2001-06: Huang Lihai 黄礼孩 (ed),《'70后诗人诗选》[Selected Poems by Post-70 Poets], 福州:海风
2001-06: Pu Min 普珉, Xuesong 雪松, Yu Xiang ♀ 宇向, Changzheng 长征, Geshi 格式, Bai Mingwen ♀ 柏明文 & Sun Lei 孙磊,《七人诗选》[Selected Poems by Seven Poets], 北京:中国戏剧 | No editor identified.
2001-06: Yang Ke 杨克 (ed),《开始》[Beginnings], 福州:海风 | Title provides no literary-historical or aesthetic focus. Contains work by Wang Shunjian 王顺健, Song Xiaoxian 宋晓贤, Lü Yue 吕约, Li Mingpeng 黎明鹏, Wang Xiaoni 王小妮, Haishang 海上, Fan Si 凡斯 & Yang Ke 杨克.
2001-07: Yang Ke 杨克 (ed),《2000中国新诗年鉴》[2000 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 广州:广州
2001-07: Zhang Xinying 张新颖 (ed),《中国新诗1916-2000》[China's New Poetry, 1916-2000], 上海:复旦大学
2001-08: Tan Wuchang 谭五昌 & Qiao Damo 谯达摩 (eds),《词语的盛宴:中国二十世纪六七十年代出生的诗人作品精选》[A Feast of Words: The Finest Works by Chinese Poets Born in the Sixties and Seventies of the Twentieth Century], 北京:经济日报
2001-09: Wu Hao 吴昊 (ed),《中国九十年代诗歌精选》[The Finest Chinese Poetry of the Nineties], 乌鲁木齐:新疆人民
2002-01: Chen Cun 陈村 (ed),《网络诗三百:中国网络原创诗歌精选》[Three Hundred Internet Poems: The Finest Original Chinese Internet Poetry], 郑州:大家 | Not seen; listed on various websites.
2002-01: Lin Xianzhi 林贤治 (ed),《自由诗篇1967-2001》[Free Poetry, 1967-2001], 北京:中国工人 | Editor notes that 自由 'free' in the phrase 自由诗篇 refers to poetry's spiritual essence (精神实质) rather than the absence of rhyme and other objectifiable formal features in what is called free verse in English; hence, its rendition as free poetry.
2002-01: Xie Mian 谢冕 (ed),《相信未来:百年百篇文学精选读本•诗歌卷》[Believe in the Future: A Reader of the Finest One Hundred Pieces of One Hundred Years of Literature – Poetry Volume], 天津:天津教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
2002-01: Yan Yuejun ♀ 阎月君, Gao Yan 高岩, Liang Yun ♀ 梁云, Gu Fang ♀ 顾芳 (eds),《朦胧诗选》[Selected Obscure Poems], 沈阳:春风文艺 | With minor revisions, noted in afterword.
2002-01: Zhang Qinghua 张清华 (ed),《2001中国最佳诗歌》[The Best Chinese Poetry of 1998], 沈阳:春风文艺 | Included in light of the space dedicated to the avant-garde.
2002-02: A Xi 阿西 (ed),《流放地》[Place of Banishment], 北京:中国文联 | Title provides no literary-historical or aesthetic focus. Contains work by some twenty poets of different generations and varying aesthetic persuasions from the late 1970s until the early 2000s, often with the poetry followed by the author's short prose.
2002-05: Fu Mahuo 符马活 (ed),《诗江湖:2001网络诗歌年选:先锋诗歌档案》[Poetry Vagabonds: Selected Internet Poetry from 2001: The Avant-Garde Poetry Files], 西宁:青海人民
2002-06: Sun Qinan 孙琴安 (ed),《恋情:朦胧诗二十五年》[Love Affair: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
2002-06: Sun Qinan 孙琴安 (ed),《沉思:朦胧诗二十五年》[Contemplation: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
2002-06: Sun Qinan 孙琴安 (ed),《漂泊:朦胧诗二十五年》[Drifting: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
2002-06: Sun Qinan 孙琴安 (ed),《追求:朦胧诗二十五年》[Pursuit: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
2002-07: Chen Zihong 陈子弘 (ed),《在成都》[In Chengdu], 成都:unofficial
2002-07: Qi Guo 祁国 & Zhang Xiaoyun 张小云 (eds),《中国新诗选》[Selected New Chinese Poems], 西宁:青海人民
2002-08: Huang Lihai 黄礼孩 (ed),《狂想的旅程:新女性新诗歌》[Fantasy Journey: The New Woman and a New Poetry], 福州:海风
2002-09: Malingshu xiongdi 马铃薯兄弟 (ed),《中国网络诗典》[A Dictionary of Chinese Internet Poetry], 南京:江苏文艺
2002-11: Yang Ke 杨克 (ed),《2001中国新诗年鉴》[2001 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 福州:海风
2002-12: Shikanshe tushu bianji zhongxin 诗刊社图书编辑中心 (ed),《中国诗选》[Selected Chinese Poetry], 北京:中国文联 | Produced by an institution that counted as the flagship of orthodox poetry for many years, but including work by many avant-garde poets. As such, exemplifies the blurring of the boundaries between orthodox and avant-garde publications.
2002-13: Huang Lihai黄礼孩 & Jiang Tao ♀ 江涛 (eds),《2002年中国女性诗歌大扫描》[A Broad Overview of Chinese Women's Poetry in 2002], 广州:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal《诗歌与人》.
2002-13: Zhang Zao 张枣 & Song Lin 宋琳 (eds),《空白練習曲:《今天》十年詩選》[Blank Études: Selected Poems from Ten Years of Today], 香港:牛津大學
2003-01: Wang Jiaxin 王家新 (ed),《中国当代诗歌经典》[Canonical Works of Contemporary Chinese Poetry], 沈阳:春风文艺
2003-02: Luo Fu 洛夫 (ed),《百年华语诗坛十二家》[Twelve Authors from a Hundred-Year-Old Chinese-Language Poetry Scene], 北京:台海
2003-04: Gu Ma 古马, Zhang Yansong 张岩松 & Xiao Rong萧融 (eds),《十年灯:当代青年实力诗人32家》[A Ten-Year Lamp: 32 Contemporary Young Poets of Ability], 兰州:敦煌文艺
2003-05: Zhang Taozhou 张桃洲 & Wu Qingshui 吴情水 (eds),《南京评论年度诗选(2001-2002)》[Nanjing Review Selected Poems from the Year 2001-2002], 南京 / Sydney: 国际华文
2003-08: Yang Xiaomin 杨晓民 (ed),《百年百首经典诗歌 (1901-2000)》[A Hundred Poems from a Hundred Years: Canonical Poetry (1901-2000)], 武汉:长江文艺 | Yang Xiaomin is the same person as Xiao Ming.
2003-10: Long Quanming 龙泉明 & Zhao Xiaoqi 赵小琪 (eds),《中国新诗名作导读》[Reading Guide to Famous Works of Chinese New Poetry], 武汉:长江文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
2003-10: Zhang Tao ♀ 张涛 & Du Hong ♀ 杜鸿 (eds),《中国先锋诗选》[Selected Chinese Avant-Garde Poetry], 共三册, 西宁:青海人民
2003-11: Tan Kexiu 谭克修 (ed),《明天:21世纪汉语诗歌前沿读本:第壹卷》[Tomorrow: A Reader in 21st-Century Cutting-Edge Poetry in Chinese: Volume One], 长沙:湖南文艺
2004-01: Momo 默默 (ed),《撒娇》[Coquetry], 香港:时尚周刊 | Published in Hong Kong, but in simplified characters. See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
2004-01: Tan Wuchang 谭五昌 (ed),《中国新诗白皮书•1999-2002》[White Book of New Chinese Poetry, 1999-2002], 北京:昆仑
2004-01: Xi Du 西渡 & Guo Hua 郭骅 (eds),《先锋诗歌档案》[The Avant-Garde Poetry Files], 重庆:重庆 | Includes CD-rom with recordings of recitation, some of it to music.
2004-03: Wang Guangming 王光明 (ed),《2002-2003中国诗歌年选》[Selected Chinese Poetry from 2002-2003], 广州:花城
2004-05: Kang Cheng 康城, Huang Lihai 黄礼孩, Zhu Jiafa 朱佳发 & Lao Pi 老皮 (eds),《70后诗集》[A Collection of Post-70 Poems], 共二册, 福州:海风
2004-05: Yi Sha 伊沙 (ed),《现代诗经》[The Modern Book of Songs], 桂林:漓江
2004-06: An Qi ♀ 安琪, Yuancun 远村 & Huang Lihai 黄礼孩 (eds),《中间代诗全集》[Collected Poems of the Middle Generation], 共二册, 福州:海峡文艺
2004-06: Hong Zicheng 洪子诚 & Cheng Guangwei 程光炜 (eds),《朦胧诗新编》[A New Anthology of Obscure Poetry], 武汉:长沙文艺
2004-06: Li Daisong 李岱松 (ed),《光芒涌入:首届 "新诗界国际诗歌奖" 获奖诗人特辑》[Light Gushes In: A Special Edition on the "First New Poetry Circle International Poetry Award" Laureates], 北京:新世界 | Laureates include Xi Chuan 西川, Wang Xiaoni 王小妮 and Yu Jian 于坚.
2004-06: Yang Ke 杨克 (ed),《2002-2003中国新诗年鉴》[2002-2003 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 天津:天津社会科学学院
2004-07: Liang Xiaoming 梁晓明, Nan Ye 南野 & Liu Xiang 刘翔 (eds),《中国先锋诗歌档案》[Chinese Avant-Garde Poetry Files], 杭州:浙江文艺
2004-09: Momo 默默 (ed),《撒娇》[Coquetry], 北京:中国文联 | See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
2004-10 Yang Xiaomin 杨晓民 (ed),《中国当代青年诗人诗选》[Selected Poems by Contemporary Young Chinese Poets], 石家庄:河北教育 | Yang Xiaomin is the same person as Xiao Ming.
2004-12: Haixiao 海啸 (ed),《2004 新诗代年度诗选》[Selected Poems by the New Poetry Generation, 2004], 北京:学苑音像
2004-13: Huang Lihai黄礼孩 & Jiang Tao ♀ 江涛 (eds),《最受读者喜欢的10位女诗人》[The 10 Women Poets That Readers Like Best], 广州:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal《诗歌与人》.
2004-13?: Zhang Shuguang 张曙光, Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚, Sun Wenbo 孙文波, Huang Canran 黄灿然 & Zang Di 臧棣,《诗合集》[A Joint Collection of Poetry], 北京:unofficial | No editor identified.
2005-02: Liu Xia ♀ 刘霞, Bai He ♀ 白荷, A B ♀ 啊B, Fang Zi ♀ 方子, Du Dongyan ♀ 杜东彦, Liu Bo ♀ 刘博, Xiaoxiao ♀ 潇潇, Feng Dandan ♀ 冯丹丹, Liu Xiaohong ♀刘晓红,《干草部落》[The Hay Tribe], 北京:光明日报 | No editor identified.
2005-03: Gu He 谷禾 (ed),《东北1963:李占刚、苏历铭、杨川庆、杨锦、潘洗尘、许宝健、朱凌波诗选》[The Northeast, 1963: Selected Poems by Li Zhangang, Su Liming, Yang Chuanqing, Yang Jin, Pan Xichen, Xu Baojian and Zhu Lingbo], 北京:中国文史
2005-06: Tan Kexiu 谭克修 (ed),《明天:21世纪汉语诗歌前沿读本:第贰卷》[Tomorrow: A Reader in 21st-Century Cutting-Edge Poetry in Chinese: Volume Two], 长沙:湖南文艺
2005-06?: He Xiaozhu 何小竹 & Zhai Yongming ♀ 翟永明 (eds),《诗歌在今天》[Poetry Today], 成都:世纪城•首届成都国际诗歌节 / 成都世纪城•新国际会展中心, unofficial | Produced on the occasion of the First Chengdu International Poetry Festival, scheduled for summer 2005. The festival was cancelled by the authorities, publicity was censored and the anthology's circulation withheld. Some two hundred copies were smuggled out of the printing plant.
2005-07: Liu Shuyuan 刘树元 (ed),《中国现当代诗歌赏析》[Appreciations of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poems], 杭州:浙江大学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
2006-01: Li Runxia ♀ 李润霞 (ed),《被放逐的诗神》[A Banished God of Poetry], in《潜在写作文丛》[Invisible Writing Series], edited by Chen Sihe 陈思和, 武汉:武汉 | Underground poetry written during the Cultural Revolution.
2006-04: Yang Ke 杨克 (ed),《2004-2005中国新诗年鉴》[2004-2005 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 福州:海风
2006-12: Huang Lihai 黄礼孩 (ed),《出生地:广东本土青年诗选》 [Place of Birth: Selected Poems by Native Cantonese Young Poets], 广州:花城
2007-10: Yang Ke 杨克 (ed),《2006中国新诗年鉴》[2006 Yearbook of China's New Poetry], 广州:花城
2008-01: Yang Siping 杨四平 (ed),《中国当代诗歌》[Contemporary Chinese Poetry], bilingual Chinese-English edition with translations by Denis Mair, Michael Day, Zhang Er & Leonard Schwartz & Xu Zhipei, Wang Ping, Maghiel van Crevel, and Wang Ping & Alex Lemon, 上海:上海文艺
2008-04: Jiang Hongwei 姜红伟 (ed),《寻找诗歌史上的失踪者:二十世纪八十年代校园诗歌运动备忘录》[In Search of Those Who Have Gone Missing from Poetry's History: A Memorandum of the Campus Poetry Movement of the Eighties], 济南:黄河 | Included in view of the importance of Campus Poetry for the development of the avant-garde and its readership; contains much poetry, in addition to literary-historical and critical material.
The list of names below is intended to increase findability of this document. It contains predictable or attested alternatives to the orthography this document has used for transcribing poets' names, and redirects the reader.
A Qu Qiang Ba → A Qu Qiangba
Anqi → An Qi
Beidao → Bei Dao
Bei Ling → Beiling
Bei Ta → Beita
Can Xing → Canxing
Dao Zi → Daozi
Duo Duo → Duoduo
Duo Yu → Duoyu
Fangzi → Fang Zi
Gucheng → Gu Cheng
Hai Shang → Haishang
Hai Xiao → Haixiao
Hai Zi → Haizi
Hailei → Hai Lei
Hainan → Hai Nan
Hongying → Hong Ying
Ji Mu Lang Ge → Jimulangge
Jian Ning → Jianning
Jianghe → Jiang He
Jie Er → Jie'er
Jing Bu Te → Jin
Lan Lan → Lanlan
Lian Zi → Lianzi
Lin Zi → Linzi
Lu Lu → Lulu
Mangke → Mang Ke
Mo Mo → Momo
Mo Sa → Mosa
Mofei → Mo Fei
Naisheng → Nai Sheng
Nanren → Nan Ren
Nanye → Nan Ye
Qiong Liu → Qiongliu
Renwu → Ren Wu
San Da → Sanda
Sen Da → Sanda
Sen Zi → Senzi
Senda → Sanda
Shi Zhi → Shizhi
Shucai → Shu Cai
Shuting → Shu Ting
Wa Lan → Walan
Wei Wei → Weiwei
Weifan → Wei Fan
Weise → Wei Se
Xi Cun → Xicun
Xi Ma → Xima
Xi Ping → Xiping
Xiaohai → Xiao Hai
Xichuan → Xi Chuan
Xidu → Xi Du
Xue Song → Xuesong
Xuedi → Xue Di
Yamo → Ya Mo
Yang Zi → Yangzi
Yi Hai → Yihai
Yi Tu → Yitu
Yu Tian → Yutian
Yu Yu → Yuyu
Zhaxi Dawa → Dawa Zhaxi
Zhaxidawa → Dawa Zhaxi
Zhong Dao → Zhongdao
Zhu Zhu → Zhuzhu
Zui Quan → Zuiquan