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September 17 The Poetry of Yi Sha我非常高兴给你们介绍我朋友伊沙的作品。 上边有他的诗歌。
下边有一个短传记。 星期一 九月十七日二零零七年
I am happy to present to you the poetry of my friend Yi Sha. Directly
below is his poetry. Underneath there is a short biography.
Monday September 17, 2007
all best,
结结巴巴我的嘴 二二二等残废 咬不住我狂狂狂奔的思维 还有我的腿
你们四处流流流淌的口水 散着霉味 我我我的肺 多么劳累
我要突突突围 你们莫莫莫名其妙 的节奏 急待突围
我我我的 我的机枪点点点射般 的语言 充满快慰
结结巴巴我的命 我的命里没没没有鬼 你们瞧瞧瞧我 一脸无所谓
My stu-stu-stuttering mouth Sec-sec-second degree handicap Can’t bite into my thighs Or my ra-racing thoughts
Your spu-spu-sputtering spit Stinks of fun-fun-fungus How weary My-my-my lungs
I need to esc-esc-escape Your puz-puz-puzzling Rhythm Has tra-trapped me too long
Mm-mm-my words Shoo-shoo-shoot Happily As a ma-machinegun
My stu-stu-stuttering life Has nn-nn-no ghost Take a look at my face Covered with in-in-indifference Translated by Wang Ping and Alex Lemon
镍币上的麦穗 在我口袋里 熟了
那天我穿过大街 嘴里嘀咕了一句 什么 我也没听清
人们只嗅到 满街的麦香 谁也没注意 我 这个奇迹
The wheat on the coin Ripened In my pocket
I was crossing the street Muttering things Incomprehensible
The streets were filled with The perfume of wheat But no one noticed This miracle Of mine
*Chinese coins have the pattern of wheat Translated by Wang Ping and Alex Lemon
我是多么怀念 毛泽东时代的公共浴室 那种百人共浴的大池 人与人挨得很近 相互搓背 泡在那混沌而滚烫的水中 是多么舒服啊 不常洗澡的人才知 洗澡是一种快感 花钱洗澡的人才知道 洗澡是一种幸福 就这样泡着泡着 昏昏然地泡着 直泡得有人虚脱 那年头根本就不用担心 这样的洗法会染上梅毒之类的 啊!我是多么怀念 毛泽东时代的公共浴室 但仅限于怀念
Bathhouse in Mao’s Era
I long For the bathhouse in Mao’s time Pool embracing hundreds Skin to skin, bathers Kneaded each other’s back How relaxing to rest In the muddy hot water Only those who rarely bathed Understood its joy Only those who paid Knew the happiness We soaked ourselves Into oblivion Soaked till someone fainted No one worried about Syphilis or AIDS Those days Oh! My longing For the bathhouse in Mao’s time
Translated by Wang Ping and Alex Lemon
你所讲述的彩虹 究竟如何美丽 我还看见了 一面尿片般的国旗 今生勉强下完 的一盘棋 是我帮你吃掉了 我的车 唉! 你说我饱受颜色的折磨 你说我只晓得光明与黑暗 的色泽 我死在城市的 红绿灯下 死不瞑目地看啊 那永远搞不懂的真假 这是宿命 最后一瞥 我看到了爷爷 一个色盲农民 一生收获 猩红的麦子
ColorblindHow beautiful were the rainbows You described? I only saw the national flag Hung like a diaper In this life, I barely finished a chess game And you took my knight Ai! You said colors had tormented me enough The only shades I knew were Light and dark With my eyes open I died Under the green and red lights Doomed to mix truth and lie In my last glance I saw my grandpa A colorblind peasant Harvesting scarlet wheat
Translated by Wang Ping and Alex Lemon
《中国诗歌考察报告》 (1994年2月6日)
同志们 中国的问题是农民 中国诗歌的问题也是农民 这是一个十分严重的问题 这是一帮信仰基督教的农民 问题的严重性在于 他们种植的作物
天堂不收 俗人不食
Report on the Inspection of Chinese Comrades The Chinese problem is the problem of peasants The problem of Chinese poetry is also that of peasants This is a very serious problem This is a group of Christian peasants Whose goods Are not wanted Either in heaven Or on earth
Translated by Wang Ping and Alex Lemon
伊沙简介 伊沙,原名吴文健。男。 曾获《诗参考》“十年成就奖”暨“经典作品奖”、《山花》
On May 19, 1966, Yi Sha (Wu Wen Jian) was born in Cheng Du City, Sichuan Province. In 1989 he graduated from Beijing Teacher's University with a degree in Chinese Language and Literature. He currently lives in the city of Xian in Shanxisheng Province and teaches in Mou University. His major published works include: (Poetry) Starving Poets The Spirit of Yisha UntamedSong I Finally Understood Your Refusal Yisha's Selected Poems My Hero The Chariot Crossed the Yellow River (Long Poem) Tang (Criticsim, a collaboration) A Critique of Ten Poets (Prose and Essays) A City Not Let Go Being Compelled to Live a Live of Debauchery Ignorant, Shameless (Short Stories) Happiness that Common People Don't Understand Who Knows Who Aches (Novels) Beautiful Woman, Beautiful Land EcstasyChina's Past (Translations) Yi Sha, A Short Collection (English)-- Project of Soul and Flesh (Hebrew) Poems by Yisha from the 38th Jie Rotterdam International Poetry Festival (Dutch) He has had the good fortune to also have works published in Swedish and other languages. His past prizes and awards include: (Poetry Reference Works) "10 Year Achievement Award" "Classical Works Award' (Shan Hua) "2000 Years Poetry Award"(First Prize) "Tomorrow You Receive the Ancient" "Annual Chinese New Year Exhibition"and several other such awards. (Feminist) "A Reader of Twenty Beautiful Poets" 1993;(Journal of Chinese Language) "Anthology of Ten Modern Young Poets 1998; (Cheng Yang Newspaper) (Poetry Monthly) by popular acclaim "Ten Vital Young Poets of Da Xin" 2007;Invitation to the 16th Swedish International Poetry Festival, the 39th Dutch International Poetry Festival, the 8th, 9th, and 10th Asia Poetry Conference, first Kunming "China and Northern Europe Poetry Week" with alternate locations. Yi Sha has been very active in the Chinese poetry circle from 1980's till now. Being very popular and controversial at the same time, he is considered a representative poet of the "Folk Style Writing" which is anti-standard and anti-academia.
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