Digital Library

Bibliography of archived articles


Web archiving: general


Entlich 2004

Blog Today, Gone Tomorrow? Preservation of Weblogs / Richard Entlich. In: RLG DigiNews, vol. 8, no. 4 (15 Aug 2004).


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Fitch 2003

Web site archiving: an approach to recording every materially different response produced by a website / Kent Fitch. Gold Coast: AusWeb 2003.


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Web archiving: tools

PANDAS (National Library of Australia)


Koerbin 2004

The PANDORA digital archiving system (PANDAS): managing Web archiving in Australia: a case study / Paul Koerbin. Canberra: National Library of Australia, 2004.


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


National Library of Australia 2004

Pandora: Australia's Web archive. Canberra: National Library of Australia, 2004.


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Phillips 2003

Pandora, Australia's Web archive and the digital archiving system that supports it / Margaret E. Phillips. In: DigiCULT.Info, no. 6 (December 2003).


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


NWA (National Library of Norway)


National Library of Norway 2004

About the NWA toolset. Oslo: National Library of Norway, 2004.


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


E-Depot at KB


Oltmans/Wijngaarden 2004

Digital preservation in practice: the e-Depot at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek / Erik Oltmans and Hilde van Wijngaarden. In: VINE, vol. 34, no. 1 (2004).


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Steenbakkers 2004

Treasuring the digital records of science: archiving e-journals at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek / Johan F. Steenbakkers. In: RLG DigiNews, vol. 8, no. 2 (15 Apr 2004).


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


van Diessen 2002

Preservation requirements in a deposit system / Raymond J. van Diessen. Amsterdam/The Hague: IBM/Koninklijke Bibliotheek, December 2002.


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


van Wijngaarden 2004

Digital preservation at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek [Powerpoint presentation] / Hilde van Wijngaarden. The Hague: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, [2004?].


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]




Ayre/Muir 2004

The right to preserve: the rights issues of digital preservation / Catherine Ayre ; Adrienne Muir. In: D-Lib Magazine, vol. 10, no. 3 (Mar 2004).


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Charlesworth 2003

Legal issues relating to the archiving of Internet resources in the UK, EU, USA and Australia: a study undertaken for the JISC and Wellcome Trust / Andrew Charlesworth. London: JISC, 25 February 2003.


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Encoding issues


Bausenbach 2004

Character Sets and Character Encoding: A Brief Introduction / Ardie Bausenbach. In: RLG DigiNews, vol. 8, no. 2 (15 Apr 2004).


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Databases and e-books


Cox 2004

E-books: challenges and opportunities / John Cox. In: D-Lib Magazine, vol. 10, no. 10 (Oct 2004).


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]




House of Commons 2004

Scientific publications: free for all? / House of Commons, Science and Technology Committee. London: The Stationery Office Limited, 2004.


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Jones 2003

Archiving e-journals consultancy: final report / Maggie Jones. London: JISC, October 2003.


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Representation and Rendering Project 2003

Survey and assessment of sources of information on file formats and software documentation / [Derek Sergeant, Paul Wheatley]. Leeds: Representation and Rendering Project, 2003.


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Newsletters etc.


Day/Clifton 2004

DPC/PADI What's new in digital preservation, no. 7 (Oct 2003-Jan 2004).


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]


Day/Clifton/Vucocic 2004

DPC/PADI What's new in digital preservation, no. 8 (Feb-Jun 2004).


[accessed 20 Oct 2004]



Useful resources

Newsletters & magazines


DigiCULT Newsletter


D-Lib Magazine


DPC/PADI What's new in digital preservation


RLG DigiNews


Mailing lists




DIGLIB - Digital Libraries Research mailing list (IFLA)


OAIS Implementers (RLG)


PadiForum (National Library of Australia)


Web-Archive (Bibliothèque nationale de France)




JISC Joint Information Systems Committee (London, UK)


PADI Preserving Access to Digital Information (National Library of Australia)