Humanizing China - Part 3 (Desires)
1. Rental rooms of the 'working girls'
2. Women doing sword-play exercises
3. Customers at curbside hairdresser looks at pedestrians
4. Two old women get their hair curled for the New Year
5. Curbside beauty parlor
6. Traditional method of facial hair removal by string is applied to leg
7. Female horse ranger applies make-up before going on duty
8. Shadow play is still popular in places where television has not
9. On the prison parade ground, the music band rehearses
10. Prisoners practice qigong in prison
11. Death row female inmate hopes for a lighter sentence
12. At a banquet, the performers break into disco dancing
13. A woman runs a home for more than 20 mentally handicapped children
with her own money
14. In the scenic tourist zone, a taoist monk gives a reading over the
mobil phone
15. The new-style scientific life sign reader
16. Outside a rental home, a young man fools around with a prostitute
17. At the curbside restaurant, a diner harrasses a female pedestrian
18. Two people arrested for illicit sexual transaction at a hair salon
19. Minority group members have their photos taken
20. Free karaoke for migrant workers
21. Retired people entertain themselves
22. Retired people practice chorus singing
23. Bird fighters congregate together
24. Tricycle cab drivers play cards while they wait for business;
a loser has to put a stone slab on the head
25. Fishermen uses the beach as a natural soccer field
26. A photo before jumping into the water in winter
27. Changing in public
28. A winter swim in Beijing
29. A citizen exercises in a public park
30. The gymasium is full of people
31. Peasants exercise in front of the Temple of the Dragon King
32. The hutong (alleyway) is a basketball field
33. Acupuncture for weight loss
34. A woman in a Chinese traditional dress stands underneath a sign
35. Chinese traditional dress comes back into fashion
36. Instruction at he first school for hand models in China
37. A priest teaches new converts how to make the sign of the cross
38. Lamas rehearsing for the annual dance
39. The Living Buddha approaches
40. Joint meeting of Buddhists and Taoists
41. 95-year-old woman dresses in opera costume for her birthday
she is being carried onto the stage by her grandsons
42. Hakka people pay respect to their ancestors on New Year's Eve
43. A prosperous peasant family displays their family tree
44. Banners on sale for the Spring festival
45. Parents wait outside the school's gate while their children take
exams inside
46. Trainees at a performance troupe
47. AIDS children line up before class
48. The "Project of Hope" is being set upon isde the People's
National Congress hall
49. In front of Tienanmen, a man displays the photo of his deceased wife
to show that both of them have fulfilled the wish to visit here once
50. Peasant woman selling bras and stockings at the village fair in
51. Peeking at the male models performing in front of the stage
52. Taking measurements of the model contest entrants
53. Preparing for the model competition
54. The first ever clothing model show in Beijing
55. Curious spectators at the first Yunnan Province bodybuilding
56. Rock 'n roll music fans
57. Young people have fun all night at the pub
58. Public dancing in the plaza
59. Young people at the dance hall on Christmas Eve
60. The workers at this restaurant are required to shave their heads
61. An astonished spectator at a nude photography exhibit
62. A man is astonished at the scantily clad women
63. A female photobraher and her self portraits
64. Dance performance in the street
65. A disappointed woman at a lottery of allotments of a new stock
66. The lucky winner at an instant lottery game
67. During a lull in the stock market, investors practice taichi on the
stockbroker's floor
68. Sales distributors receive news of a ban
69. The local real estate exchange mart
70. A man promotes himself at a human resouces exchange mart
71. Local billboard is covered with telephone numbers for getting fake
72. This urban restaurant advertises a rural peasant atmosphere
73. In the 1987, the first Santa Claus and Miss Santa appeared on Chang
An Street
74. Vacationers frolick in the artificial waves at a Beijing spa
75. At a scenic tourist site, children use their implements to beg from
the tourists
76. Searching for tips to 'get rich quick'
77. A newspaper collector rummages through the refuse collection station