The Amnesty That Never Was

Conspiracy theorists must be having a field day with this one.  The answer was always easy: follow the money.

Let us start with the known 'facts':

Those are the known facts.  By point of law, under Section 11 of the Hong Kong Immigration Ordinance, immigration authorities may at any time deny entry to persons other than those with right of abode in Hong Kong.  According to a spokeswoman, "If our officers are not satisfied with the visitor's reason to visit Hong Kong, or if they find the visitor suspicious, they can refuse to him land in Hong Kong."

The average daily number of such rejections at all entry checkpoints (including the Hong Kong International Airport) is just over 80 (including all nationalities).  So why this sudden and seemingly narrowly targeted screening of a specific class of people (by age/sex/place of origin)?  Here we depart from known 'facts' into 'rumors' that are nevertheless not being refuted by anybody:

Who was responsible for releasing these rumors in China, especially in Fujian province?  Here the speculations begin to run wild, and things get absurd when the speculations contradict each other to the extreme.  Here are some examples:

The fact is that the DAB cannot both be spreading these rumors and reporting them to the security bureau.  Besides, why would the DAB offer promises that they cannot possibly deliver on?  There is nothing to gain and everything to lose.

So who floated those rumors?  As I said in the beginning: Follow the money.  According to the rumor about the rumors, they initially came as SMS messages to mobile phones of Fujian residents, in conjunction with sales efforts to purchase long-distance bus tickets to Hong Kong.  As a result, there were sudden surges in bus ticket sales at all travel agencies.  Nobody else stands to gain anything meaningful from this.  So there you have it -- market supply meets market demand, which can be artificially stimulated.  Where is the CSR?