歌词: shanghai k姐> feat: MC niggAslim iyo,this song iz from me & my sister MC Lucy, and dedicated to all da real azz hoez in SHANGHAI CITY!! shoot all'em bitchez {gun shot!!} [MC Lucy] uh YA CHECK IT OUT~uh u so sweet come with me yeah 白天睡懒觉夜里出去混钞票 一天就吃两顿饭晚饭和夜宵 人家看看我的腔调实在太另 走了马路高头 回头率真是高 night club 夜里准时报道 换上超短裙对着镜子乱照 为了拉米(赚钱) A -HA ACTION准备出去卖笑mothaf\*\*ka~ 对老镜子补补口红描几眉毛 喔唷妈哎面孔变了 越来越老 香港台湾人加上几哦外国人 有冲光还要碰着一帮乡下人 想要拿小费裙子就要撩了高 眼睛乱眨电到人家通通昏倒 我说先生侬到底吃不吃得消 吃得消伐啦? HOT fell SO hot repeat: (每天朝三又暮四 随意摆出各种POSE 没钱拜托别来烦我 有了money再来CALL我告诉我, shanghai every K姐 穿梭于这个灯红酒绿世界 嘴叼一支凉烟只懂帮你数数数数钱 ) 听到有只男拧叫我出去坐台 一下子哈兴奋差点HIGH起来 仔细一看喔唷错色哦霉头 原来碰着一 只‘ 乡下老头 老头一面孔哦皱纹外加秃头 牙齿辣黄还有口臭加狐臭 一只麻相 A-HA SHIT 我看了就想呕 OHOHOHMY~GOD 老头两眼变绿灯口水乱流‘ 色迷迷的眼神手脚一直发骚 侬只卡西摸多2代搞我西开 美金港币台币通通闹出来! (老头:我就2白快呀) 侬只坑子快点快点给我滚蛋 个点钞票还好意思帮我搭三 get out I wanna 丢丢丢你老母 [niggaslim] I want fast cash, slow dough's a no-no And livin so-so, flip coco, dippin from po-po Clippin fo-fo, sippin Alize and Mo-Mo Ro' glow, incognito, on the low-low Puff 'dro slow, bulletproof, vest and hat On my waist, rest my gat, shut your trap Threat the rap, watch yo, begets get yapped ghetto slum's where I rest my bat Before the rap was on the map Nigga, gettin freshin crack Get them stacked, kept the mack, accept the fact You see me, protect ya back Throw you in the dope fiend, watch your neck go crack Let's go back, when I used to chess, go chat Give me your dough stack, nigga, plus the fresh go-lack Let me hold that shit! nigga! bitch azz hoe! yeah, dat's it,that's all there is to it dawg, ohhh, by the way,and i just wanna f\*\*k all tha bad bitchez in NJC !!! cut dat shit off, Nigga ,it's WESTSIDE!!