I don't wanna give it up don't think I'm give it up show show showing up just livin' up I can do this thing cause my name is yining 打开窗口 看看外头 想到大厦跟高楼 真想现在就走 离开个帮子外国寿头 撒额金钱名利 偶并伐想拥有 所谓额 良好人际关系阿才斯虚有 是非大家刚刚 马屁互相拍拍 心里了了骂 但斯面孔郎还要笑哈哈 朋友 偶看那 阿太无聊了伐 个能浪费层光还不如回起孝顺那爷 偶刚了对伐对 伐管那斯伐斯想听 偶还斯要刚 偶还斯要唱 伐要怪偶罗哩八嗦 像一根甜罗嗦 偶要帮那搞搞鲁子 帮那上上课 if ya want that just call me a bitch if ya want that just show me ur rich if ya want that just try to be a king if ya want that u can do everything I don't wanna give it up don't think I'm give it up show show showing up just livin' up I can do this thing cause my name is yining look at the sky u will see it's so free baby dance with me feel with me sing with me no matter what they say be what u wanna be baby u see? 刚身不由己 生活逼宁 才斯骗宁 只要刚句NO 么宁好代替侬做宁 了了娱乐圈里吸毒额宁现在巴宁轧点名 食得咸鱼 抵得渴 现在就伐要叫救命 还有一种小人一天到夜了了挑拨离间 害了宁轧错怪好宁 伐刚一点道理 但斯闲话又刚转来 斯一拉斯轧活该 斯一拉斯轧么主见 斯一拉斯轧倒酶 早知如此那又何必当初 听了宁轧刚两句 就当斯轧斯只猪 朋友 侬斯侬 他斯他 伐用宁轧额同意 欢喜哪能就哪能 做侬欢喜额事体 讨厌额事体偶伐做 么宁好决定偶额路 伐要想办法控制偶 色相一哎伐要犯错 if ya want that just call me a bitch if ya want that just show me ur rich if ya want that just try to be a king if ya want that u can do everything I don't wanna give it up don't think I'm give it up show show showing up just livin' up I can do this thing cause my name is yining if ya want that just call me a bitch if ya want that just show me ur rich if ya want that just try to be a king if ya want that u can do everything