- 以上討論,可參考《文訊》,民81年7月,總號81,頁8-16座談紀錄〈「詩歌文學學的再發揚」座談會〉、向陽專文〈從「小圈圈」到「大圈圈」:試析台灣現代詩的傳播困境〉,頁17-24。另見《文訊》,民81年月,總號82,頁10-35。隱地文〈副刊二題〉,頁15-16;向陽文〈對當前台灣副刊走向的一個思考〉,頁13-14;張錯文〈文學不死,但卻凋零〉,《文訊》,民81年12月,總號86,頁74。此外,《聯合報》副刊於民81年9月12-13日兩日推出〈文學又死了嗎?座談紀實〉等,顯見文學傳播的問題已為文壇所注目。
- 參考葉淑燕譯,(Escarpit,1958),《文學社會學》,頁92-93。根據Escarpit的定義,「文人圈」的概念是指由「那些受過相當的智識培育及美學薰陶、既有閒暇從容閱讀,手頭又足夠寬裕以經常購買書籍,因而有能力作出個人文學判斷的人士們」所形成的交流圈。相對於此,則是「大眾圈」,指那些「所受教育尚不足以掌握理性判斷與詮釋能力,僅粗具一種直覺的文學鑑賞力,而工作環境與生活條件也不利於進行文學閱讀或養成文學閱讀習慣,甚至收入也不容許他們經常購買文學書籍」的讀者。
- 關於文學媒介守門人的缺乏自主權,可以以當年各報副刊主編之遭遇為例: 1949年,《新生報》副刊主編傅紅蓼因刊登三○年代作家巴人(王任叔)的〈袖手旁觀論〉(10月18日)而致下台,並導致各報副刊的掃蕩與「戰鬥文藝」副刊的集體壓力;1963年4月,主編《聯合報》副刊長達十年的小說家林海音,因為刊登文章「惹禍」離職,「給文藝界、新聞界一個不大不小的震驚,大家彷彿在紛相走問,誰給惹的禍?」(林海音,1982:116);1968年1月3日,時任《自立晚報》副刊主編的雜文家柏楊,因為《中華日報》副刊刊出由他翻譯的大力水手漫畫,觸怒當道,啷噹下獄,而真正的原因則是他在副刊所寫的時評雜文;1976年6月,《中國時報》副刊主編高信疆因大量刊登鄉土文學與報導文學離職;其後繼之主編至1977年12月止,一年半之間連易三「人」:陳曉林、王健壯、「副刊編委會」,此其間適為黨政軍發動「鄉土文學論戰」階段(可參考林淇瀁,1993:176-177)。從五○年代到七○年代,這些文學媒介守門人的遭遇,反映了當年的歷史情境,也足證意識型態國家機器對文學傳播的宰制現象既深且久。
- 參閱孫如陵,〈中副經緯〉,台北:《中央日報》「中央副刊」,民67年2月1日。孫氏的其他「副刊」論述,要者如〈副刊講座〉(《中國文選》,期91,民63年11月,頁169-184)、〈副刊的新認識〉(《中央日報》「中副」,民56年2月1日)、〈副刊的誕生〉(《報學》卷6期4,民69年6月,頁15-19)。
- 這裡還是借用Escarpit的概念,「班底」指的是作家集團,他們在文人圈中掌握文學權力、型塑文學標準;「世代」,指的是出生或出現文壇的年代相近的作家。班底與世代也決定了文學傳播功能的強弱。參葉淑燕譯(1990:40-48)。
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A Preliminary Discussion of the Difficulties in Literary Communication in Post-War Taiwan: From a Cultural Studies' Perspective
Chi-yang Lin
- In Taiwan in the 1990s, it is often heard that "literature is dead". The topic has become a popoular one in Literary circles. Is this because literature is useless? or is it because literary communication is powerless? Such questions deserve consideration not only by the literary community, but also by journalistic circles observing and analyzing this phenomenon from a cultural studies' perspective,and thereby enlarging the traditional sphere of communications research.
- Utilizing the social changes in post-war Taiwan as background, this paper attempts to examine the complicated historical development of literary communication in Taiwan over the last fifty years, and to analyze how Taiwans' writers have given meaning and value to literary communication through history. Secondly, this paper will examine their interplay through a cross-section using the reform in newspaper literary supplements and the corresponding social changes since 1970s as well as analyze the difficulties in the communication of modernTaiwan literature.
- Finally, the author will attempt to point out that if literature really is"dead", then it is the result of writers themselves relying exclusively on the mass media to disseminate literature. The mass media, no doubt, can function to promote the communication of literature, but it can actually be harmful to the writing of literature. Only by using a tactic of "negotiation", which allows the reader to become the creator of meaning, rather than the passive recipient of information, can Taiwans' writers really overcome the crisis and difficulties in the communication of contemporary literature.