琴·韦伯斯特(Jean Webster)

  Jean Webster, christened Alice Jane Chandler Webster, was born in Fredonia, NY on July 24, 1876. After graduating from Vassar, Webster earned her living as a free-lance writer and novelist, living in New York City. Her first novel, When Patty Went to College, was published in 1903. It chronicled the trials, tribulations, and adventures of life at a women's college. Altogether Webster wrote eight novels and countless unpublished stories and plays, in a style often described as realistic, refreshing, and witty. Daddy Long-Legs, the story of an orphan whose anonymous benefactor sends her to college, was a best seller and later adapted to the stage by Henry Miller, starring Ruth Chatterton. The play enjoyed a long and successful run in New York, and also toured the Midwest, California, and London. Later film versions starred Mary Pickford and Janet Gaynor, among others.






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英文版(English Version)



  长腿叔叔可以算是另一部成人童话, 里面有很多求学跟成长的心情, 让大家回忆一下年少的心情吧. 剧情清新又有些曲折离奇, 非常有趣, 从头到尾都是女主角一个人自己的信件来叙述整个故事, 写作手法也很有趣喔! 有很多插图, 跟小王子一样可爱!

  笔者这两年正巧有机会前往孤儿院访问, 对于长腿叔叔的体会, 自有另一番感受。小孩子们都故意在我们的身边绕来绕去, 希望能让我们注意到他们, 这也是为何茱蒂说这么多年来第一次有人注意到她。
  我们拜访前曾问院方, 我们不想捐钱, 想捐东西, 他们要什么? 出乎我意料的, 他们要一个大冰箱, 尺寸之大应该叫冰库吧。我不解, 想说这孤儿院不要点吃的, 却要一个大冰箱做啥? 院方说附近的自助餐与店家, 都会每天送来很多剩余的菜, 他们一天也吃不完, 所以希望能有个大冰库把东西冰起来保存。对于这样的希望, 实在听了很心酸, 因为我们偶尔的帮助毕竟不能帮助他们改善长期的生活, 今天送了20包米, 吃完以后呢? 但有个大冰库, 他们不能靠人救, 总能自救吧! 11月初, 院方又来拜访, 希望我们能帮忙募款, 因为下学期的学费还没着落...

  希望大家过年领红包, 年终奖金时, 能想到这些人, 汇个一千两千的, 对我们是无关痛痒, 但对一个小学生来说, 这却是一个学期的学费。想想这些钱, 我们可能一个过年看场电影或唱个KTV就不知花到哪去了, 但对他们来说却真的是雪中送炭...
