Poems by Wu Ang
¡ñthe second love song
In the High Place
I stand in the high place
In the high place
wind is silence
and rain is rushing to leave
the office.
I missed the first kiss,
I miss the past, and the future..
In the high place
nothing can disturb me.
In the high place
the flower who falls asleep
is our goddess.
I miss the small loves
which are everywhere,
raindrops in my eyes,
and becoming clear in the midnight.
The worm comes ou to play games
and the bee is the leader.
I don't know
those fairies who live here;
they have circled me all morning.
In the morning
the water in the river
flows over those high trees
and the crops stay, still in their sitting room
happy, keeping the lamp bright.
What I will do in the high place?
In the Theater
In the theater
I hear the greatest silence.
in the universe of darkness
silence cannot speak.
Like a cat
it goes through my body,
goes up-stairs;
another cat
passing near my head
goes down to hell.
Theater like a tomb,
and the seats are just like the ants
staying in the peanut.
They are in line
wanting to leave as soon as possible.
I can't do anything about this.
Not sad, not happy.
In the theater
the sprites all go away
into the sky.
The song they leave
stays on the needle,
hardly climbing.
In the theater where sunshine cannot touch
where teeth have their motherland,
the pain and nothingness
like fire,
burning to the end.
The Future of I Imagine
I have a horse.
It has withered in the desert.
I also have a big wallet
full with eccentric things.
I have a photograph which is
two inches long.
My love and my children
playing hide and seek.
One day I couldn't find where
I hid myself.
I only found the property that belongs to me.
It showed on the square,
burning under the sun,
people passing there
all become careful,
just like a group of worms.
Of course, they trust me.
I am nonsense,
but still they fear I will dig out a tunnel,
diverting all the treasure
to a lonely island,
hurting the beautiful scenery there.
Books, cowhide drum, and a piece of onion,
they will grow up one day;
they will rush onto the street
flowing up the lamps there.
¡ñTo buy a can of milk for a glass
I once went for a pretty glass,
To buy a can of milk,
For a desk, to buy a computer.
It makes no difference whether
Cheap and precious
to my eyes.
For my happy mood
I take a seat in the sunshine of the afternoon.
Life becomes something I forget.
For the truly important things.
I give up the mysteries.
For the poetry
I give up tiger and hunger
For the beloved company
On the moon.
I give up the starlight of the early morning.
For you, my love,
I am looking out of the window
For a long, long time.
I see you upon the stone duck.
For me
You are just like the stamps from
Last century,
So cherished and dazzling.
For me, you are just
like the endless
Magnificent world.
For me
You are like the mother of tropic fish
And sunshine.
You are just like the broken footprints
When I am sad.
You are like a kitten
Circling a ball of yarn, circling me.
You the earth of my life.
You know me more than
a great elephant, never at a loss.
As the wild fruits
in the tree,
you are more alluring.
You are the wanderer in a far land,
but you, oh, only you, fill my heart.
You are unique to me, safe
in my heart.
My dearest, you.
How can I describe you?
No clock can know me as my love does,
though I watch them
even longer
than I see my love.
Why did this happen?
I have never seen him,
but I lost my self-control to love him so deeply.
It is exactly like night in winter.
It can't be moonlight and snowing
at the same time.
No silver folk can fill
the light within the eyes.
They are too bright
and leave me alone for a long time.
Those beings lost time;
they are now all in front of me.
In this lamplit place
I feel cramped, lonely,
like a whore
who sells her body.
All her life she saves her money.
How can I stop a stream
coming at midnight?
I am that kind of river
which can only be stopped
at the source, where
the water begins.