The Year in Religion: Top 10 News Stories
Among the top ten news stories involving religion in 2003 were, of course, the debate over the war in Iraq, gay marriage, and the Ten Commandments. Can you guess what the other seven were? As it turns out, we covered many of them in depth.
Religion reporters overwhelmingly chose The Episcopal Church's ordination of its first openly gay bishop, Eugene Robinson, as the top religion news story of 2003.
Answers to your questions about Judaism. What is Judaism? What is the Torah? What do Jews believe? Who is a Jew? Also information about all the Jewish holidays.
As Christmas is observed around the world, we take a look at where it all started - Palestine - home of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, and other historical and spiritual landmarks for Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike.
Buddhism is a religion that originated in northern India over 2500 years ago. From there it spread into China, Japan and to Tibet. Today it is practiced throughout the world, attracting over 350 million followers. Like other religions, it has its own special teachings and practices but, unlike other religions, does not believe in God. Consequently, it is sometimes referred to as an atheistic religion.
Buddhism, Christianity, Divination, Esoteric and Occult,
Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Meditation, Mysticism, Pagan,
Spiritualism, Taoism, Yoga.