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Do you want Quentin Tarantino to release a combined version of the Kill Bill movies?
More About Scott Mechlowicz
The versatile Scott Mechlowicz made a great impression as the lead (along with Jacob Pitts) in Eurotrip. Scott's also in Mean Creek, the indie film that's generating a lot of buzz. Scott's reps realized that to capitalize on his newfound notoriety they'd use IMDb Publicity Photo Services. That way, when our users (20 million a month and counting), or industry folks looking to cast their films turn to his page, they'll be able to put a name to a face. If you're in the database, make sure your page stands out with IMDb Publicity Photo Services!
IMDb Movie of the Day
Despite numerous adaptations before and a landslide afterward, Robert Stevenson's 1944 Jane Eyre remains the quintessential film version of Charlotte Brontė's brooding love story about a spinster governess and her mysterious, darkly attractive employer. Starring glamorous recent Oscar winners Joan Fontaine (Suspicion) and Orson Welles (Citizen Kane), the film didn't showcase either at the top of their game, but their tentative chemistry was perfect for the sheen of Gothic romance in which Stevenson bathed the tale. Focusing less on Jane's discovery of her independence and autonomy and more on the star-crossed romance between lovers of different classes, it was high Hollywood romance all the way, a studio product that was handsome and heartfelt even if it wasn't authentic (set in the English countryside, it was all filmed at Fox's Los Angeles studio). Playing up the mysteries of cavernous Thornfield Hall, this Jane Eyre was made strictly for romantics and those for whom an aching Bernard Herrmann score would induce happy tears. Though Fontaine played dowdy yet again, Welles was in full matinee idol mode, the filmmakers capitalizing on his recent Citizen Kane fame. Despite the powerhouse leads, though, the movie was stolen by three young actresses: the sunny, charming Margaret O'Brien as governess Jane's young charge; an uncredited, twelve year-old Elizabeth Taylor as a beatific, doomed fellow orphan whom the young Jane befriends; and the phenomenal Peggy Ann Garner as the young Jane herself, a girl who's grown to understand far too much far too soon. - Mark Englehart
of the Day Archive)
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Movie/TV Quote of the Day
- Not everybody gets corrupted. You have to have a little faith in people.
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