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CityU NewsCentre Events Campus Map Facts & Figures

The Learned Terra Cotta parades CityU

Some 160 pottery figures make their way to CityU, 6 September to 17 October. They parade the entrance of the Academic Building, grace the U-circle, and "speak" with the CityU community. "In a way, the sculptures resemble the scholars and students on campus," said Ms Solan Chiu, the artist who has brought the pottery figures to life. [More]

Sharing legal knowledge with the Sri Lanka Judiciary

Thirty-three judges from Sri Lanka gathered in CityU -- not to adjudicate any legal cases, but to attend the inauguration of the two-week "Short-term Knowledge Sharing Session for Judicial Officers from Sri Lanka", organized by CityU Professional Services Limited,
6 to 17 September.

'BASIC' inspires interest in building design
Over 100 secondary school students packed CityU's campus on 4 September to take part in the third Build and Shake Inter-school Competition (BASIC) organised by CityU's Department of Building and Construction. [More]

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