Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue.
谦虚不仅是一种装饰品, 也是美德的护卫。
--Joseph Addison 爱迪生
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Did you hear about the guy that lost his left arm and left leg in a car crash?
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Two mice(pl.老鼠) sat in their hole watching Cat lurk outside. "I know how to make Cat go away," said the first mouse. "How?" the second mouse asked in surprise.
"Watch! Bow, wow!!!" barked(吠叫) the first mouse. Peering(凝视) through their hole in the wall, they saw Cat running away in fear.
"Ah, see the benefit of knowing another language!"
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美国:移民之国 纵观美国历史,就可见这个国家经常被称为"一个熔炉",在此,各种移民和种族团体学会了共同建设一个独特的民族。甚至那些"本土的"美国人-…… 查看详情
2002年美国大学排名情况 美国大学招生计划为外国学生发布了2002年度大学(本科水平)排名。这些大学越来越受到外国(非美国居民)学生的青睐,1999至2000学年共有…… 查看详情
Would You Be Happier 来自爱尔兰的The Corrs可儿家族,是由大哥Jim(吉他/键盘)、大姐Sharon(小提琴)、二姐Caroline(鼓)及小妹Andrea(主唱/锡笛)所组成。1995年…… 查看详情