The W. H. Auden Society
The Society's Newsletter 24
was mailed to members in July 2004. If you have not received your copy,
please send an e-mail to the Webmaster.
Following the ratification of its
Constitution in May 2004, the Society is now registered with the Charity
Commission for England and Wales as Charity No. 1104496.
The Oxford Book of Light Verse, edited by Auden in 1938,
has been reprinted by New York Review books as W. H. Auden's Book of Light
Verse. Further details may be found on this site's
news page.
Arthur Kirsch's annotated critical edition of Auden's The Sea
and the Mirror: A Commentary on Shakespeare's "The Tempest," was published
by Princeton University Press in May 2003. Further details may be found on this
site's books page.
A page of frequently
asked questions has been added to the site, with information about the
poems by Auden quoted in Tuesdays with Morrie (September 1, 1939)
and in Four Weddings and a Funeral (Stop all the clocks...).
Some friends of the W. H. Auden Society have
founded an entirely separate
City of York Auden Society, which is not affiliated in any way with the W. H.
Auden Society. The City of York Auden Society sponsors "creative
literacy projects" for children, readings, and other local activities, and we wish it
every success. (Auden lived in York for the first two years of his life.)
A note has been added to this
site on the source of a sentence frequently attributed to Auden, "We are all
here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for, I don't
You may now join the Society on-line
using a credit card and a web-based transaction service. Details may be found
on the membership page.
The W. H. Auden Society commemorates the life and work of one of the
greatest poets in the English language.
This web site offers a list of books by Wystan Hugh
Auden, links to some of his poems, a selective list
of recordings of his readings and of musical
settings of his poems, and (to be added in the near future) a biography. Recent
news of publications and events of interest to Auden's
readers, reports of work in progress, and
brief scholarly and interpretive notes may also be
found here. Visitors seeking further information can find selective lists
of published criticism and biography, links
to other web sites, and the archives of the Society's
Information is available about membership in
the W. H. Auden Society and its officers,
and a list of contacts is provided for authors and publishers seeking copyright
permission to quote, reprint, or translate Auden's
works. A map of this site is provided.
The W. H. Auden Society is registered as a not-for-profit corporation in
the State of New York.
All works by Auden quoted on this site are copyright
by the Estate of W. H. Auden and are used with the permission of the