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STOP PRESS: 10 September 2004
Two letters from the McLibel 2
These two letters were published today in the Guardian and Daily Telegraph. They appear here in their unamended form.
News Roundup - McLibel 2 vs UK Government, European Court, 7 Sept. 2004
A link to all the press items about the European Court Hearing this week in Strasbourgh
Battle resumes in McLibel epic
The "McLibel two" have launched a new phase in their epic legal struggle with fast food giant McDonald's - already the longest court case in English legal history.
McLibel 2 vs UK Government - European Court, Strasbourg - 7th Sept 2004
The McLibel 2 will be attending the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on 7th September 2004. The ECHR have declared admissible their claim that the long running 'McLibel trial' breached their Article 6 right to a fair trial and Article 10 right to freedom of expression.
What else is new?