蔡华伟先生,英文名Warren Cai,
他的童年在绵竹东方汽轮机厂所在地度过,后求读于成都树德中学(九中)。 一九九一年毕业于电子科技大学.。毕业后先后求职于中国东方电集团公司,上海贝尔公司四川公司. 攻读电子科技大学国际金融研究生及西南交通大学MBA,是西南交大第一批MBA硕士生。 二零零二年初移民加拿大. 定居于多伦多市. 二零零三年三月底回国探亲, 因肿瘤晚期不治, 不幸于二零零三年十月一日凌晨永远离开了我们。
蔡华伟先生从童年起就显示出聪慧和才智. 四年就完成了小学的学业。 中学、大学成绩优秀,工作中善于开拓进取。 从事国际贸易多年,成绩显著。 在中国东方电集团公司及贝尔公司工作是优秀的经理人材, 深得领导、同事和客户的好评。为人热情诚恳, 乐于助人。 吃苦耐劳. 热爱生活。 喜欢体育运动, 酷爱电脑和汽车。 尊师爱友, 关爱父母、妻子及兄长。
他有远大的抱负和志向, 立志兴族立业。 移居加拿大后作了大量市场调研, 广交了朋友, 创立了 “Ever Glory Canada Co. LTD”. 并为公司建立了网站。 踌躇满志,豪情满怀。正欲大干, 可恨的肿瘤夺走了他年轻而宝贵的生命。
在治病六个月期间, 他显示了惊人的毅力、勇敢和顽强。他始终没有放弃治愈的信心。 面对巨大的疼痛和术后新病灶的侵袭, 他表现出了极大的克制和忍耐。
于你的一周年纪念日 1/10/2004
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Cai Huawei, (English name: Warren Cai),
Bone in April 5, 1971 at Harbine. His original Place is Shanghai, .He graduated in1991 from
“University of Electronic Science & Technology”. He was the first term of graduated MBA of South-West Jiao Tong University.
He immigrated into Canada in the year of 2002.. He had worked in Dongfang Electric Corporation and Shanghai Bell Sichuan Co. before his immigration. He had been working in the field of International Trade nearly one decade. He had established his own trade company named “Ever glorious Canada Co. Ltd” and internet station of WWW.degcl.com . As the Manager of International Marketing of Dong fang Ever Glorious Co. Ltd ( In the beginning of 1994 the company name had been changed to “Dongfang Huawei International trade CO., Ltd” in memory of his pass away).
In the beginning of 2002 had immigrated to Canada and residences in Toronto. Since then he had made his investigation to Canada market and established his own company named “Ever Glorious Canada Ltd.” Starting his international trading and doing some work to promote the friendship between Canada and China.
He was intelligent, smart, and good to his friends. He was hard to study and work, pursuing deploitation & exploiting in his work. Swimming and music is his hobby. Computer and car is his favorite. He glade to help other. He respects his teacher, parent and brother. Responsible to his family… He is really a excellent youth with brilliant appearance!
He died of the attack of the tumor! His pass away is heavy hit to our family, to all of his friends!
We all love you for ever, Huawei!
Please take good care of your self on the way to another world!
Your brilliant will be ever there!
We remember you for ever!
Your parent
At the time of one years anniversary 1/10/2004