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Introduction to People's Daily | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
With publication started in June 1948 and a current circulation of 3 million, People's Daily is the most influential and authoritative newspaper in China. According to UNESCO, it takes its place among the world top 10. People's Daily brings you the latest news dispatches of policy information and resolutions of the Chinese Government and major domestic news and international news releases from China. It reflects the views of the Chinese people, expounds on justice and lambasts various forms of malpractice. Published under the People's Daily are also ten newspapers including People's Daily Overseas Edition, East China News, South China News, Market Daily, International Financial Daily, Jiangnan Times, Global Times, Securities Times, Health Times, Satire and Humor and six monthly magazines including The Earth, News Front, Listed Companies, Times Trend, People Forum. To date, People's Daily has got the contents of its subsidiary papers and magazines onto the Internet to disseminate information throughout the world. Mail Address: Jintaixi Road #2, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100733, People's Republic of China Email: rmrb@peopledaily.com.cn Foreign Affairs Department: Division of Europe and America 86-010-65368975 Division of Asia and Africa 86-010-65368980 General Office 86-010-65368971 Fax 86-010-65368974/8984 International Department: 86-010-65368676 Global Times: Editor-in-Chief 86-010-65369564 Vice Editor-in-Chief 86-010-65369561/9606 General Office 86-010-65369564/9565 Editorial Department 86-010-65369567/9588/9581 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Introduction to People's Daily Online | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
People's Daily Online (http://www.people.com.cn) was formally launched on January 1, 1997. Since the first day of its launching. People's Daily Online has taken disseminating information from China as its primary task, making it sure that the esteemed news medium authority of People's Daily be guaranteed and its role as a major website showing great appeal, good readability and increased affinity be brought into full play. Thanks to years' effort made, People's Daily Online has made itself one of the most authoritative, comprehensive and influential websites and a disseminator of information claiming the largest daily amount of new releases in China. Now it has in its possession websites in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Japanese, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic, altogether seven lingual versions in disseminating information and news releasing throughout the world. It has also set up mirror sites in Japan and the US, with contributions from more than 1,000 journalists from over 70 stations spreading around the world and 500-plus cooperative media as an important channel for overseas readers to know China on the Internet. People's Daily Online Chinese Edition releases news around the clock with a daily updating of 3,000 news pieces in 12 channels, Politics, International, Opinion, Economics, Sci-Education, Society, IT, Environment, Military Affairs, Entertainment, Life and Photo, released in more than 1,800 special news topics and over 300 columns under 50 categories to show a far greater daily releasing capacity than its paternal paper People's Daily. People's Daily Online English Edition has been available since January 14, 1998. It translates major news releases from the People's Daily, and new policies, resolutions and statements of the Chinese Government. Internet users can also find in special columns of People's Daily Online useful information about the activities of Chinese leaders, basic facts on China, and places of interest in China. People's Daily Online English Edition has been made by its commendable editing work a first-rate distributing center of information about China. Customarily People's Daily Online makes it sure new world hot topics, thematic subjects and feature websites are presented in the interest of its readers worldwide. People's Daily Online Strong Nation Forum has by its focusing on themes for reinforcing China with greater national economic strength and national unity has produced wide repercussions among its netizens and has thus been famed as "the most renowned Chinese forum". "China NPC News" thematic website has practically become a virtual window for a glimpse of the country's democratic legal construction and an important linkage bridging the country's top legislature with the common run of people in China. "JointWeb of Chinese Local Newspapers" doubtless has been made a large-size website of People. com. cn for disseminating home news from various localities in China. As things are now with People's Daily Online, it has already had 34 local websites launched in various provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions as well as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Maocao, rising now as it has been made a national news release center for disseminating information and news releasing in China. To convenience Internet surfers' access, online study and information feedback, People's Daily Online has also provided 8 functional services as subscription to personal electronic news reading, mails free of charge, online data retrieval and online investigation in addition to news information, policy information, laws online, short-message products etc. People's Daily Online has by now had a daily increased influence being felt in China and abroad and its authoritative news releasing, comprehensiveness and timelines have won wide acclaim, hence many netizens say: "First go on People. com cn in case of important events!" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Legal Statements | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PART I: Legal CredentialsRegistered business website on file
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PART II: Statement on CopyrightIn line with stipulations of Article 3 of "Explanations of the Supreme People's Court on Some Problems Relating to Computer Web Copyrights Disputes Handling", this website declares:In compliance with the copyrights of proprietors, People's Daily Online specially entrusts lawyer Huang Xu with the duty to look after its legal work. When a copyright problem should occur, going into timely contacts with the lawyer is hoped. *1 Refers to releases, writings or works with "People's Daily Online" to start at the very beginning *2 Refers to those with copyrights by editors and journalists on duty in various divisions of People's Daily. *3 Refers to People's Daily, People's Daily Overseas Edition, East China News, South China News, Jiangnan Times, Global Times, Market Daily, Health Times, News Front, Times Trend, Listed Companies, The Earth, People Forum and Satire and Humor PART III: Statement on Copyrighted TrademarksPEOPLE'S DAILY ONLINE, SPORTS ONLINE, PDHEALTH, PDBOOKS, UNN, STRONG NATION Forum, PEOPLEMAIL, PEOPLEINFO, GOLDEN NEWS, GOLDEN PAPER are all legal registered trademarks of People's Daily Online. Without prior written authorization of People's Daily Online no other units or individuals have the right to use the said trademarks or as their website names.PART IV: Entrusted Lawyer of People's Daily OnlinePeople's Daily Online holds Mrs. Huang Xu as its law consultant responsible for handling legal affairs.Tel: 010-65368374 Fax: 010-65368373 E-mail: huangxu@peopledaily.com.cn Mail address: Jintai Xilu 2, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100733 |
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