Wan Yanhai  

  1981-1988: Fudan University School of Medicine (former Shanghai Medical University School of Public Health)
Degree: BACHELOR OF MEDICINE (equivalent to M.D. in US)
Major: Public Health (with Health Education Minor)
Founder and coordinator of Beijing AIZHI Action Project (1994-2002)
Founder and director of Beijing AIZHIXING Institute of Health Education (2002-2005)
Member of the Board of directors of China STD/HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Association (2003-2005)
Founder and editor of the Chinese Society for the Study of Sexual Minorities (1997, USA )
Founder and member of the board of directors of the Institute for Tongzhi Studies at the City University of New York (2003-2005)
Affiliated Researcher and advisor of the Center for Public Health and Human Rights at the Johns Hopkins University (2004-2005)
1st International Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights 2002
- Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and Human Rights Watch
Defender's Awards 2002
- International League for Human Rights
2003: Yale World Fellow Award
2003: Yale- China Association Health Fellow
2002: Fulbright New Century Scholar Award
1997: Hal Call Mattachine Scholar
- Center for Feminist Research at the University of Southern California
Working Experience
July 1988- August 1994, Beijing : China National Health
Education Institute of Ministry of Health, Researcher assistant
March 1994 - December 1996 / February 1998 - December 1999 / January-June 2002, Beijing : coordinator of AIZHI Action Project.
January 1997 - June 1998: Visiting Scholar at University of Southern California , Center for Feminist Research, ONE Institute.
October 2001-March 2003: Fulbright new century scholar at California State University Northridge
April 2003 – July 2003, Yale University : Yale- China Association Health Fellow
August 2003 – December 2003, Yale University : Yale World Fellow Program
2002 – present: Beijing AIZHIXING Health Education Institute (NGO), Director