Yang Yang

  Graduated from the foreign language college of Peking University in June 2004, majoring in French language. During her university term, she has been busy with her charge as vice-president of the Peking university Film Association and the following activities:
- May 2001: actress in a short film named ”Copy” and selected by the Venice Film Festival.
- October 2001: main organizer of “Moving View — 2001 Beijing New Image Festival”
- December 2001: main organizer of the 1 st Beijing Gay & Lesbian Film Festival.
- August 2002: co-writer with Zhang Jiangnan of the book ”10 years of Chinese Modern Cinema”, about the Chinese independent filmmakers' works and situation.
- August to October 2004: production assistant for the documentary ”Jews in China ” produced by French production company Rosem .
- November 2004 to March 2005: freelance interpreter for RFI, FIGARO MAGAZINE, EXPANSION, RADIO CANADA , etc.