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  [每日英语] 古德明的“生活英语”
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     楼主 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友



What’s interesting is the difference between the genders



n         对话

Earl: I’ve been reading a report in the paper about young people’s career choices.


Kay: Oh, that was one of the topics at a conference I attended last week.


Earl: What’s interesting is the difference between the genders.


Kay: Yes, that was one of the main issues discussed at the conference.


Earl: It seems that girls shy away from careers in science and math.


Kay: Yes, they tend to be male-dominated areas and girls shy away from them because they seem to see them as too competitive and individualistic.


Earl: That’s a shame because there are a lot of girls who are very talented in science and math I’m sure.


Kay: There are, so this is a situation that’s got to change.



n         多学一点点 性别


俄尔谈到年轻人的就业选择:What’s the interesting is the difference between the gendersGendersex都可译作“性别”,两字用法有什么不同?


gender本是文法用语,指名词、代名词所属性别,例如:“Manis masculine gender, “woman” is feminine gender, “person” is common gender, and “pen” is neuter gender(“男人”是雄性,“女人”是雌性,“人”是通性,“笔”是中性)。古英文较为复杂,例如视wife(妻子)为中性,woman为雄性,我们今天不必深究。总之,这个意思的gender不可用sex取代。


二十世纪初著名英文学者福勒(HW Fowler)Modern English Usage(《现代英文用法》)说:Gender is a grammatical term onlyGender只是文法用语)。但现在有些人显然觉得sex一字有情欲意味,改用不涉性爱的gender来说人以至其他动物性别,不复限于词语的性别,例如:Children of both genders go to this school(这家学校男女学生都有)。不少英文学者大概会说这一句的genders应改为sexes,但一般人会认为两字通用。


此外,谈到男女之间文化和心理的差别,现在有时会用gender一字,例如英国广播公司(BBC)政治新闻编辑柯尔(John Cole)谈到英国前首相柴契尔夫人:Margaret Thatcher’s gender did not indelibly mark her style of government(柴契尔夫人的性别,不一定影响她施政的方式)。当然,这一句改用sex也无不可。



2006-7-9 0:29:54   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!ToToRo 积分:3027 等级:版主 文章:492 积分:3027 注册:2003年5月7日     第 2 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

很实用的英文。期待YANGNAN 每日一文。

。。。girls shy away from them because they seem to see them as too competitive and individualistic.

此处SHY AWAY 很传神。

转动 像我

MSN: sudajiang@hotmail.com
2006-7-9 0:50:06   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 3 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友


n  对话

Milton: How is the stock market doing these days? I haven’t checked for some time.


Dennis: Well, it’s a pretty mixed picture globally. In some regions stock prices are rising, in some they’re flat and in others they’re falling.


Milton: What are the most popular stocks?


Dennis: Well energy and raw materials stocks are very high because there is such a strong global demand for them. Companies in those areas, especially oil, are doing very well.


Milton: Tell me, there’s a lot of oil in Iraq. Are the big oil companies investing there?


Dennis: No, they’re all fighting shy of investing in Iraq because of the political instability.



n  多学一点点 股市情况


丹尼斯谈到全球股市:It’s a pretty mixed pictureMixed是“混杂的”或“不一的”,例如:(1) I handed in my resignation with mixed feelings, for while I was happy to have got a better paid job, I regretted having to leave many dear friends(我辞职时心情复杂,一边高兴找到薪水较高的工作,一边惋惜要和许多好朋友告别)。(2) The cell phone is a mixed blessing – it keeps you on call, as it were, all the time(行动电话有利有弊—你可以说随时要听人召唤)。(3) His book received mixed reviews(报刊对他那本书既有好评,也有劣评)。

Picture除了解作“图画”,也可指“局面”或情况,例如:The article gives a very clear economic picture of the Far East(那篇文章清楚描述了远东的经济情况)。成语to put someone in the picture是说“使人了解情况”,to get the picture则是“了解情况”,例如:(1) Let me put you in the picture about Taiwan’s political situation(我跟你说清楚台湾的政局吧)。(2) I get the picture – the ruling party is hopelessly corrupt(我明白了—执政党腐败得很)。

丹尼斯又谈到大石油公司:They’re all fighting shy of investing in IraqShy一般指“羞怯的”,作动词则可指马匹受惊跳起,例如:The horse shied when the cannon went off(大炮响起,那匹马吓得乱跳)。Fight shy of shy away from都是“避开”的意思,例如:He fought shy of /shied away from taking the matter to court because of the enormous costs(他避免诉诸法庭,因为费用太大)。Fight shy ofshy是形容词。

2006-7-10 1:03:19   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 4 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Gillian: Did you see that documentary on cosmetic surgery last night?


Donna: Yes, I did. I found it a bit alarming.


Gillian: Alarming? But didn’t you think the results were great? The top model who had her nose done looked great afterwards.


Donna: Oh, sure most of the woman who had the operations looked younger after the operations.


Gillian: So what didn’t you like about it?


Donna: All that cutting into the patients’ flesh – that really turned my stomach. Sometimes I had to look away.


Gillian: But it’s all done under anesthetic. Nobody feels a thing.


Donna: I know, but just the thought of being cut into I find really scary.



n  多学一点点 整容手术

Cosmetic surgery即“美容外科手术”,或称aesthetic surgery(唯美外科手术)和reconstructive surgery(改造外科手术)。从前,这种手术叫plastic surgery(整形外科手术),但现在plastic surgery多指毁容或身体受重创者须做的整形手术,例如:(1) She had cosmetic surgery to tauten her drooping breasts(她接受美容外科手术,使下垂的乳房坚挺起来)。(2) She had plastic surgery to rebuild her breast after mastectomy(她切除乳房之后,接受整形外科手术,重建乳房)。做美容或整形手术的医生,一律叫plastic surgeons.

唐娜说美容外科手术很恐怖:All that cutting into the patients’ flesh – that really turned my stomachTo turn one’s stomach是“使人恶心”,可以指真的作呕,也可用作比喻,例如:(1) The smell of garbage turned my stomach, and I had to fight the urge to be sick(垃圾的气味使我倒胃,我努力不呕出来)。(2) His effeminate manner turns my stomach(他的脂粉气令我作呕)。

Flesh是人或动物身上的肉,供食用的肉则叫meatThe patients’ flesh自然不可改用meat字。

2006-7-11 0:53:59   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 5 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Oliver: It won’t be long before we launch the new marketing campaign.


Nancy: I wouldn’t be too sure about that if I were you.


Oliver: What do you mean? The last I heard was that we’ll be getting the go-ahead pretty soon.


Nancy: That was some time ago. Since the HQ has been blowing hot and cold about it. One day it’s “You can go ahead”, the next “We’d like to think about it a little longer”.


Oliver: Oh no! If we don’t get the go-ahead soon, it’ll be too late.


Nancy: I know. And then all our work will have been wasted.


Oliver: We must get the boss to put some pressure on HQ to give us the go-ahead.



n  多学一点点 总部主意反复


南施说到公司总部对推销计划的态度:HQ has been blowing hot and cold about itHQheadquarters(总部)的简称,读作H-Q,重音(stress)在第二音节(syllable)Q。任何一个机构的总部都可叫headquarters,那s切勿略去,动词则用单数或复数形式都可以,例如:The company headquarters was/ were raided by the police(公司总部被警方搜查)。

Blow hot and cold直译是“吹热吹寒”。这成语出自伊索寓言:一只人羊兽(satyr)见一个行人在呵手,问他为什么,那行人说要把手呵暖;人羊兽邀他回家奉上热饮,见他又用口吹,问为什么,那行人说要把热饮吹凉。人羊兽马上下逐客令,说I don’t want to have anything to do with a person who can blow hot and cold from the same mouth(你同一张嘴可以吹热吹寒,我不要跟这样的人来往)。后来,to blow hot and cold就用来说“反覆不定”,其后可用about带出对什么事情反覆,例如:If you keep blowing hot and cold about everything, your staff will never know what to do(假若你事事都反覆不定,你的职员会无所适从)。

奥立佛希望:We’ll be getting the go-ahead pretty soon。动词片语(phrasal verb) go ahead是“展开行动”的意思;作名词,go-ahead就是“准许(做某事)”,一般冠以the字,例如:(1As soon as we got the go-ahead, we started work in earnest(我们一获得“可以行动”指示,就开始努力工作)。(2) The marketing campaign went ahead as planned(推销活动按照计划展开)。

2006-7-12 17:19:16   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 6 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Felicity: This has been a really great day out.


Berenice: Yes it has. What did you enjoy most?


Felicity: Well I thought the botanical garden was beautiful. So many flowers and shrubs were in bloom.


Berenice: It certainly was nice. But I also liked the castle and its museum. Did you see that display of historical clothing?


Felicity: Oh yes. Some of the women’s dresses looked very uncomfortable. How could they wear such things?


Berenice: I know. Now how about going to the country dancing display?


Felicity: I don’t think we’ve got enough time. Our train leaves in three quarters of an hour. I think we’d better keep on the safe side and call it a day.



n  多学一点点 慎重一点,到此为止

菲莉西蒂和同伴玩了一天,不赞成再去看表演:Our train leaves in three quarters of an hour. I think we’d better keep on the safe side and call it a day。未来的事,假如有时间表规定,英文会用现在式动词来说,例如:(1) The World Cup Final is on 9 July(世界杯决赛将于79日举行)。(2) When does the plane take off? (飞机什么时间起飞?)

Call it a day直译是“称之为一天”,意思是“今天某活动到此为止”或“终止做某事”,例如:(1) It was getting late so though we had not finished our work we had to call it a day(我们的工作还未做好,但由于天色渐晚,我们不得不停止)。(2) As the cooperation project was not fruitful, we suggested to our partner that we should call it a day(由于合作计划没有成果,我们向合伙人建议终止计划)。

To be on the safe side(在安全的一方)是成语,指行事慎重,不冒险;一个同义说法是to play (it) safe,例如:(1) The journey was not expected to cost more than $5,000,but I took $8,000 just to be on the safe side / just to play safe(旅行费用预计不会超过5千元,但我慎重一点,带了8千元)。(2) He decided to play it safe / to be on the safe side and put his money in a major bank rather than a smaller one, although the latter offers higher interest rates(较小的银行给客户较高利率,但他为求安全,把钱存入一家大银行)。

2006-7-13 14:41:05   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 7 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Elise: I’m so glad I came on this lifestyle enhancement course. I’m learning such a lot. How about you?


Maddox: Me too. I think it’s great. I’ve already learned a lot of things I’m going to put into practice after I’ve finished the course.


Elise: All of the people I’ve spoken to on the course think it’s really good.


Maddox: Yes, my buddy Jim thinks it’s the best thing he’s ever done.


Elise: Of course, it is rather expensive. Three thousand dollars is quite a lot of money.


Maddox: It sure is. That’s why my other buddy Wayne decided against coming. He was originally keen on coming but when he found out the cost he jibbed at paying so much money for a two-day course.



n  多学一点点 活得更写意

伊莉斯说:I’m so glad I came on this lifestyle enhancement courseLifestyle直译是“生活方式”,本位心理学名词,指幼年养成的品质,但现在常用来说日常生活,包括住所、衣着、饮食、娱乐等。例如:“Changing your stressful lifestyle means that you will be less likely to have another heart attack,” the doctor told him(医生告诉他:“改变你紧张的生活方式,心脏病复发的危险会少一点。”)

有时,你会看到alternative lifestyle这说法,直译是“非传统的生活方式”,即同性恋或其他较不“正规”的生活,例如:There is no reason why people in gay relationships should be discriminated against because of their alternative lifestyle(同性恋者生活方式和一般人不同,但绝对不应因此而受到歧视)。

Enhance指提高人、物的品质、能力等,名词是enhancement,如:(1) Cosmetics, properly used, can enhance a woman’s beauty(化妆品使用得当,可以使女人更加美丽)。(2) Humor always enhances conversation(幽默感使谈话更有趣)。留意enhance须和受词(object)连用。

马多克谈到朋友不参加课程的原因:He jibbed at paying so much moneyJib本来是指马匹等停下来不肯前进,常引申解作“不肯做某事”,例如:(1) The horse jibbed at the high fence(马不肯跳过那么高的栅栏)。(2) He was already underpaid, and naturally jibbed at having to do any more work(他的薪水已经过低,要他增加工作,他自然不愿意)。

2006-7-14 23:50:21   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 8 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Warren: How did your business trip go? It was your first one overseas, right?


Yoko: Well, I came back with mixed results. We got some business but we didn’t get the big deal we were expecting.


Warren: That was going to be with the Savory Corporation, wasn’t it?


Yoko: That’s right. It was frustrating. We seemed to be making good progress in the negotiation and then they began to stall.


Warren: Any idea why they were stalling?


Yoko: We weren’t sure, but I’ve since learned that our biggest competitor was there at the same time as we were.


Warren: Maybe they were talking to them at the same time as negotiating with you.


Yoko: I think that’s pretty likely.



n  多学一点点 谈生意

约科谈到公司业务:We didn’t get the big deal we were expectingBig deal是“大宗的生意”,常引申解作“重要的事”,no big deal即“不要紧”,to make a big deal out of something则是“把某事当作十分重要”,例如:(1) It was the biggest deal I had ever signed for the company(那是我历来为公司签署的最大宗交易)。(2) It is no big deal if we are a little late(我们迟到一点并不要紧)。(3) He made a big deal out of it when he found a slight scratch on the table leg(他发觉桌子腿上有一条轻微刮痕,就小题大做)。

不过,big deal也可用作反话,指“某人隆而重之的事,根本不值得一笑”,有嘲讽意味,例如:(1) So you’ve got the president’s wife’s autograph? Big deal! (你得到总统老婆亲笔签名?有什么了不起!)(2) “He offers us $500,000 for our house.” “Big deal! It should fetch no less than $600,000.”(“他出50万元想买我们的房子。”“真慷慨,房子最少值60万元。”)

萨沃里公司一面和约科谈判,一面暗中和他的对手谈判,也许可算是double dealingDouble dealing(两面交往)是“奸诈”、“表里不一”的意思,例如:Don’t associate with such a double dealing man(不要跟这样奸诈的人来往)。

约科说萨沃里公司借故拖延:They began to stallStall就是“拖延”,例如:(1) He seems to be stalling for time(他似乎是在拖延,争取时间)。(2) Could you stall the swindler for a few minutes while I go to call the police? (你可不可以设法拖住那骗子一会儿,我去报警?)

2006-7-16 0:10:02   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 9 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Darlene: What do you think about internet dating?


Jeanie: Why do you ask? Have you met some guy on the internet?


Darlene: Well yes I have actually. We’ve been in contact for more than a month and he’s asked me to meet him. So we’re going to meet next week.


Jeanie: You’re not like your sister. She always looks before she leaps.


Darlene: I know. She’s always saying to me “Look before you leap” when she thinks I’m going to do something risky.


Jeanie: Well don’t you think it’s a bit risky to meet some guy you know hardly anything about and have never even seen before?


Darlene: Well it could be, I guess, but he seems a really nice person.



n  多学一点点 约会

达琳问珍妮:What do you think about internet dating? Date作动词,指约会异性,例如:(1) Mary is dating Henry tonight(玛丽约了亨利今晚见面)。(2) They have been dating for several years(他们过去几年常常约会)。Dating agency/ service就是“婚姻介绍所”。

作名词,date除了指“约会”,还可指“(经常)约会的人”,例如:(1) I asked her for a date, but she declined(我想和她约会,但她婉拒了)。(2) Henry is to pick up his date at six o’clock(亨利约了六点钟开车去接女朋友)。

男女双方从未见过面的约会,叫blind date;令人雀跃的异性约会,叫hot date;两对男女一起游玩的约会,叫double date。例如:(1) They met on a blind date(他们约会相识之前,没有见过面)。(2) She has got a hot date with a college football team member on the coming Saturday(她和一个大学足球队员约了星期六见面,十分雀跃)。(3) Henry and his girlfriend often go on double dates with the same couple(亨利和女朋友经常和同一对男女相约,一起外出游玩)。

珍妮认为和陌生人约会有点危险。主要危险是date rape(约会强奸),即男女相约见面,最后女方遭强奸。Many date rape victims suffer in silence because they feel ashamed即“不少约会强奸案受害人由于感到羞耻,唯有哑忍”。

留意date除了指男女的约会,也可指一般约会,例如:We made a date to have a working lunch together(我们约定共进公务午餐)。

2006-7-17 0:03:44   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 10 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Gloria: Vernon, you’re not your usual cheerful self today. What’s the matter?


Vernon: Oh, don’t ask. But this certainly isn’t the best day I’ve ever had.


Gloria: Come on, you can tell me. I can see you need a shoulder to cry on.


Vernon: Well my girlfriend has dumped me. I just got a text message from her on my cellphone saying it’s all off.


Gloria: Text message? That’s a pretty cold way to end things.


Vernon: That’s what I thought. Seems she’s found another guy.


Gloria: Gee, that’s tough. Here have one of my chocolate chip cookies and I’ll make you a cup of coffee. Then you can talk about it.



n  多学一点点 失恋者的心情

葛萝莉雅对威尔南说:You’re not your usual cheerful self today… I can see you need a shoulder to cry onTo be not one’s usual self指某人表现和平时不同,例如:He’s not his usual self this morning. I think he’s got something on his mind(他今天早上表现异常,似乎有些心事)。

Cheer(快活)有cheerfulcheery两个形容词,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》以cheerful解释cheery,但两字其实有点不同。Cheerful指心情开朗愉快,cheery则是言行之间显得开朗、热情,但心情不一定愉快,例如:(1) He is looking cheerful today(他今天看来很愉快)。(2) They gave the guest of honour a cheery welcome(他们热情欢迎那贵宾)。

A shoulder to cry on直译是“可在其上哭泣的肩膀”,指听你倾诉痛苦、给你慰藉的人,例如:Jill looked on Bill as a brother, and often cried on his shoulder, never realizing that he was in love with her(姬儿视比尔为兄长,常向他倾诉苦恼,从没想到比尔爱上了她)。

葛萝莉雅听说威尔南被女友抛弃,说That’s tough. Here have one of my chocolate chip cookiesTough一般指“困难的”或“坚韧的”,口语常用来说“不幸的”,有时用作反话,指“活该”,例如:(1) It’s tough that his wife was killed in the accident(真不幸,他妻子在意外事故中死亡)。(2) “I overslept and got to school late.” “Tough/ Tough luck/ That’s tough.”(“我睡过了头,上学迟到了。”“那是活该。”)


2006-7-18 0:42:59   举报 |  |  顶端