Are you a bossy (1) person?


Choose the best answer to each question to find out what you are really like.


1. Do you often tell other people what to do?

    A. All the time. Someone has to take charge (2) or nothing gets done.
    B. Not too often. It's rather rude.
    C. Something I do, but usually they have to ask me first.
    D. I don't think anyone would listen if I tried.

2. Is it hard for you to keep your opinion to yourself?

    A. Not at all, since I am a private person and I don't share my thoughts much.
    B. I do like to talk, and sometimes tell people what I think.
    C. I always say what I think, and I know people want to hear it!
    D. When people ask me, I do share my opinions.

3. When you see something being done, do you step in and do it your way?

    A. Always. I like to help get things done right.
    B. Not really. I ask if they want me to pitch in (3).
    C. Sort of. I might make a suggestion or two while I help.
    D. No. People ask if they want help.

4. Do you give people advice before they ask for it?

    A. Maybe. My friends don't always ask, but do want to hear my thoughts.
    B. No way! It bugs me when other people criticize my choices.
    C. Probably. I like to talk, and always say what I think.
    D. I think so. But only with people I know, not strangers.

5. In a group of people, how much talking do you do?

    A. I never shut up, but someone has to keep the conversation going!
    B. I'm good at dealing with other people's awkward (4) silences.
    C. If I am comfortable, I'll talk, but sometimes I just listen.
    D. I do talk, but only when I know about the subject.




If your score is above 75

You spend your day telling people what to do. If you are the boss, this isn't a problem. If you aren't, try to listen more and to order people around less! You may be ignoring good ideas because you didn't think of them.

If your score is 60 - 70

You do sound bossy, but you usually know when to be quiet. Make sure you are listening to other people as much as they are listening to you.

If your score is 45 - 55

Congratulations! It sounds like you are only bossy when you need to be, and don't annoy people much at all. Can I be your friend?

If your score is below 40

You are as far from bossy as they come. Being bossy sometimes can be good, so give it a try. Everyone needs to take charge somethimes.


1 bossy adjective 独断专行的,像老板一般的
2 take charge verb 负责
3 pitch inverb 帮忙
4 awkward adjective 尴尬的