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我不在线哦!惘月 积分:40119 等级:版主 文章:6663 积分:40119 注册:2003年5月5日     楼主 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友


佛缘本是前生定 一笑相逢对故人
2007-7-21 11:31:29   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!惘月 积分:40119 等级:版主 文章:6663 积分:40119 注册:2003年5月5日     第 2 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友



善錞先生酷嗜陶令诗,貴其静而适也。故所绘西湖之景,隐约之间,远意若生,亦静者居其多。其一往所诣,静之至时,虽秋水暮烟,不足为其色也;然姿媚亦从简净中跃出,有苍雪弥丽,秋光初碧之趣,庶几通乎定庵琴曲:“美人沉沉,山川满心。吁嗟幽离,无人可思。” 其有物无物,变幻起来,胥归于静寂之界,真乃不暇求静即此静者也。


佛缘本是前生定 一笑相逢对故人
2007-7-21 11:33:07   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!惘月 积分:40119 等级:版主 文章:6663 积分:40119 注册:2003年5月5日     第 3 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友


Of ancient writings of eulogizing the beauties of the West Lake in Hangzhou, Su Dongpo(1037-1101)’s poems enjoy great popularity, and rank as masterpieces through the ages. While describing spring in the six bridges, Yuan Hongdao(1568-1610) presents the scenery from the Broken Bridge to the Su Embankment as: Green smoke and red fog spread all over for about twenty Li; fluting songs are like wind and falling pollens are like rain; fine silk fabrics are more popular than the grasses covering the dyke. What a beautiful description it is. Till the Qing Dynasty, a famous writer Zhang Dai(1597-1679) portrays himself of sleeping and sweetly dreaming in a floating boat over the lotus of ten Li, savoring the dawn and the pale Moon of July, while tasting the fragrance of the lotus. His verse inspires readers to fall in reverie.

As for paintings depicting the scenery of the West Lake, most of them prefer its colorful appearances, or glance of widow in wind, or blooming flowers all over the causeway which reflect in the waves of the lake. All those elements have captured the artists’ attention sensuously; so that could few artists have time to meditate on the graceful scenery, to harmonize their souls with the inner essence of surroundings. That could explain why many paintings that depict at will the ordinary scenes could be regarded as great works, but those painstaking works have fallen into the category of superficial resemblance to the West Lake. In this sense, the West Lake needs a truly understanding admirer.

Mr. Yan Shanchun ardently loves Tao Yuanming(ca.365-427)’s poems and cherishes the peacefulness exerted in Tao’s poetry.  In Yan’s Paintings, the views of the West Lake are indistinct, distant and abstract, so that the quietness of the scenery has been achieved. He restricts himself in the usage of ink-wash, in order to remind the spectators of the impression of autumn lake and evening mist, or sky blue snow, or the first light of autumn Sun over the surface of the lake. The grand simplicity of Yan’s art parallels the artistic ideal of Gong Zizhen(1792-1841), who believes: The real beauty of a maid or a mountain could not be truly appreciated because of its mysterious serenity. It is not easy to classify Yan’s art as figurative or non-figurative, but I could not help thinking of his art having reached at ease the state of supreme serenity.

Each time on my visiting Shenzhen, I would seek to appreciate his paintings. Being fascinated by his art, I have often sensed his masterly painting skills and the grandeur of the calmness in his art. Others do not easily have the opportunity to share my enjoyment.

Above words welled up in my mind while I was taking a stroll along the West Lake; and the parallels between the beautiful scenery and  Shanchun’s paintings inspired me to write it down. It is the blooming time for the water lotus in the lake, and I do have smelled its aroma.
     Fan Jingzhong

佛缘本是前生定 一笑相逢对故人
2007-7-21 11:35:16   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!惘月 积分:40119 等级:版主 文章:6663 积分:40119 注册:2003年5月5日     第 4 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友




佛缘本是前生定 一笑相逢对故人
2007-7-21 11:36:57   举报 |  |  顶端