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Today is September 10th, 2004 - the site contains 36 poets and 4616 poems.
Biography of Carl Sandburg

Carl Sandburg (1878 - 1967)

Author-poet Carl Sandburg was born in the three-room cottage at 313 East Third Street in Galesburg on January 6, 1878. The modest house, which is maintained by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, reflects the typical living conditions of a late nineteenth century working-class family. Many of the furnishings once belonged to the Sandburg family. Behind the home stands a small wooded park. There, beneath Remembrance Rock, lie the ashes of Carl Sandburg, who died in 1967.

Early Years
Carl August Sandburg was born the son of Swedish immigrants August and Clara Anderson Sandburg. The elder Sandburg, a blacksmith's helper for the nearby Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, purchased the cottage in 1873. Carl, called "Charlie" by the family, was born the second of seven children in 1878. A year later the Sandburgs sold the small cottage in favor of a larger house in Galesburg.

Carl Sandburg worked from the time he was a young boy. He quit school following his graduation from eighth grade in 1891 and spent a decade working a variety of jobs. He delivered milk, harvested ice, laid bricks, threshed wheat in Kansas, and shined shoes in Galesburg's Union Hotel before traveling as a hobo in 1897.

His experiences working and traveling greatly influenced his writing and political views. As a hobo he learned a number of folk songs, which he later performed at speaking engagements. He saw first-hand the sharp contrast between rich and poor, a dichotomy that instilled in him a distrust of capitalism.

When the Spanish-American War broke out in 1898 Sandburg volunteered for service, and at the age of twenty was ordered to Puerto Rico, where he spent days battling only heat and mosquitoes. Upon his return to his hometown later that year, he entered Lombard College, supporting himself as a call fireman.

Sandburg's college years shaped his literary talents and political views. While at Lombard, Sandburg joined the Poor Writers' Club, an informal literary organization whose members met to read and criticize poetry. Poor Writers' founder, Lombard professor Phillip Green Wright, a talented scholar and political liberal, encouraged the talented young Sandburg.

Writer, Political Organizer, Reporter
Sandburg honed his writing skills and adopted the socialist views of his mentor before leaving school in his senior year. Sandburg sold stereoscope views and wrote poetry for two years before his first book of verse, In Reckless Ecstasy, was printed on Wright's basement press in 1904. Wright printed two more volumes for Sandburg, Incidentals (1907) and The Plaint of a Rose (1908).

As the first decade of the century wore on, Sandburg grew increasingly concerned with the plight of the American worker. In 1907 he worked as an organizer for the Wisconsin Social Democratic party, writing and distributing political pamphlets and literature. At party headquarters in Milwaukee, Sandburg met Lilian Steichen, whom he married in 1908.

The responsibilities of marriage and family prompted a career change. Sandburg returned to Illinois and took up journalism. For several years he worked as a reporter for the Chicago Daily News, covering mostly labor issues and later writing his own feature.

Internationally Recognized Author
Sandburg was virtually unknown to the literary world when, in 1914, a group of his poems appeared in the nationally circulated Poetry magazine. Two years later his book Chicago Poems was published, and the thirty-eight-year-old author found himself on the brink of a career that would bring him international acclaim. Sandburg published another volume of poems, Cornhuskers, in 1918, and wrote a searching analysis of the 1919 Chicago race riots.

More poetry followed, along with Rootabaga Stories (1922), a book of fanciful children's tales. That book prompted Sandburg's publisher, Alfred Harcourt, to suggest a biography of Abraham Lincoln for children. Sandburg researched and wrote for three years, producing not a children's book, but a two-volume biography for adults. His Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, published in 1926, was Sandburg's first financial success. He moved to a new home on the Michigan dunes and devoted the next several years to completing four additional volumes, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, for which he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1940. Sandburg continued his prolific writing, publishing more poems, a novel, Remembrance Rock, a second volume of folk songs, and an autobiography, Always the Young Strangers. In 1945 the Sandburgs moved with their herd of prize-winning goats and thousands of books to Flat Rock, North Carolina. Sandburg's Complete Poems won him a second Pulitzer Prize in 1951. Sandburg died at his North Carolina home July 22, 1967. His ashes were returned, as he had requested, to his Galesburg birthplace. In the small Carl Sandburg Park behind the house, his ashes were placed beneath Remembrance Rock, a red granite boulder. Ten years later the ashes of his wife were placed there.

Biography by: http://www.carl-sandburg.com

442 Poems written by Carl Sandburg

The poems are by default sorted according to volume, but you can also choose to sort them alphabetically or by page views.

[Volume] | Alphabetically | Page Views

Chicago Poems

Chicago Poems

1. Chicago
2. Sketch
3. Masses
4. Lost
5. The Harbor
6. They Will Say
7. Mill-Doors
8. Halsted Street Car
9. Clark Street Bridge
10. Passers-By
11. The Walking Man of Rodin
12. Subway
13. The Shovel Man
14. A Teamster's Farewell
15. Fish Crier
16. Picnic Boat 1 Comment
17. Happiness
18. Muckers
19. Blacklisted
20. Graceland
21. Child of the Romans
22. The Right to Grief
23. Mag
24. Onion Days
25. Population Drifts
26. Cripple
27. A Fence
28. Anna Imroth
29. Working Girls
30. Mamie
31. Personality
32. Cumulatives
33. To Certain Journeymen
34. Chamfort
35. Limited
36. The Has-Been
37. In a Back Alley
38. A Coin
39. Dynamiter
40. Ice Handler
41. Jack
42. Fellow Citizens
43. Nigger
44. Two Neighbors
45. Style
46. To Beachey, 1912
47. Under a Hat Rim
48. In a Breath
49. Bath
50. Bronzes
51. Dunes
52. On the Way
53. Ready to Kill
54. To a Contemporary Bunkshooter
55. Skyscraper

Fogs and Fires

1. At a Window
2. Under the Harvest Moon
3. The Great Hunt
4. Monotone
5. Joy
6. Shirt
7. Aztec
8. Two
9. Back Yard
10. On The Breakwater
11. Mask
12. Pearl Fog
13. I Sang
14. Follies
15. June
16. Nocturne In A Deserted Brickyard
17. Hydrangeas
18. Theme In Yellow
19. Between Two Hills
20. Last Answers
21. Window
22. Young Sea
23. Bones
24. Pals
25. Child
26. Poppies
27. Child Moon
28. Margaret


1. Fog
2. Pool
3. Jan Kubelik
4. Choose
5. Crimson
6. Whitelight
7. Flux
8. Kin
9. White Shoulders
10. Losses
11. Troths

Other Days (1900-1910)

1. Dreams in the dusk
2. Docks
3. All Day Long
4. Waiting
5. From The Shore
6. Uplands In May
7. Dream Girl
8. The Plowboy
9. Broadway
10. Old Woman
11. The Noon Hour
12. 'Boes
13. Under A Telephone Pole
14. I Am The People, The Mob
15. Government
16. Languages
17. Letters To Dead Imagists
18. Sheep
19. The Red Son
20. The Mist
21. The Junk Man 1 Comment
22. Silver Nails
23. Gypsy


1. Poems Done on a Late Night Car
2. It Is Much
3. Trafficker
4. Harrison Street Court
5. Soiled Dove
6. Jungheimer's
7. Gone

The Road and the End

1. The Road and the End
2. Choices
3. Graves
4. Aztec Mask
5. Momus
6. The Answer
7. To a Dead Man
8. Under
9. A Sphinx
10. Who am I?
11. Our Prayer of Thanks

War Poems (1914-1915)

1. Killers
2. Among the Red Guns
3. Iron
4. Murmurings in a field hospital
5. Statistics
6. Fight
7. Buttons
8. And They Obey
9. Jaws
10. Salvage
11. Wars



1. Prairie
2. River Roads
3. Prairie Waters by Night
4. Early Moon
5. Laughing Corn
6. Autumn Movement
7. Falltime
8. Illinois Farmer
9. Hits and Runs
10. Village in Late Summer
11. Blizzard Notes
12. Sunset From Omaha Hotel Window
13. Still Life
14. Band Concert
15. Three Pieces on the Smoke of Autumn
16. Localities
17. Caboose Thoughts
18. Alix
19. Potato Blossom Songs and Jigs
20. Loam
21. Manitoba Childe Roland
22. Wilderness


1. Valley Song
2. In Tall Grass
3. Upstairs
4. Monosyllabic
5. Films
6. Kreisler
7. The Sea Hold
8. Goldwing Moth
9. Loin Cloth
10. Hemlock and Cedar
11. Summer Shirt Sale
12. Medallion
13. Bricklayer Love
14. Ashurnatsirpal III
15. Mammy Hums
16. Bringers
17. Crimson Rambler
18. Haunts
19. Have Me
20. Fire Dreams
21. Baby Face
22. The Year
23. Drumnotes
24. Moonset
25. Garden Wireless
26. Handfuls
27. Cool Tombs

Leather Leggings

1. Leather Leggings
2. Prayers of Steel
3. Always the Mob
4. Jabberers
5. Cartoon
6. Interior
7. Street Window
8. Palladiums
9. Clocks
10. Legends
11. Psalm of Those Who Go Forth Before Daylight 1 Comment
12. Horses and Men in Rain
13. Questionnaire
14. Near Keokuk
15. Slants at Buffalo, New York
16. Flat Lands
17. Lawyer
18. Three Balls
19. Chicks
20. Humdrum
21. Joliet
22. Knucks
23. Testament

Persons Half Known

1. Chicago Poet
2. Fire-Logs
3. Repetitions
4. Adelaide Crapsey
5. Young Bullfrogs
6. Memoir of a Proud Boy
7. Bilbea
8. Southern Pacific
9. Washerwoman
10. Portrait of a Motor Car
11. Girl in a Cage
12. Buffalo Bill
13. Sixteen Months
14. Child Margaret
15. Singing Nigger


1. Shenandoah
2. New Feet
3. Old Osawatomie
4. Grass 1 Comment
5. Flanders
6. Gargoyle
7. Old Timers
8. House
9. John Ericsson Day Memorial, 1918
10. Remembered Women
11. Out of White Lips
12. Memoir
13. A Million Young Workmen, 1915
14. Smoke
15. A Tall Man
16. The Four Brothers

Smoke and Steel

I. Smoke Nights

1. Smoke and Steel
2. Five Towns on the B. & O.
3. Work Gangs
4. Pennsylvania
5. Whirls

II. People Who Must

1. People Who Must
2. Alley Rats
3. Eleventh Avenue Racket
4. Home Fires
5. Hats
6. They All Want to Play Hamlet
7. The Mayor of Gary
8. Omaha
9. Galoots
10. Crabapple Blossoms
11. Real Estate News
12. Manual System
13. Stripes
14. Honky Tonk in Cleveland, Ohio
15. Crapshooters
16. Soup
17. Clinton South of Polk
18. Blue Island Intersection
19. Red-headed Restaurant Cashier
20. Boy and Father
21. Clean Curtains
22. Crimson Changes People
23. Neighbors
24. Cahoots
25. Blue Maroons
26. The Hangman at Home
27. Man, the Man-Hunter
28. The Sins of Kalamazoo

III. Broken-Face Gargoyles

1. Broken-face Gargoyles
2. Aprons of Silence
3. Death Snips Proud Men
4. Good-night
5. Shirt
6. Jazz Fantasia
7. Do You Want Affidavits?
8. Old-fashioned Requited Love
9. Purple Martins
10. Brass Keys
11. Pick Offs
12. Manufactured Gods
13. Mask

IV. Playthings of the Wind

1. Four Preludes on Playthings of the Wind
2. Broken Tabernacles
3. Ossawatomie
4. Long Guns
5. Dusty Doors
6. Flash Crimson
7. The Lawyers Know Too Much
8. Losers
9. Places
10. Threes
11. The Liars
12. Prayers After World War
13. A. E. F.
14. Bas-Relief
15. Carlovingian Dreams
16. Bronzes
17. Let Love Go On
18. Killers
19. Clean Hands
20. Three Ghosts
21. Pencils
22. Jug
23. And This Will be All?
24. Hoodlums
25. Yes, the Dead Speak to Us

IX. Haze

1. Haze
2. Cadenza
3. Memoranda
4. Potomac Town in February
5. Buffalo Dusk
6. Corn Hut Talk
7. Branches
8. Rusty Crimson
9. Letter S
10. Weeds
11. New Farm Tractor
12. Pods
13. Harvest Sunset
14. Nights Nothings Again

V. Mist Forms

1. Calls
2. Sea-Wash
3. Silver Wind
4. Evening Waterfall
5. Crucible
6. Summer Stars
7. Throw Roses
8. Just Before April Came
9. Stars, Songs, Faces
10. Sandpipers
11. Three Violins
12. The Wind Sings Welcome in Early Spring
13. Tawny
14. Slippery
15. Helga
16. Baby Toes
17. People With Proud Chins
18. Winter Milk
19. Sleepyheads
20. Sumach and Birds
21. Women Washing Their Hair
22. Peach Blossoms
23. Half Moon in a High Wind
24. Remorse
25. River Moons
26. Sand Scribblings
27. How Yesterday Looked
28. Paula
29. Laughing Blue Steel
30. They Ask Each Other Where They Came From
31. How Much?
32. Throwbacks
33. Wind Song
34. Three Spring Notations on Bipeds
35. Sandhill People
36. Far Rockaway Night till Morning
37. Humming Bird Woman
38. Buckwheat
39. Blue Ridge
40. Valley Song
41. Mist Forms
42. Pigeon
43. Chasers
44. Horse Fiddle
45. Timber Wings
46. Night Stuff
47. Spanish
48. Shagbark Hickory
49. The South Wind Say So

VI. Accomplished Facts

1. Accomplished Facts
2. Grieg Being Dead
3. Chords
4. Dogheads
5. Trinity Place
6. Portrait
7. Potomac River Mist
8. Jack London and O. Henry
9. His Own Face Hidden
10. Cups of Coffee

VII. Passports

1. Smoke Rose Gold
2. Tangibles
3. Night Movement—New York
4. North Atlantic
5. Fog Portrait
6. Flying Fish
7. Home Thoughts
8. In the Shadow of the Palace
9. Two Items
10. Streets Too Old
11. Savoir Faire
12. Mohammed Bek Hadjetlache
13. High Conspiratorial Person
14. Baltic Fog Notes

VIII. Circles of Doors

1. Circles of Doors
2. Hate
3. Two Strangers Breakfast
4. Snow
5. Dancer
6. Plaster
7. Curse of a Rich Polish Peasant on His Sister Who Ran Away With a Wild Man
8. Woman with a Past
9. White Hands
10. An Electric Sign Goes Dark
11. They Buy With an Eye to Looks
12. Proud and Beautiful
13. Telegram
14. Glimmer
15. White Ash
16. Testimony Regarding a Ghost
17. Put Off the Wedding Five Times and Nobody Comes to It
18. Baby Vamps
19. Vaudeville Dancer
20. Balloon Faces

X. Panels

1. Panels
2. Dan
3. Whiffletree
4. Mascots
5. The Skyscraper Loves Night
6. Never Born
7. Thin Strips
8. Five Cent Balloons
9. My People
10. Swirl
11. Wistful
12. Basket
13. Fire Pages
14. Finish
15. For You

Sandburg Info

(442 poems)


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