ZHANG Yansong(1961- ),a distinguished Chinese contemporary poet, native of Hefei city, graduated from Hefei Industrial University. He has participated in the 18th “Young Poets’ Workshop” and published his selected poems in Poetry, Stars, Poetry Tide, The Chinese Poets, etc. His publications include 二The woodcarving Nose and Ten-Year Lamp: 32 Contemporary Chinese Poets (2003).
You make me stay at the crossroad
To warm up slowly
From padded jacket I pull out my hands
To hold your hands stretching softly
Warmly holding your hands
I feel even the bone firm within flesh
Bone grasps bone
A warm handclasp outside
Behind a wall off way
I hold you stirring in my arms
Rigid teeth resist your soft tongue
Ice-cold I feel all over
I hold you and warm up slowly
But feel you cold all over
While I warm up
I resist the temptation of you
Fingers crossing your forest of hair
Let me warm up slowly
We both keep silence patiently
Nov. 28, 1989
for curiosity
I fumble the fresh trace screwing
still throbbing on the trunk
and the rope as well
I terrify myself in the mirror at home
like a man of straw
switch on the tap
sweep off sounds
I wash my hands white
dry and clean within the towel
I tuck myself in at night
and again fumble the rough rope
I slip into the lavatory
dipping my hands so long
in the swirling sink
as to be a bit bloated
I’d wash my hands clean
wash away none of the correlative rope
May 18, 1991
I am having a dinner at your table
I taste a trace of irritation as a pig
rubs a small stump
The itch is left for the tree
whereas roast fire for the dinner
My teeth chew a trace of blade
I feel a bit cold within my body
In tremble
I conceal your wild action
I bend my head over dinner
No more could I swallow down
Your rigid knees against pig-necks in the morning
stick in my throat
Feb. 14. 1992
I have run into debt
from the earliest day when I was born
I pay for it with my submission
so obedient as to be disgusted
I have no choice but to crouch
on the ground
so long as to be disgusted as well
till my death
While checking my memento
You discover my last remaining warmth
by lifting up my bedding
Let the warmth go with cold wind
with its last glimpse at my lady
Thus cherish the warmth
Yearn for the warmth at midnight
Whenever there is knocking at the door
It promptly turns as cold as death
March 11, 2001
presuming none find out
you are roving from one city to another
with an expired ID card in hand
as if barely an invalid citizen
at a bistro along the street
with a mouth lolling into a bowl of noodle
you keep a dining habit of decades
and further identify
your reflection in broth
wrinkles on face concealing the unknown
the broth ripples in cross-questions, look!
a smile ten years ago was foreign to you
today roving out of the ID card
your stern face absolutely strange
Feb. 27, 2002