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    网站首页流放地论坛译文交流→The evening of the power failure
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   贴子主题:The evening of the power failure
注册:2003-7-16 13:29
The evening of the power failure
Jing , I now heart a regiment utter darkness
Save me, save me
I nearby of the person left me
Surroundings a regiment utter darkness, I want to make a telephone call you
The card inside leaves only a hair three cent money
The blackness that I want to feel me tells you
Knock door that opened the next door bedroom
That good heart person, sought the along while candle
Did not find out still, handle knob last that
Short to I, ask me enough not enough
This good heart the person is not my friend why
If he is he also will leave me but go to of
This place remained my a person only now
Return the 1 hall :济济 just now, the hot jollification makes
Have a liking for the person a lot of, remained my a person in fact and only
Jing , you also can't rescue me
So pitch dark, you at oneself
Of room sleeping, surroundings a regiment utter darkness
But you have entered the dreamland, the world in the dream is bright
Your body a regiment utter darkness
But you how feel to get, you feel
Arrive?I walked to wanted to think in the on the road today
Can rescue my afraid of only have myself
That is the time in daytime, at that time on the road
Walk before and behind and all person, now I reminded of you
Under this soon the over candle in write a letter to you
Perhaps my root will have no courage to give you to this letter tomorrow
Perhaps this matter root is absurd
But I save today is because of you
Although this is just temporary
If have no your this individual
If I do not be in love with you
If we are basically incognizant
So tonight I will in darkly the 瑟瑟 shivers
Have no to help but solitary, resemble a child ……
2003-8-31 20:23:26

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