天上所有钟铃摇, 天上所有鸟儿叫, 地上各路喷泉吵, 地上八面风儿啸, 甜美之声汇一道; 美妙远在这之上, 琴师弹奏更悠扬, 黎明吹动森林响, 淙淙泉水流欢畅, 潮闷天气风送爽,
有种声音尚未提, 甘甜美妙数第一, 日下人们常闻及, 若是不鸣它则已, 一鸣便传天宇际; 飘柔有力又振奋, 轻松愉快音调纯, 旭日刚出好时分, 充满欣喜众心魂, 一童清脆笑声临。
即便迎宾种儿响, 也没这般音色强, 无畏声调告时光, 犹如号角金闪亮, 奏出天国之乐章。 就算那金冠鹪鹩, 唱的夜莺般美好, 及所闻各色声调, 恐连一半都不如 一个七龄童的笑。
A Child's Laughter
by Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909).
All the bells of heaven may ring, All the birds of heaven may sing, All the wells on earth may spring, All the winds on earth may bring All sweet sounds together--- Sweeter far than all things heard, Hand of harper, tone of bird, Sound of woods at sundawn stirred, Welling water's winsome word, Wind in warm wan weather,
"One thing yet there is, that none Hearing ere its chime be done Knows not well the sweetest one Heard of man beneath the sun, Hoped in heaven hereafter; Soft and strong and loud and light, Very sound of very light Heard from morning's rosiest height, When the soul of all delight Fills a child's clear laughter.
"Golden bells of welcome rolled Never forth such notes, nor told Hours so blithe in tones so bold, As the radiant mouth of gold Here that rings forth heaven. If the golden-crested wren Were a nightingale---why, then, Something seen and heard of men Might be half as sweet as when Laughs a child of seven."
Note: Swinburne is famous for his fantastic rhymes and rhythms.
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