新世纪,新开端! 一个美好的新起点, 一个契机播种希望的种子 在每一个等待的心田。
一个向往和平融洽 和解协调的时刻, 一个带着热烈期望 殷切前瞻的时刻。
新开端,新千年, 一个光辉灿烂的明天, 一个扫除过去所有 怀疑和悲痛的时间。
每一面旗帜都招展 一个迎接未来的时刻, 让我们并肩向前, 将更美好的世界建设!
New century, new beginnings! A wonderful new start, A chance to plant a seed of hope in every waiting heart.
A time for peace and harmony And reconcillation, A time of looking forward with warm anticipation.
New beginnings, new millennium, A shining bright tomorrow, A time to sweep the past away, with all its doubt and sorrow.
A time to meet the future with every flag unfuried, And so go forward, side by side, To build a better world!
---By Iris Hesselden (from The Fireside Book of David Hope 2000) |