潘灵剑 | 注册:2003-8-11 21:17 | 等级:用户 |
试译Robert Francis《棒球投手》 ◎棒球投手
诡谲即是他的艺术 佯攻即是他的目标
藏而不露,是他的激情 避实就虚,是他的技艺
一般人投球,结果使对方领悟 而他,却给人一刹那的误会
但不过头。不出格、不散漫、不放纵 每一表面的反常却都是蓄意所为
声色不动,但最后还是、还是 一语道破,使击球员来不及省悟
The Pitcher -Robert Francis
His art is eccentricity, his aim How not to hit the mark he seems to aim at,
His passion how to avoid the obvious, His technique how to vary the avoidance. The others throw to be comprehended. He Throws to be a moment misunderstood.
Yet not too much. Not errant, arrant, wild, But every seeming aberration willed.
Not to, yet still, still to communicate Making the batter understand too late.
***附:投手是一轮攻防战的开始,投手就是防守方的核心,站在投手板上向攻击方的击球员投球,尽量不让对方顺利击到球或者即使打出来也打得很不顺,这就是投手的使命。投手一般分为直球型(直线球,变化少,速度快,热血的象征。)和曲球型(变化球,球速不如直球快,但变化多端) 诗中的那位投手打的就是曲球。 | |