www.new153.com (新文网New Literature Net)
Home of 非非 (Not-Not) on the Internet
Originally this site was hosted by a group of poets who put out a web-magazine by the same name (you will see it on the home page). However, by the beginning of 2003 the site came to be the exclusive domain of Not-Not, the poetry group headed by Zhou Lunyou 周伦佑 since 1986. There are two Not-Not web-magazines available here (2001, 2002), to go with paper copies available a year earlier. The paper journal had 4 issues prior to 1989, when a split in the group occurred. Zhou Lunyou resurrected it again in 1992 and there have been 5 new issues of the journal since. It appears that the prolific poet/critic Jiang Lan 蒋蓝 is maintaining this site for Not-Not, however service is erratic, with the site often unavailable to use. In my estimation, there is a high degree of danger as to the site’s continued existence, therefore it is archived as of this date (Feb. 2004).
To the archived www.new153.com
Downloaded on 4 February 2004.