Remy Cristini
Remy Cristini (瑞米): A Brief Bio
- September 1997: Start with Sinology and Law at Leiden University
- August 1998: Propedeutical exams in Sinology and Law
- 1998-1999: Sinology in Leiden
- 1999-2000: Advanced Mandarin course at Beijing Language and Culture University (北京语言文化大学), with a cultural exchange scholarship
- 2000-2001: Sinology in Leiden
- 2001-2002: Selected courses on contemporary Chinese literature at Peking University (北京大学中文系), with a cultural exchange scholarship
- March 2005: MA Sinology at Leiden University
- 2000-2001: Teaching assistant (First and Second year Mandarin courses) at Leiden University
- 2002-2003: Teaching assistant (First and Second year Mandarin courses) and student assistant for the Sinological library at Leiden University
- 2004-2007: Library assistant for the Sinological library at Leiden University; project member, content manager and webmaster for DACHS Leiden
- 2003-2007: Freelance translator and subtitler (Mandarin to Dutch) for Dutch public television
- 2008- present: Policy Adviser at the Political Department of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Beijing
Published translations
- Bi Feiyu: Wie spreekt er in de nacht? [毕飞宇: 是谁在深夜说话?] Het trage vuur #14, 2001.
- Shi Tiesheng: Voorbij [史铁生: 往事]. Het trage vuur #20, 2002.
- Su Tong: Mijn ontmoetingen met meneer Sima [苏童: 遇见司马先生]. Het trage vuur #21, 2003.
- Mo Yan: Schommel en witte hond [莫言: 白狗秋千架]. Het trage vuur #25, 2004.
- Bei Dao: Verhuizen [北岛: 搬家记]. Raster #107, 2004.
- Yang Lian: Sailor's Home [杨炼: 水手之家]. Het trage vuur #27, 2004.
- Wang Yuewen: Vlekje [王跃文: 花花]. Het trage vuur #29, 2005.
- Lao She: De beroemde stoffenzaak [老舍: 老字号]. De tweede ronde #27.1, 2006.
- Bi Feiyu: Wu Song de Tijgerdoder [毕飞宇: 武松打虎]. Het trage vuur #34, 2006.
- Mu Shiying: Zwarte Pioen [穆时英: 黑牡丹]. Het trage vuur #35, 2006.
- Mu Shiying: Het zilveren standbeeld [穆时英: 白金的女体塑像]. Het trage vuur #35, 2006.