ill. 6.53 (set: 6.50)
Author: Yi Fu Artist: Deng Ke 改编: 艺夫 绘画:邓柯
comic, comic strip
scan, paper, black-and-white; original source: print on paper, black-and-white
LHHB 1977.3:16:20/22.“Sun Wukong san da baigujing” 孙悟空三打白骨精 (Sun Wukong thrice defeats the white-boned demon).
Sun Wukong, Journey to the West, hero, heroism, visualisation, symbolism, revolutionary masses, santuchu, Three Prominences, after Cultural Revolution, comic
Sun Wukong thrice defeats the white-boned Demon 1977 (Sun Wukong san da baigujing 孙悟空三打白骨精)
All images show Monkey King as clearly superior to his comrades, not only in fighting but also in deliberating and understanding the gravity of the situation. Five times he is shown pointing the way or pointing toward Truth, (illuminating the real nature of the demon, as here).