How to search this database
- You may search this database by author, illustration/media title, keywords or in fulltext.
- Search queries can be made in English or simplified Chinese.
Please note that keywords are generally in English, e.g. you may search for "parody" in keywords only in English, but for "Wang Zhuqi" or "王者琦" as author and "Record of Painting an Elephant" or "画象记" as title in English and simplified Chinese. - You can search for open and closed phrases. Open phrases of multiple words are logically connected with AND. Closed phrases have to be marked by quotation marks, e.g. you may search for "Painting Elephant" without quotation marks (logically: Painting AND Elephant) or "Record of Painting an Elephant" with quotation marks as title.
- The quicksearch function at the top of each page allows you to access every illustration quickly. The additional autocomplete function assists you in determining the correct illustration name.
- Search results are so far ordered by their illustration/media name, e.g. ill. 0.0 comes before ill. 0.1.