Copyright 2013 Jens-Martin Loebel
Part of the Hyperimage Authoring System
HyperImage 3 Reader (Static - Post-PeTAL 1.2 compatible)
Complete re-implementation based on HTML5 and JavaScript technologies
by Jens-Martin Loebel
This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
This software uses the following libraries: Modernizr.js by Modernizr Team (MIT), jQuery.js by jQuery Team (MIT), jQuery Tools by jQuery Tools Team (N/A), jQuery Stylesheet by Vimal Aravindashan (MIT), jQuery UI by JQuery UI Team (MIT), NETEYE Activity Indicator by Felix Gnass (MIT), jQuery SVG by Keith Wood (MIT), jQuery contextMenu by Rodney Rehm, Christian Baartse, Addy Osmani (MIT, GPL), Dragscrollable by Miquel Herrera (MIT, GPL), Superfish by Joel Birch (MIT)