ill. 6.7 d (set: 6.7)
Zhao Hongben (1915-2000) 赵宏本
comic, comic book, comic strip
scan, paper, black-and-white; original source:
SWKSDBGJ 1972: Sun Wukong san da baigujing孙悟空三打白骨精 (Sun Wukong thrice defeats the white-boned demon). Shanghai: Shanghai renmin, 1973:13.
Sun Wukong, Journey to the West, Four Great Comic-Painters, Zhao Hongben, Monkey King, hero, heroism, Cultural Revolution, criticism, radiance, sunrays, symbolism, Mao Zedong
Zhao Hongben: Sun Wukong thrice defeats the white-boned Demon 1962 (Zhao Hongben: Sun Wukong san da baigujing 赵宏本: 孙悟空三打白骨精)
Monkey King had admonished his companions—Scholar-Monk Tang Seng (唐僧), the pig Zhu Bajie (猪八戒) and Monk Sha (沙僧)—to remain seated within the circle and wait for his return. In his absence—and this is what this picture shows—the white-boned demon arrives in the form of a beautiful lady. She attempts to grab the ignorant pilgrims who are so taken by her beauty in order to eat them later, but she fails to capture them. The circle drawn by Sun Wukong is powerful: its radiance repels the demon.