ill. 6.4 (set: 6.3)
comic, comic strip
scan, paper, grayscale; original source: printed paper, black-and-white
Shashiyu 沙石峪 (Valley of Sand and Stones, i.e. the name of a village). Shijiazhuang: Hebei renmin, 1975:42.
42 一九五七年,毛主席主持制定的《全国农业发展纲要》 公布了,给我国发展社会主义农业指!继续前进的方向。 这年,张贵顺到北京参观全国农业展览,看到了毛主席的 光辉指示: 愚公移山,改造中国,厉家寨是一个好例.
peasants, Mao´s words, Foolish Old Man, Lao sanpian, comic, model village, countryside, MaoSpeak
Comic: Shashiyu (Lianhuanhua: Shashiyu 连环画: 沙石峪)

The Little Red Book, or MaoSpeak, is a dominant motif in the Cultural Revolution comic, featured not only on book covers where heroes are frequently seen clutching Mao’s writings or gesturing with them (ill. 6.4 ill. 6.3 b, ill. 6.3 c, ill. 6.3 d), but on the inside pages as well as can be seen here: in one a young and energetic woman, talking of the glorious deeds accomplished by Shashiyu villagers, cites Mao’s support for the Foolish Old Man. Repetition is at work here, too: the quotation is displayed as a poster on one of the sheds, the young woman is obviously reading it out aloud, some of the peasants are seen eagerly noting it down, and the passage appears, in bold, in the text at the bottom of the comic page as well.