The Buzz Log - Search Spikes and Trends |
Now on DVD
Tuesday November 02, 2004 1:00PM PT

| Album sales may still be in the toilet, but we're flush with DVD searches. Thanks to the ongoing price war between rental-by-mail titans Netflix and Blockbuster and the never-ending parade of new releases and "collectors' editions," DVDs always manage to garner a slew of searches. We took a look at the top DVD-related queries to see just what kind of accessories, hardware, and news you're looking for when you turn to the Search box. Will it be widescreen, full screen, or (sigh) pan and scan? Marketing mavens, pay attention to this week's top ten DVD-related searches:
- Portable DVD Players -- oh, honey, get with it. Nobody reads on planes anymore.
- DVD Covers -- bored with your box art? Try printing out some international covers and increase your collection's shelf life.
- DVD Release Dates -- remember when you were the last to know White Chicks was out on DVD? Never let it happen again.
- DVD Players -- no time like the present to step into the 21st century.
- DVD Burners -- edit your opus on your computer, and then burn it to a DVD. Nice, easy, and getting more affordable all the time.
- TV Shows on DVD -- if the current trend of releasing every TV show ever made continues, expect to see "Manimal: Season One" on shelves soon.
- DVD Easter Eggs -- wily producers hide extra features for folks to discover. Some are worth the effort. Others... not so much.
- DVD Reviews -- these days it takes more than "interactive menus" to garner a good review.
- Seinfeld DVD -- it's a DVD about nothing.
- VHS to DVD -- convert those old home movies to DVD and bore a whole new generation.
Dialed In
Tuesday November 02, 2004 4:00AM PT

Cell Phone Ringtone
| Come November 6th, Billboard will have even more to say about music as the magazine known for tracking trends in the music world
launches the "Billboard Hot Ringtones Chart."
This official Billboard Top 20 list will be determined by ringtone sales, much like its CD and record sales predecessors determine the rank and file of top albums.
If Buzz is any indication, ringtones are popular with just about everyone and searches are pretty evenly split by gender, with women dialing up 55.7% of overall searches.
But in the breakdown by age, the under-21 crowd chimes in with almost half of all searches, a ringing endorsement of the personalizing touch of ringtones.
Since Saturday is still a long time coming, we thought we'd satisfy your curiosity now and scoop the print world with our own top ringtones (+6%) list:
"Drop It Like It's Hot" Ringtone -- Snoop Dogg
"My Boo" Ringtone -- Usher, featuring Alicia Keys
"My Place" Ringtone -- Nelly
"Sweet Child of Mine" Ringtone -- Guns N' Roses
"Just Lose It" Ringtone -- Eminem
"Girls" Ringtone -- Beastie Boys
"Scotty Doesn't Know" Ringtone -- Lustra
"Lean Back" Ringtone -- Terror Squad
"Imperial March" Ringtone -- Star Wars
"Goodies" Ringtone -- Ciara
Fast Breakin' Buzz
Monday November 01, 2004 6:00PM PT

Shaquille O'Neal
| Those thundering footsteps you hear are the beginning of another NBA season. Following an off-season marred by poor team play in the Olympics and the Kobe saga, tip-off time is finally here for hoops-hungry fans. Searches on "NBA" are up 32% over the last month as basketball junkies get prepped for the 9-month slog of the regular season, playoffs, and finals. Hoops searchers are mostly male by a 3-to-1 margin, with 60% of searches coming from the under-30 crowd. Metros hot for the NBA sport high preseason hopes; San Antonio, Los Angeles, Houston, Sacramento, and Memphis are the top cities dunking in the searches. While the East Coast is a hoops mecca, the sad state of affairs in the NBA's Eastern Conference probably explains why the top 5 metros are all home to Western Conference squads.
Hand-in-hand with increased interest is a huge spike in searches for "fantasy basketball." Up a Yao-sized 1,230% over the last month, virtual GMs are feverishly assembling their squads in time for Tuesday's slammin' action. However, it looks like someone put up the "No Girls Allowed" sign -- 94% of fantasy hoops searches come from guys. And not just any guys -- guys with tons of free time on their hands -- 70% of fantasy queries are from those under-24.
But what of the players who make the league bounce? With no NHL around to compete for SportsCenter airtime, the NBA's ongoing soap opera will play out unopposed. Storylines abound, with the Shaq/Kobe split garnering the most pre-season attention. Here are the top hoops player searches:
- Kobe Bryant
- LeBron James
- Shaquille O'Neal
- Tracy McGrady
- Allen Iverson
Time is Tight
Monday November 01, 2004 1:00PM PT

| Time keeps on slipping, and Sunday's searches show we're all on the clock. Folks caught unaware by Sunday morning's move away from Daylight Savings Time, headed to the Search box for some timely advice and instant answers. Top searches included:
Besides an interest in the ticking clock, the waning hours of the presidential campaign brought a new indicator to light. The NFL's Washington Redskins have predicted the last 17 presidential elections with their wins and losses. A Skins loss in the game before the election foretells the incumbent President will go down in defeat, which means the Packers' win signals good news for Senator Kerry. Searchers looking for quirky prognosticators sent queries on the Washington Redskins up 351%, pushing D.C.'s team into the top NFL search spot.
We also noticed some of you couldn't even wait for the treats of Halloween to vanish before moving on to the next holiday. Searches on "Thanksgiving Screensavers" (+267%) and "Thanksgiving Wallpaper" (+249%) spiked as festive computer users customized their screens for the upcoming holiday bounty.
Outstanding October
Monday November 01, 2004 4:00AM PT

| As we flip the calendar over to November, we pause to look back at the search highlights of October.
Top Searches Overall:
- Eminem
- Britney Spears
- Usher
Top Sports Searches:
- Boston Red Sox
Top Songs:
- "Just Lose It"
- "My Boo"
- "1985"
Top TV Shows:
- The Apprentice
- Smallville
- The Simpsons
Top Movies:
- The Grudge
- Superman
- Team America
Top Increases:
- Christopher Reeve
- Ken Caminiti
- Lunar Eclipse
Hot Photos -- Sans Celebs
Saturday October 30, 2004 9:00PM PT

| From time to time, we delve into your picture-seeking habits to bring you the hottest celebrities in image searches.
But Britney's looking for a little less exposure these days, and
Ashlee Simpson probably wouldn't mind stepping out of the spotlight this week, either.
While celebrity photos are consistently the most sought-after images, an entire world of image search lies beyond the realm of bright lights and star power.
We're giving Tinseltown a break this week to bring you a top 10 roundup of non-celebrity image searches.
Popular anime series like Inuyasha and Naruto were no surprise,
but heavy metal band Slipknot was the dark horse of the list.
See how other image searches stack up when they're not competing with "overexposed blondes" and the like.
The Grudge
- Halloween Costumes
- Dragons
- Pumpkins
- Angels
- Beaches
- Horses
- Halo 2
- Good Charlotte
- Dogs
- Cats
Halloween Hijinx
Friday October 29, 2004 6:00PM PT

Halloween Party
| There's only one night a year when sane adults can get away with dressing up and getting crazy. Halloween falls on a Sunday, but we expect most folks to get the party started the night before. Of course, there are two kinds of Halloween soirees -- the one for the kids with apple bobbing and ghost stories and the one for the grown-ups where the booze flows freely and "sexy" costumes reign supreme. We gazed into our crystal ball to predict the ghastly grub and diabolical diversions little ghouls and their "sexy nurse" moms can expect to encounter this weekend.
Behold the 13 most popular party and recipe searches. Read on and be prepared...
- Halloween Recipes -- 'tis the season for pumpkin fudge, fog juice, and spider cupcakes.
- Halloween Games -- pin the stem on the pumpkin.
- Scary Stories -- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is OK for the kids. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is not.
- Halloween Activities -- if trick or treatin' isn't your thing, stay in and make your own fun.
- Halloween Crafts -- paper mache always comes through in the clutch.
- Halloween Decorations -- without at least a spider or two lurking about, yours is a poor haunted house indeed.
- Halloween Food --chocolate, candy, cookies, and caramel are the day's four basic food groups.
- Candy Corn -- the Halloween equivalent of coal in your stocking.
- Halloween Puzzles -- solve the mindbender or be banished.
- Halloween Drinks -- at last, something for the parents.
- Halloween Bingo -- Dracula's got five in a row. Give the Count his prize.
- Halloween Face Painting -- we recommend you use a non-lead-based face paint.
- Halloween Pranks -- just try not to get arrested.
Slim Shady Speaks Up
Friday October 29, 2004 1:00PM PT

| No doubt about it -- this Presidential election has brought out the inner-activist in celebrity singers. With November 2 drawing near, these precocious politicos have but a few days left to influence and annoy American voters. Enter Eminem (+37%). Never a shy guy when it comes to making a statement, the outspoken rapper jumped head first into the political arena with his latest video, "Mosh"
(+1,239%). An indictment of the current administration as well as the war in Iraq, the video
hit the Web this week and features an animated (both literally and
figuratively) Eminem expressing some not-so-constructive criticism toward President Bush. Whether the video will have any effect on the election remains to be seen, but its influence was certainly felt on the Buzz where terms like "Eminem
Mosh" (+455%), "Eminem Mosh lyrics" (+669%) and "Eminem Mosh video" (+496%) all blew up. Of course, not everyone will agree with the video's message, but Eminem has already won over one unlikely fan in Moby (+25%). The singer recently expressed his admiration
for Em's creation -- no small feat considering the pair's past feuds.
From Curses to Creed
Friday October 29, 2004 4:00AM PT

Boston Red Sox
| After the Sox won their first World Series since 1918, searches on all things baseball and Beantown hit a home run. Thanks to this self-proclaimed bunch of "idiots," we'll never have to hear about the cursed and tortured lore of Red Sox history. Searches on "Red Sox Curse" (+281%) and "Curse of the Bambino" (+148%) gasped their last breath of buzz as the Boston starting rotation extinguished the dreaded curse once and for all. What curses are left to fill the giant shoes of Babe Ruth? A glance at top curse searches shows there's plenty of bad juju to go around:
- Chicago Cubs Curse
- Hangman's Curse
- Curse of the Billy Goat
- Superman Curse
- Van Helsing's Curse
In the wake of the sweep, Sox fans sent searches on "Red Sox Parade" from zero into the thousands, and the phrase will surely crack the top 10 Sox searches by Saturday. Until then, these are the top 10 Red Sox searches:
- Red Sox Curse
- Red Sox Wallpaper
- Red Sox Logo
- Red Sox Nation
- Red Sox Apparel
- Red Sox Jokes
- Red Sox Hats
- Red Sox Pictures
- Red Sox T-Shirts
- Red Sox Quotes
Over the past week we've seen over 4,700 different search terms with "red sox" in them. With that much variety, you can be sure quite a few left us as befuddled as Tony LaRussa watching the middle of the Cardinal lineup go 3 for 43 in the Series. Here are some of the more creative Red Sox searches:
We can't conclude our World Series wrap-up without a mention of former Creed frontman Scott Stapp. His soul-stirring rendition of "God Bless America" in Game 4 sent searches on the overly earnest now-solo artist higher -- embracing him with arms wide open and a 388% increase.
The Big Game
Thursday October 28, 2004 6:00PM PT

GTA: San Andreas
| Stealing cars is wrong. Unless the felonious five-finger discount happens to
be the focal point of one of the year’s most anticipated video games. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, a game whose complete disregard for the law would shock even the most jaded TV cop, hit store shelves, setting off a crime wave
in the Search box. Eyewitnesses report searches on the "mature rated" game are
up 61% this week, but that’s really just the beginning. Keep
reading GTA's rap
sheet and you’ll also notice an increase in related terms like "San
screenshots" (+110%),
Andreas cheats" (+34%), and "San Andreas walkthrough" (+151%). Not surprisingly, a lot more
Clydes than Bonnies are showing interest in a simulated life of crime: Men are
responsible for 78% of the queries. It's also worth noting that no one particular age group dominates in the questioning.
Old time gangsters, young punks -– it don't matter. If crime is a disease (as
Cobra says), thugs of all ages are lining up to get their PS2s infected. Moral compass be damned.
Everyone Loves Paris
Thursday October 28, 2004 1:00PM PT

Mark Philippoussis
| Paris Hilton's wheel of flings just keeps on spinning. The latest gossip has the blond heiress hooking up with tennis stud Mark Philippoussis, which volleyed his searches up 414%. The Australian tennis star, nicknamed "Scud," had been dating Aussie pop star Delta Goodrem, but he insists Paris isn't the reason he floated out of Delta's arms. Searches on the spurned Ms. Goodrem were up 100%, while her parents traded barbs with the Scud's parents in the Aussie tabs. Whither Paris? Searches on the emaciated blonde were up 17% as she added yet another notch to her well-worn belt.
In other tennis relationship news, women's star Kim Clijsters gave the boot to longtime paramour Lleyton Hewitt. The two, who rooted for each other very publicly, were set to be married in February. Searches on the devastated Hewitt went from zero into the thousands over the past week, and queries on the enigmatic Clijsters were up a jaw-dropping 7,759%. Most of the huge increase in Clijsters searches can be attributed to the swirling rumors that she dumped hunky Hewitt for another man.
And speaking of erstwhile hunks...Don't ask us how he survived Christmas, but celluloid trainwreck Ben Affleck actually seems to be thriving. His buzzed-about romance with Alias star Jennifer Garner sent searches on the anchor-like actor up 93% after they nuzzled in the stands at the World Series. We also saw spikes for "Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner" and "Jennifer Garner Ben Affleck" thanks to Fox's gratuitous shots of the duo's cozy canoodling in the front row. Why Affleck would even consider the ugly specter of Bennifer, Part Deux is a mystery -- but searches for his new off-screen co-star are up 88%.
Quite a Proposal
Thursday October 28, 2004 4:00AM PT

Campaign Signs
| Next Tuesday, millions of you will be hitting the polls and while the Bush/Kerry question is at the forefront of everyone's mind,
the ballot will be stuffed with enough referendums, proposals, and propositions to make the 2000 election look like a game of connect-the-dots.
While the initiatives -- on everything from tribal gaming to definitions of marriage -- only affect local and state government, they often set legal precedents, paving the political path for other states.
We thought you'd want to check out the top initiatives in search...after all, their success or failure can create ripple effects on your hometurf.
Proposal 1 -- if money talks, there's enough of it swirling around this Michigan initiative for it to shout. We'll see if Michigan voters are listening.
Proposition 71 -- proposes that the state of California sell $3 billion in bonds to pay for stem cell research, a first in medical research for a state.
Proposition 66 -- adjusts California's "Three Strikes" law so that you won't be doing life for merely stealing candy from a baby.
Proposition 68 -- officially listed as "Non-Tribal Commercial Gambling Expansion. Tribal Gaming Compact Amendments. Revenues, Tax Exemptions." Oh...well, when you put it that way...we still don't get it.
Proposition 70 -- tribal gaming is a hot topic in California, especially since this bid would extend current contracts for another 99 years and expand existing casino operations.
Proposition 72 -- in an attempt to address increasing health care costs, this proposition requires medium and large companies provide health care coverage for their employees.
Proposition 200 -- this resident-driven initiative seeks to update Arizona's voter registration system while addressing illegal immigration and staying within federal law.
Proposal 2 -- taking the issue of marriage into state hands, this Michigan proposal would define it as a union between a man and a woman.
Proposition 60 -- if passed, it would amend the California state constitution to protect the current party primary election system.
Proposition 65 -- this constitutional amendment would require voter approval for any California legislation that reduces certain local government revenues from January 2003 levels.
Goodnight Moon
Wednesday October 27, 2004 6:00PM PT

Lunar Eclipse
| When the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, searches rise as predictably as the sun each morning. The latest lunar eclipse has searchers staring at the skies for a shrouded moon between typing queries in the Search box. Searches on "Lunar Eclipse 2004" made the largest leap, up 391%. The relative rareness of the full eclipse also sparked searches on "Lunar Eclipse October" (+352%) and "Lunar Eclipse" (+299%). Where are most of the searches on the shadowy celestial alignment coming from? From a geographically diverse mix of stargazers -- the top three metros are Portland, ME; Shreveport, LA; and Corpus Christi, TX. Searches on the moon are up a meager 10%, but will surely climb after the cheese-based orbiter is in full shadow. Some confused astronomers got their messages jumbled and sent searches on "Solar Eclipse" up 132%.
In other solar system news, the probe Cassini sent back pictures of the planet Saturn's icy moon Titan. While the mysterious natural satellite orbiting Saturn will never be as cool as our beloved moon, searches on "Cassini" rocketed up 154% and "Titan" jumped 48%. Earth's hotbed of space-based activity, NASA, went up 111% following the release of the intriguing photos from Cassini. Searches on the ringed planet doubled and we saw spikes in searches on "Saturn pictures," "Cassini Saturn," and "Saturn Probe."
Smells Like Team Spirit
Wednesday October 27, 2004 1:00PM PT

Johnny Damon
| If you want to express your undying devotion to a player or team, say it with a jersey. Flying the team colors on your back demonstrates a deeper commitment to your favorite squad and your favorite player. With the World Series going on, the NFL in full swing, and the NBA ready to crank it up, we looked at the top player jersey searches to uncover the trends in fan appreciation. Here are the top 15 from the past week:
- Johnny Damon Jersey -- the passion to sport #18 on your back grew with his clutch performance in Game 7 of the ALCS. Red Sox Nation can't get enough of the center fielder with the luscious locks.
- Carlos Beltran Jersey -- his huge performance in the NLCS wasn't enough to lift the Astros to the World Series. His Astros jersey will likely be just a half-season memory once he hits the free agent market this winter.
- David Ortiz Jersey -- Big Papi, the ALCS MVP, is a Red Sox fan favorite. His jersey will be worn by Fenway dwellers for decades to come.
- Ben Roethlisberger Jersey -- the Steelers rookie QB won over the Steel City faithful with a 5-0 record in his first five starts. That said, we don't envy whoever has to slap his 14-letter name on the back of a black and yellow uni.
- Pat Tillman Jersey -- gave up the NFL life to volunteer for the Army Rangers. After he was killed in combat in Afghanistan, his Arizona Cardinals #40 became a symbol of sacrifice and patriotism.
- Deion Sanders Jersey -- the ultimate in razzle-dazzle. Wearing Prime Time's new Ravens #37 shows that you don't mind a little showmanship in today's NFL.
- Jerry Rice Jersey -- now available in Seahawk blue. But #80 really means Steve Largent in the Pacific Northwest. Best to stick with 49ers red and gold or the classic silver and black of the Raiders.
- Walter Payton Jersey -- another football player who died too young, Sweetness is a Windy City legend and Chicago fans continue to pay homage to his #34.
- Mia Hamm Jersey -- female soccer fans are also representin'. Wearing her #9 national jersey is a badge of honor for all the young soccer stars of tomorrow.
- Terrell Owens Jersey -- T.O. talks a lot, but his play in Philly this year is backing it up and fans are giving some love to #81.
- Michael Jordan Jersey -- you can't go wrong with #23. Showing your devotion to basketball's best never goes out of style.
- Carmelo Anthony Jersey -- the sweet baby blue of the newfangled Nuggets unis is too much to resist. We'll spare you the mile high jokes.
- Derek Jeter Jersey -- wearing the Yankee captain's #2 proves that you step it up when it's time for a clutch performance. There just weren't enough Jeter-like players on the Yanks in 2004.
- Manny Ramirez Jersey -- do you walk through life with a goofy grin plastered on your face? If so, this error-prone uni will fit like a glove.
- Joe Montana Jersey -- the 49ers #16 is a timeless classic. If you need a comeback, there's no better uni to slip on than this red and gold number.
It's All By Design
Wednesday October 27, 2004 4:00AM PT

Designer Handbags
| Remember when a clothing label simply told you to "lay flat to dry" or just served as a nagging reminder that you were an XL instead of an L? Always found on the inside of your duds, labels remained largely hidden from prying eyes.
These days, we're a society obsessed with labels, now worn on the outside and usually blaring someone else's name.
With a spate of celebrity newcomers to the fashion game (think Hilary Duff, Paris Hilton, and Nicole Richie), we'll have plenty more famous names to choose from. And it's not just couture clothing that's slapped with a designer label. Everything from pet accessories to food is fair game for branding with that extra special designer look. If you, too, feel the need to go designer from head to toe, try on our top 10 list of "designer" searches:
Designer handbags
Designer checks
Designer shoes
Designer wedding gowns
Designer dresses
Designer baby clothes
Designer sunglasses
Designer jeans
Designer furniture
Designer dog collars
And if you believe "nothing succeeds like excess," we offer a few "designer" searches that might push the polished look over the top:
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