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User Password: * Re-enter User Password: *
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Telephone: Bp or Mob: Zip:
Terms of Service: A. About memorial service 1). When you establish a memorial for somebody who is still alive, if the person lodges an objection, we have the right to cancel this memorial; 2). When you establish memorial for decedent, if the decedent's family lodge an objection, we have the right to cancel this memorial; 3). If anybody who wants to establish a memorial by use of his clan name, please definite their main habitation place and family title. 4). For disputed historical person, if you do respect the descendent, you can establish a memorial for him, and should not have any disparaging; 5). For users who register with fake information, we have the right to stop service. 6). Anyone who insults at others intentionally will be charged with legal duty. 7). Please do not do anything that is politically sensitive to thecountry or region.where Netor server locates. B. General terms of Service 1) Confirmation and acceptance of the service terms All the ownership and operation rights of Netor's e-services belong to Netor .com Co. Ltd. Netor's service will follow its released rules completely.Service items and operation rules will be carried out strictly. Users can become formal only if they agree with all the service rules and follow the registry procedure. 2) Brief introduction of service With the Internet, Netor provides net services for users by use of their own operation system. At the same time, users must: (1) Equip their own equipment for connecting with Internet, including personal computer, modem or some other equipment which is necessary for connecting with Internet; (2) Burden their own telephone fee and net fee of connecting with Internet related to these services. Because of the importance of the services provided by Netor, users must agree to: (1) Provide detailed and true personal information; (2) Continue update their registration information, in accordance with the in-time, detailed and true requirements. Netor will not open users name, address, E-mail address and pseudonym, only except for the following: (1) Netor has the authorization of user to open such information; (2) Netor is demanded to provide users' personal information in accordance with related law and procedure If there is untrue information in the user's registration information, Netor preserves the right to stop the user's qualification to use the Netor's net service. 3) Modification of service terms and emendation of services Netor has the right to modify the service terms, once the service clause of Netor is modified, Netor will prompt the contents of modification in some important page, which user can abolish the net service from Netor. If the users still use the net services, it means they accept the modification of service clause. Netor preserves the right to modify or abolish the service at anytime without notifing the users in advance. When Netor executes the right to modify or abolish the service, he should not answer for the users or any others. 4) Users' privacy regulation It is Netor's essential policy to respect users' privacy. Therefore, as a supplement to analysis of personal registration information showed above, Netor will not open, edit or disclose the users' registration information and unopened contents saved in Netor's server without users' authorization. But for law demand or on the base of good faith, Netor thinks it is necessary to disclose the information under the following situation: (1) Abide by related law; abide by legal service procedure of Netor; (2) Keep up maintenance the Netor's property of his brand; (3) Under the situation of emergency, try to maintenance the safety of user's own or popular privacy; (4) According with some other related requirement. 5) Users' accounts, passwords and safety Once user completes registration successfully and becomes a legal user of Netor, an username and a password will be given. User will be responsible for the safety of this username and password completely. In addition, each user should take completely responsibility for any action and event with the given username. User can change password following the instruction at anytime. If user find any illegal use of account or there be any safety security problems, please contact Netor immediately. 6) Disclaimer of warranties Your use of the service is at your sole risk. Netor expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but has no limits to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Netor makes no warranty that (i) the service will meet your requirements, (ii) the service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, (iii) any shopping or business procedure from Netor. 7) Limitation of liability You expressly understand and agree that Netor shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special and consequential damages. These damages may come from: unfitting use of net service, shopping or similar service through the net, business on the net, illegal use of net service or the change of the information transferred by user, etc. All of these action will make the appearance of Netor be damaged, so Netor notifies the possibility of these deforms in advance. 8) The storage and restriction about users' information Netor doesn't take responsibility for the failure of deleting/storage of users' delivery information. Netor preserves the right to judge the action of user in accordance with the requirement and spirit of Netor's service clause, i.e., if user violates the regulation of service clause, Netor has the right to stop providing net service. 9) Management of users Users should be responsible for their delivery contents by themselves. Users should use the net service on the basis of all the national law, local law and international law fitting for Netor. Users must abide with: (1) Never use net service for illegal use; (2) Never disturb or confused net service; (3) Abide by all the net protocol, regulation, procedure and tradition of net service use. Users must promise never to transfer any illegal, annoy, aspersed others, abused, terrified, damaged, vulgar, obscenity information. In addition, it is illegal for any users to transfer any data which result in the enticement of others to commit a crime, to transfer any data that make disadvantage situation worse inside nation or involved with nation security, to transfer any data not according with local laws, nation laws and international laws.It is forbidden that people enter other computer system without authorization. If the actions of users do not accord with the upper terms of service, Netor will cancel the users' service accounts. Users should take charge with law for their net action. If users spread and deliver reactionary, sexed or other illegal information, the records in Netor may be the evidences of users guilty. 10) Guarantee User agrees to guarantee and maintenance the profit of all Netor members, takes responsibility for paying the lawyer fee resulted by his or her use out of service scope and the compensation fee for damage resulted by his or her violating terms of service. 11) Termination Users or Netor can terminate one or more net service at anytime. Netor can terminate service without answering for any individual or others at anytime. If users have an objection to the modification of terms or be dissatisfied with Netor's service, users can execute the following right: (1) Terminate to use Netor's service; (2) Notify Netor to abolish the service for the users. After terminating the user service, the right of user to use the net service is terminated. From then on, user has no right and Netor has no obligation to transfer any untreated information or uncompleted service to user or third party. 12) Notification All the notifications for users will be delivered via bulletin on important pages , E-mail or normal correspondence. The modification of terms of service, amend of service or other important things will be notified by this way as well. 13) Participate in plan of adevertisement Users put in business data or participate in advertisement in their information in Netor, show their related goods with Netor free service.Only you and your adevertiser are involved with any these promotion ways including goods transmission, payment or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings. Netor shall not be responsible or liable for any such advertisers on the Service. 14) Proprietary Rights of net service Net services defined by Netor include: every possession within words, software, sound, photograph, video, chart and advertisement; all contents of emails; and other information that Netor has provided for users. All the contents are in the protection of copyright, trademark, sign and other property laws. Therefore, user could only use these contents under authorization of Netor and advertiser, instead of making bold to copy, recreate these contents, or create any products deriving from these contents. The copyright of all articles in Netor belongs to original authors or with Netor mutually. Any people must get authorization of original authors or Netor if he needs to republish articles in Netor. 16) Laws Net service terms should comply with the explanation of all the laws of the country or region where Netor server locates. Both Netor and its users will agree all the management of court. If some service terms of Netor conflict with local laws, these terms will be re-explained fully complying with laws and regulations, but other terms still have law impact and validity to users.
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