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Build a memorial in a minute

1:Click Sign Up, register a username;

2:Enter the memorial building system with this username and user password; 

3:Input memorial title and memorial password to build up large multi-functional memorial automatically; 

4:Please follow  the law of your country and social morality when you build a memorial.

Assistant E-Mail: help01@netor.com

Function details

1.Multi functions: The multi-functional  memorial which is built up automatically, its main functions are:

  A) Visitors can dedicate flowers, songs, candles, incense and drinks;

  B) Guest book and forum;

  C) Upload photos to build up albums;

  D) Build up commemorating anthology online;

  F) Friendship connection, link to other Web sites;

  G) Homepage encryption (Only those who have your permission have access);

  H) Convenient management. Using memorial password you defined when building up the memorial, you can manage the forum and guest book by yourself.


2.Modify a Memorial very easy: When building up the memorial, only the memorial title and memorial password are needed (Single memorial password, it can be the same with the user password). A multi-functional commemorating memorial can be build up automatically. If you want to have changes in your memorial such as reselecting template, correcting words or changing photos, you can use your username and user password to enter the memorial building system at any time.

Security explanation

1 User password is used for building up and modifying memorials. It can also be used to change memorial password. memorial password is only used for the management of forum, album, anthology, flower, song, candles and incense. User password and memorial password can be the same or not.

2 If you want to encrypt your memorial, cancel "open this memorial completely" when you build up or modify the memorial and then input the names of those who have your permission to visit the memorial.

3 In order to guarantee the dignity and right of the people who are commemorated, new memorials must be approved by webmasters of Netor.com before they are opened to public. If you change the homepage of the memorial, it is also necessary to ask the approval of Netor's webmaster before it is reopened. 

4 The checking time of Netor's webmasters are :9: 00£»11: 00£»13: 00£»17: 00£»The memorial enters into Netor.com's index system after it was opened for public visiting forever. If you want to quicken the opening of the memorials, please contact: web@netor.com.

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