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  [每日英语] 古德明的“生活英语”
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 21 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Tamara: Have you seen Michael Morone’s latest movie? It’s just been released.


Onslow: No. I probably won’t bother. I’m sure it’s just another of his action movies. He can’t act, he’s just a hunk with a gun.


Tamara: Oh no. This one’s different. He plays a guy whose wife and kids get killed in a plane crash and then tries to rebuild his life.


Onslow: That doesn’t sound like a Michael Morone movie at all. Is he any good?


Tamara: Well, I didn’t think he could act either but he’s brilliant at portraying the way his character’s feelings change and develop. It’s a revelation.


Onslow: Well I might go just to see if I agree with you.



2006-7-27 0:50:38   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 22 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  多学一点点 想不到的事

翁斯洛说不准备看莫罗尼最新的电影:I probably won’t bother. He can’t act, he’s just a hunk with a gunBother是“费神”,常用于否定句,表示不必费神,例如:Don’t bother to close the windows; it won’t rain(不必麻烦关窗了,不会下雨的)。

Hunk本是指“一大块”。He hungrily tore off a hunk of meat/ bread and stuffed it into his mouth即“他饿得很,撕下一大块肉/ 面包,塞进口里去”。引申其义,体格魁梧的汉子,俚语也叫hunk,例如:Our PE teacher, a hunk of a man, became our idol(我们的体育老师是个彪形大汉,成为我们的偶像)。留意a hunk of a man这句式,等于说the man is a hunk。以下是两个类似的例子:(1) The idiot of a husband did not know that he had been cuckolded(那丈夫是个笨蛋,不知道自己做了乌龟)。(2) An angel of a nurse, she takes good care of the sick(她是个天使般的护士,悉心照顾病人)。

塔玛拉说想不到莫罗尼的演技那么精湛:It’s a revelation。动词reveal即“显示”或“泄漏”,例如:She revealed her age by accident(她无意中泄漏了自己的年龄)。Reveal的名词是revelation而不是revealation,正如pronounce(发音)的名词是pronunciation而不是pronounciationRevelation常用来指“令人意外的揭示”,例如:That their son was so musical was a revelation to them(他们这时才发觉儿子那么有音乐才华)。英文还有一个动词revel,但那是“欢宴作乐”、“狂喜”的意思,和revelation无关,例如:They reveled in their newfound freedom(他们新获自由,欣喜不已)。

2006-7-27 0:52:17   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 23 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Virginia: I can’t understand why Mary is so difficult.


Hugh: She seems to resent so much our having loaned money to her sisters.


Virginia: I know, but they both need help with starting out in life. Getting the money to put down a deposit on your first apartment is very difficult without help.


Hugh: And she knows that she’ll be treated the same when she’s in their position.


Virginia: And yet she still seems consumed with jealousy of her sisters for what they have received from us.


Hugh: She was always a difficult child and she hasn’t got any easier to handle.


Virginia: I think we need to sit down with her and have a serious talk about all this.



2006-7-27 23:57:18   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 24 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  多学一点点 妒火满腔

维吉妮雅谈到女儿玛丽:I can’t understand why Mary is so difficultDifficult一般指事情“困难”;用来说人,则有“难相处”、“难讨好”或“难管教”的意思,例如:(1) He’s a difficult employer, and I don’t want to work for him(他是个很苛刻的雇主,我不想为他工作)。(2) I suspect that your parents are going to be difficult about your marrying him(我猜你父母会执意反对你和他结婚)。

维吉妮雅又谈到两个大女儿:They both need help with starting out in lifeStart out是动词片语(phrasal verb),指“开始(做某事)”或“展开(人生一个阶段)”,例如:(1) It is never easy to start out on a new career(展开新的事业从来不容易)。(2) We started out as a small company with only six staff(我们开始时是一家小公司,只有6个职员)。

玛丽知道父母对女儿一视同仁,但还是很妒忌两个姐姐:She still seems consumed with jealousyConsume常用来说“消费”或“吃喝”,例如:(1) Keeping pets consumes both time and money(养宠物既花时间又花钱)。(2) The hungry refugees consumed a large amount of food(饥饿的难民吃了很多东西)。把“吃”的意思引申,被大火吞噬或被强烈感情所苦,也可用consume来说,例如:(1) The flames consumed our house(火焰把我们的房子烧毁了)。(2) Hatred consumed him/ He was consumed with hatred(他满腔仇恨)。强烈的感情则可用consuming形容,例如:Driven by consuming curiosity, Pandora opened the box(潘朵拉被强烈好奇心驱使,把盒子打开了)。


2006-7-28 0:01:09   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 25 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友
以下是引用*阮方在2006-7-21 0:19:46的发言:


苏州过后无艇搭= 机不可失=Now or never

苏州过后无艇搭= 机不可失=Now or never



2006-7-28 0:08:07   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 26 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Webster: Do you remember that huge earthquake disaster last year?


Billie: I do. It was terrible. More than seven thousand people killed I think and countless more injured.


Webster: That’s right. And at the time a lot of governments around the world pledged millions of dollars in aid for the victims and to help reconstruction.


Billie: Yes, that was really good. A lot of individuals around the world also contributed quite a lot of money.


Webster: Well according to this report quite a few of the governments who promised money have been backing away from the commitments they made.


Billie: Gosh, that’s really terrible. And the money is needed so badly.



2006-7-29 0:09:05   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 27 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  多学一点点 超过、承诺

毕利谈到去年一场地震:More than seven thousand people (were) killed I think and countless more (were) injured。书面上,句子的第一个were不可省略,第二个则可以。

现在请回答一个问题:more than 7,000 people改为over 7,000 people可不可以?按美国报刊不少不用over说“超过”,而用more than。这规则始于1877年,当时美国诗人布赖恩特(WC Bryant)主办《纽约晚邮报》(New York Evening Post),编定员工用字手册,其中一条训示就是“超过”不可说over。他没有解释原因,但美国报界至今还受他影响。其实这条布赖恩特训示没有根据。美国小说家海明威(Ernest Hemingway)笔下即有He must be over fifty(他一定超过50岁)一语,英国诗人奥登(WH Auden)笔下也有Mr Kallman and I have been close friends for over thirty years(卡尔曼先生和我是30多年的好朋友)一语。当然,假若见到有人坚持用more than取代over,你也不必和他争辩,心里明白就是了。

现在要谈A lot of governments around the world pledged millions of dollars in aid for the victims一语。Pledge即“承诺给与”,其后受词(object)就是所承诺的事物,例如:I pledged (him) my cooperation (=I pledged to cooperate ( with him)我答应(和他)合作)Pledge millions of dollars in aidin aid是“在救济上”的意思,inin the form of或“以某种形式”含义,谨再举一例:The company donated $300,000 dollars in equipment to help the earthquake victims(那家公司捐出30万元设备帮助地震灾民)。

2006-7-29 0:13:59   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!*阮方 积分:2280 等级:城之守望者 文章:456 积分:2280 注册:2002年11月13日     第 28 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友




2006-7-29 0:43:19   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 29 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Jock: I heard that you had some bad luck with your car the other day.


Harry: Yes, a truck backed into it in the parking lot and wrecked it. It was five years old so the insurance money isn’t enough to cover the cost of replacing it.


Jock: That’s enough. But didn’t I hear that Paul was willing to loan you his second car?


Harry: Yes, it’s kind of him, but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to take it. It’s older than mine was.


Jock: Oh, come on. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. I know it’s OK because I saw his sister driving it last week.



n  多学一点点 真倒霉,车毁了

乔克见到哈利,说:I heard that you had some bad luck with your carLuckfortune都可解作“运气”,两字往往通用,例如乔克那句话的bad luck大可改为misfortune。成语as luck would have it也可以,例如:(1) As luck/ fortune would have it, he turned up just when I wanted to see him(巧得很,我正想见他,他就来了)。(2) As luck/ fortune would have it, I was laid low by a bad cold on the day of the examination(真倒霉,考试那天,我患重感冒,病倒在床)。

哈利谈到自己的汽车怎样遭殃:A truck backed into it in the parking lot and wrecked itLot可以指“一块地”,例如:We bought a small lot and built a house on it(我们买了一小块地,起了一栋房子)。Parking lot就是停车场,等于car park,例如:The parking lots downtown charge expensively(市中心停车场收费很不便宜)。

Wreck是“毁坏”,作动词、名词都可以,例如:He committed suicide after his hopes were wrecked/ He committed suicide after the wreck of his hopes(他希望破灭,自杀死了)。船只害上遇难,叫shipwreck,就是取“毁坏”的意思,例如:A rescue operation was mounted as soon as news of the shipwreck was received(当局一接到船难消息,马上展开救援行动)。

哈利不大喜欢保罗免费借给他的汽车,乔克说:Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth。这是成语,直译是“获人增马,不要张开马口来看”。看马的牙齿,可以知道马年不年轻值不值钱。所以,Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth是“收到礼物,不要挑剔”的意思。

2006-7-30 0:22:01   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 30 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友
以下是引用*阮方在2006-7-29 0:43:19的发言:














2006-7-30 0:26:49   举报 |  |  顶端