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  [每日英语] 古德明的“生活英语”
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 41 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

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Meera: Your brother rushed past me in the street just now. Didn’t even stop to say hello.


Teddy: Well you know he’s a keen bird watcher don’t you?


Meera: Of course, he’s always been a keen ornithologist. Never stops talking about birds.


Teddy: Well, he’s just come back from a bird-watching expedition in the Warra mountains.


Meera: It’s beautiful up there but very wild.


Teddy: I know, and he thinks they spotted a very rare bird, which was thought to be extinct in this country. They were ecstatic when they spotted it.


Meera: No wonder he was excited. But where was he going?


Teddy: To the local newspaper to make a report and give them a photograph of the bird.



2006-8-21 0:07:05   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 42 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  多学一点点 登山观鸟,乐不可支

泰迪谈到他弟弟:He’s just come back from a bird-watching expedition in the Warra mountainsMountain是“山”,复数形式的mountains常用来说同一名字的群山,即a mountain chaina mountain range(山脉= a chain/ range of mountains),例如the Himalaya Mountains(喜马拉雅山脉)、the Rocky Mountains(落矶山脉)等。假若略去mountains一字,则山名用复数,例如the Himalayasthe Rockies等。

Mountainhill中文都译作“山”,但hill一般没有mountain那么高,很小的山可叫hillock,例如:(1) At the bottom of the towering mountains stand some hills(高耸的群山下有些小山)。(2) There is a temple on top of the hillock(那山岗上有一座庙)。

有时,你还会看到mount字,等于mountainhill,但除了在文学和古典作品外,这个字现在只见于专有名词(proper noun)之中,可略作Mt,例如:(1) The highest mountain in the world is Mount/ Mt Everest(全球最高的山,是埃弗勒斯峰)。(2) Marry listened to Jesus’s sermon on the mount(不少人听了耶稣的山上宝训)。

泰迪的弟弟和观鸟同伴看到一种稀有鸟:They were ecstatic when they spotted itEcstatic(狂喜)的名词是ecstasyEcstasy所说的快乐,比happinessjoydelight更为强烈;此外,那三字指“快乐”,是不可数名词(uncountable noun);ecstasy则作可数(countable)或不可数名词都可以,例如:The thought of a two-week vacation in Austria threw her into ecstasy/ a state of ecstasy/ an ecstasy/ ecstasies(她想到去奥地利度假两个星期,乐不可支)。

2006-8-21 0:09:45   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 43 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

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Louis: How is your mom enjoying her retirement? I’ll bet she’s glad she’s finished with full-time work.


Benedetta: You don’t know my mom. She’s never been busier. I see her less now than when she was working.


Louis: Gee, what’s keeping her so busy?


Benedetta: Charity work. As soon as she retired, she threw herself into charity work for the disabled.


Louis: That’s a great thing to do, contributing to society in that way even after you’ve retired. What kind of work does she do?


Benedetta: She helps to organize fund-raising events. She’s helped to raise over $100,000 so far this year.


Louis: That’s fantastic. You must be really proud of her.



2006-8-22 0:23:34   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 44 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  多学一点点 退休了

路易士谈到贝内黛塔的母亲:I’ll bet she’s glad she’s finished with full-time workFinish something是“完成某事”,be/ have finished with something则是“不再做某事”,意思不同,例如:(1) He finished smoking(他吸完了烟)。(2) He was/ had (forever) finished with smoking(他(永远)戒烟了)。Be/ have finished with还有“不再需要”、“不再来往”的意思,例如:(1) Have you finished with the typewriter?(你还要用打字机吗?)(2) “I’m finished with him!” she said bitterly(她恨恨的说:“我不再和他来往了!”)

Be/ have finished with有一个同义词:be / have done with,例如你可以说He had done with smokingI’m done with him等。贝内黛塔告诉路易士:You don’t know my mom。留意know someone除了解作“认识某人”,还可解作“了解某人的脾气”,成语if I know somebody就有“除非我不了解他,否则他一定会……”含义,例如:(1) If I know him, he will offer to help you without being asked(除非我不了解他,否则他一定会主动提议给你援手,不用你请求)。(2) If you think I will give up that easily, then you don’t know me(假若你以为我会这样容易罢休,你就不了解我)。

贝内黛塔的母亲退休后即致力慈善工作:She threw herself into charity workThrow oneself into something指“热心从事某些工作”,如:(1) He threw himself into the environmental protection campaign(他致力环保运动)。(2) We threw ourselves into learning English when we relocated to the United States(我们迁居美国后,努力学习英文)。

2006-8-22 0:27:51   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 45 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  对话

Manny: What are you doing this weekend? Anything exciting?


Sam: I’m going to the National Park with our climbing club to do some rock climbing.


Manny: Wow! Isn’t that dangerous? I’d be scared of falling off and injuring myself or worse.


Sam: Well, if you’re reasonably experienced and don’t take unnecessary risks, you should be all right.


Manny: What’s it like being on a rock face? It must be very scary.


Sam: All you’re thinking about is where to get the next good foot and handhold so you can keep making safe progress up the face.


Manny: It must be great when you get to the top.


Sam: Oh, it is. You feel exhilarated because you have met and overcome a great challenge.



2006-8-23 0:21:37   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 46 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  多学一点点 攀岩壁

山姆说,攀岩壁只要小心就不会危险:You should be all right. All right可以改为alright吗?

按不少字典都有收录alright一字,但多数注明“这写法或视为错误”。有英文学者指出,already(已经)出于all ready(全都准备好),altogether(完全)出于all together(所有一起),all rightalright应该也可以同样并存而且分工,例如以The prices are alright表示“价钱还合理”,而以The prices are all right表示“价钱都正确”。不过,这只是理论;目前,除非你不怕被视为“没有教育”,否则还是不要写alright

曼尼问山姆:What’s it like being on a rock face? What is something like不是问“某事物像什么”,而是问“某事物是怎样的”,例如:“What’s the weather like in Singapore?” “ it is hot and humid throughout the year”(“新加坡的天气怎样?”“新加坡四季都炎热潮湿。”)曼尼那一句,itbeing on a rock face的代名词;句子假若写作What’s being on a rock face like?文法没有错,但说起来很拗口,所以一般会改用it作主词(subject),而把being on a rock face置于句末。这里再举一例:It is useless trying to reason with him (= Trying to reason with him is useless和他讲道理是没有用的)

山姆说爬到岩壁顶端心情振奋:You feel exhilarated. Exhilarated是“使高兴”或“振奋”,例如:(1) We were exhilarated by the success of the experiment(实验成功,令我们大感兴奋)。(2) The fresh air was exhilarating(清新的空气,令人精神一振)。


2006-8-23 0:27:49   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 47 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

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Melissa: That was a terrible job interview. I hope I never have one like that again.


Lonnie: Interviews are never much fun. Did they give you a hard time?


Melissa: I’ll say. It was a panel of four senior managers. I think they were competing to see who could give me the toughest time.


Lonnie: That must have been really bad. How could they expect you to do your best if they treated you like that?


Melissa: The worst part was when they asked me to make a short presentation.


Lonnie: That must have been really tough.


Melissa: I managed to say a few sentences but I felt so nervous I got completely tongue-tied. I just couldn’t carry on, so I left.



2006-8-25 0:27:10   举报 |  |  顶端
我不在线哦!yangnan 积分:6048 等级:版主 文章:1240 积分:6048 注册:2003年6月22日     第 48 楼 个人展示 | QQ | 邮箱 | 主页 | 发短信 | 加为好友

n  多学一点点 难捱的面试

梅利莎求职面试回来,朗尼问:Did they give you a hard time? 现在先谈谈time字的两个用法。

Time指一个场合,习惯冠以a字;多个同样的场合则可叫times,例如:(1) Did you have a good/ fun/ jolly/ wonderful time last night at the party?(你昨晚在派对上玩得开心吗?)(2) Men reveal their true selves in times of danger(在危险的时候,人就会显露真我)。A hard time是指一次不愉快的经历。

复数形式的times则多用来说一个时代,但不用复数形式也可以,例如:In Mao’s times/ time, tens of millions of Chinese died of starvation(毛泽东时代,中国人饿死的数以千万计)。狄更斯有一本小说叫Hard Times,中文译做《艰难时世》,这和梅利莎的a hard time当然很不相同。

梅利莎谈到主持面试者:I think they were competing to see who could give me the toughest time。说“竞争”,英文常用compete一字,其后可用with带出和谁竞争,用for带出所争的事物,同义词vie用法相同,例如:(1) Their company competed/ vied with us for the $200 million order(他们的公司和我们争夺那两亿美元定单)。(2) I think they were vying to see who could give me the toughest time

梅利莎最后张口结舌而退:I got completely tongue-tired。“张口结舌”也可叫at a loss for words,例如:He was tongue-tied/ at a loss for words when I gave him the lie(我揭穿他说谎,他马上张口结舌)。To give someone the lie即“借摘某人撒谎”。


2006-8-25 0:36:01   举报 |  |  顶端