Representations of History in Chinese Film and Television


Title and end song of the TV drama

The TV drama „Zou xiang gonghe“ is accompanied by two songs which are played during the opening and final credits. The music was composed by well-known musician and composer Xu Peidong, who also sings the opening song. The final song, however, is sung by the famous female singer Song Zuying.

Song Zuying was born on August 13, 1966, in Guzhang county in Hunan province and belongs to the Miao minority. She graduated from the Central Minority University in Beijing with a degree in music and dance. Currently, she is member of a song and dance performance group of the Chinese army. Song Zuying is well-known for her pronounced patriotic songs which are very popular in China. She is one of China’s most well-known singers today.

Next to the poetic baseline, the two song texts of “Zou xiang gonghe” also have a distinctly patriotic character:

Opening song „Towards the Republic“ 走向共和
Text: Xiao Guang 晓光
Music: Xu Peidong 徐沛东
Performed by: Xu Peidong 徐沛东


一年年 花开花落,冬去春来,草木又蓬勃

一页页 历史翻过,前浪远去,后浪更磅礴

一座座 火山爆发,天崩地裂,君王美梦破

一顶顶 皇冠落地,斗转星移,世事有新说

一滴滴 水滴石穿,粉身碎骨,志向永不舍

一曲曲 浩荡长歌,起伏回响,悲壮动心魄

一代代 仁人志士,救国救民,上下求索

一辈辈 英雄好汉,前赴后继,热血染江河






Year after year, flowers blossom, flowers wither, winter departs, spring arrives, and the flora prospers again.

Page by page, history is leafed; waves from before have already rolled by, waves following them are even mightier.

Volcano after volcano erupts, the heavens collapse and the earth rips apart; the pretty dreams of princes and kings are shattered.

Imperial crowns topple one after another, the stars alter their constellations and the world speaks of something novel.

Drop by drop, water curbs stone, bodies crumble to ashes, bones decay, but ideals will never be forsaken.

Song after song, the long chants resound, rising and receding they echo, filled with tragic they shake the hearts and souls.

Generation by generation, people who are guided by high ideals rescue their country and people, the young and the old await them.

Generation by generation, brave heroes stride ahead; hot blood colours rivers and currents.

Winds have blown past, rain has fallen and iron hoofs have passed by without mercy.

Fire flared up and swords were struck, merciless tearing apart.

Gently stroking the scars, the head rises and swallows the humiliation which burns like fire.

Having passed trough a long night, over bumpy paths, we step into the dawn of day.

Final Song „Youthful yearnings“ 年轻的向往
Text: Xiao Guang 晓 光
Music: Xu Peidong 徐沛东
Performed by: Song Zuying 宋祖英


秋的落叶 春的花香,天地在轮的激流中动荡

血已冷了 还有热泪,眼睛中闪烁着愤怒的信仰

秋的悲凉 春的希望,爱怀恨给了我呐喊的力量

废墟下面 新绿萌芽,用生命去换取自由的阳光。

春天是我们的 春潮滚滚而来

就是那冬天 也不曾夺去我们年轻的 向往.


Autumn leaves, spring’s flowery scent, the world turns in impetuous cataclysm.

Blood has long cooled, but hot tears are still shed; furious belief glares up in the eyes.

Autumn’s misery, spring’s hopefulness, love and hatred give me power to fight.

Out of ruins young sprouts emerge, committing their life to the sunlight of freedom.

Spring is ours, spring waves are approaching!

Not even the past winter could deprive us of our youthful yearnings.

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