Representations of History in Chinese Film and Television


Sun Feihu (孙飞虎)

Sun Feihu (孙飞虎)
Sun Feihu won several prizes for his interpretation of Jiang Jieshi since he made his debut in this role in “Xi’an shibian” in 1981. Sun Feihu was born in Shanghai in 1941, and studied acting at the Shanghai Theatre Academy (Shanghai xiju xueyuan 上海戏剧学院), where he graduated in 1964. Before he was employed as an actor at the Xi’an Film Studios (Xi’an dianying zhipianchang 西安电影制片厂) in 1985, he was acting in a troupe in Guizhou province.
Since embodying Jiang Jieshi for the first time in the movie “The Xi’an Incident” (Xi’an shibian 西安事变) in 1981, he has acted the role of Jiang Jieshi more than 30 times. Nevertheless, he does not consider himself a typical role model actor, having also acted in different roles, e.g. as Zeng Guofan (曾国藩) in “The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom” (Taiping Tianguo 太平天国), or in the role of an old boss in the movie “My Lucky Stars” (Fuxing gao zhao 福星高照).
The movies in which Sun acted Jiang in different stages of his life include:

  • “The Assassination of Wang Jingwei” (Cisha Wang Jingwei 刺杀汪精卫), 1988
  • “The Kunlun column“ (Weiwei kun lun 巍巍昆仑), 1988
  • “The Birth of New China” (Kaiguo dadian 开国大典), 1989
  • “San Mao Joins the Army“ (San Mao congjun ji 三毛从军记, 1993
  • “Chongqing Negotiations“ (Chongqing tanpan 重庆谈判), 1993
  • “Great War in Ning Hu Hang” (Dazhan Ning-Hu-Hang 大战宁沪杭), 1999
  • “The Grave Robbers“ (Dongling dadao 东陵大盗), (in 5 parts), 1986-88

Sun Feihu has won many awards in his career. For his first acting of Jiang in “Xi’an shibian” he promptly received two awards: The “Golden Rooster Award”, chosen by a jury of cinema experts, for “best supporting actor”, and the “Ten Great Actors Award“ (shi jia yanyuan jiang, 十佳演员奖). For the movie “The Kunlun column” he won the “Hundred Flowers Award”, organised by the journal “Popular Cinema” (Dazhong dianying 大众电影) and based on viewers’ votes, as “best supporting actor”. For the movie “Kaiguo dadian” he won two awards as “best supporting actor”, i.e. at the “Golden Rooster Award” and at the “Hundred Flowers Award”. In 1993 he again performed the role of Jiang Jieshi in the movie "Chongqing tanpan" and was awarded the “Hundred Flowers Award” for “best supporting actor” another time. For the role of Jiang Jieshi in the TV series „Life of the Young Marshal” [i.e. Zhang Xueliang] (Shao shuai chun qiu, 少帅春秋) he was also awarded.


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© 2007 Gotelind Müller-Saini