Representations of History in Chinese Film and Television

Scenes 1 to 10
Scenes 11 to 20
Scenes 21 to 30
Scenes 31 to 40
Scenes 41 to 50
Scenes 51 to 54

Scenes 31 to 40

Scene 31: November 1914, Tokyo, a snowy night

Exiled members of the Revolutionary Party in Tokyo sort out old papers in their lodging. Huang Xing comes in and asks about Sun Yat-sen. Sun is not there, and the members of the Revolutionary Party are devided on how to behave with Huang who had challenged Sun at the founding of the new "Revolutionary Party". When he takes his leave, Huang gives them a golden watch to finance their activities. Then everybody says a friendly good-bye.

Scene 32: 1914, Sun Yatsen's studio in Tokyo

Soong Qingling comes back from Huang Xing’s leave-taking and tells Sun that Miyazaki asked why he has not come. Sun is in a depressive mood, and by accident throws down a set of Chinese chess. When Qingling picks up the chess figures, Sun invites her to play chess. Since she claims not to know how to play "Chinese chess" (she has been educated in America), Sun explains it ho her. (This is a hint at their relationship becoming more intimate). In October 1915 the two of them marry in a church in Tokyo.
(The marriage in a Christian church is another hint at Sun's and Soong Qingling's Christian background).

Scene 33: May 18th, 1916, Chen Qimei's house in Shanghai

There are some visitors for Chen Qimei; Chen thinks it is because of a commemoration for Song Jiaoren. The visitors are a Japanese and two men dressed like bank clerks. When Chen comes in to greet them, one of the men shoots him dead.

Scene 34: October 10th, 1916, Shanghai, on a military paddock

Huang Xing watches his son riding and then climbs a horse himself. On the horse he suddenly spits blood and falls down.

Scene 35: October 30th, 1916, Huang Xing's house in Shanghai

Sun Yat-sen comes to Huang Xing's house and visits his old comrade-in-arms, who is very ill, for reconciliation.

Scene 36: October 31st, 1916, Shanghai

Huang Xing's funeral is accompanied by a traditional Hunan-style funeral procession. Miyazaki also attends the funeral.

Scene 37: July 1917, Shanghai

Sun, Liao Zhongkai 廖仲凱, Zhu Zhixin, and Chen Jiongming 陳炯明 inspect a warship. Sun feels sad because his two old comrades, Huang Xing and Chen Qimei, are dead; he wishes they could be there to inspect the troops together. Chen Jiongming says he wants to establish an army that will obey Sun (which marks his later actions – see below – as a clear case of treason).

Scene 38: June 1920, Fujian province

The generals of the Guangdong Army, Chen Jiongming, Zhu Zhixin, Chiang Kai-shek and Deng Keng 鄧鏗 are in front of a map talking about the impending military action (the conquest of Guangdong) and drink. The generals walk and talk. Zhu Zhixin is enthusiastic and confident and points even to the October Revolution as a sign of hope, but the others see also problems, e.g. that there is too little money.
(This is the first scene set after the time of the October Revolution which is immediately mentioned).

Scene 39: September 1920, Sun's house in Shanghai, at night

The generals at Sun's living room listen to music from a gramophone. Chiang Kai-shek wants to turn it off, but Liao Zhongkai stops him, pointing to Zhu Zhixin who is just listening to the music. Sun comes and says that the banks will not supply 100.000 Yuan. Therefore he wants to mortgage his house and, if that should not be enough, he wants to ask Mr. Hardoon to lend him some money.

Scene 40: 1920, at Hardoons' garden in Shanghai

Mr. and Mrs Hardoon give Sun 50.000 Yuan; Sun writes a calligraphy as a reminder. (Here again, Sun is presented rather traditionally Chinese by writing a calligraphy).

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